Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 17 —— Regulation of the OTC Derivatives Market

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Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 17 —— Regulation of the OTC Derivatives Market

  • exchange —— 存在exchange clearing house,requires margin

  • OTC trade directly with each other,no need to disclose the ditails

17.1 Clearing in OTC Markets

  • 两种方式:
    • central clearing 有CCP,central counterparty 存在
    • bilateral clearing

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 17 —— Regulation of the OTC Derivatives Market

17.1.1 Margin 保证金

  • Variation margin 变动保证金—— reflect the change in the value of a derivatives portfolio

  • if outstanding derivatives have a value of +VtoAand*V* to A and –V to B at a particular time, B should have posted a total of $V of collateral with A by that time

  • To allow for adverse movements in the value of the portfolio during a period prior to default when no margin is being posted, market participants sometimes require initial margin in addition to variation margin

  • reflects the risk of a loss due to adverse market moves and the costs of replacing transactions在违约变现的情况下,如果价格往不利方向变动,则可以用初始保证金弥补

  • hair cut —— This means that the market value of the securities is reduced to determine their value for margin purposes

  • initial margin 是有利息的

17.1.2 Central Clearing

  • 通过Central Clearing 交易双方没有信用风险

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 17 —— Regulation of the OTC Derivatives Market

  • 三家大型的CCP in the world

    • Swap Clear(part of LCH Clearnet in London)
    • ClearPort(part of the CME Group in Chicago)
    • ICE Clear Credit(part of the Intercontinental Exchange)
  • Cash and Treasury instruments are usually accepted as margin by CCPs

  • he initial margin required from a participant at any given time reflects the volatility of the value of its total position with the CCP

  • CCP 要求会员贡献default fund

  • waterfall defines who bears the loss:

    • The initial margin of the defaulting member
    • The default fund contribution of the member
    • The default fund contributions of other members
    • The equity of the CCP

17.1.3 Bilateral Clearing

  • 使用ISDA master agreement
  • 细节包括抵押的使用,品种,haircut使用在CSA,信用支持附件中

17.1.4 Netting

  • all transactions between two parties are considered to be a single transaction when:

    • collateral requirements are being calculated计算抵押品时
    • early terminations occur because of a default违约提前终止时
  • netting 可以降低信用风险,减少initial margin

17.1.5 Events of Default

  • early termination的情形包括:

    • Events of default include declarations of bankruptcy
    • failure to make payments as they are due
    • failure to post collateral when required
  • derivatives transactions 不需要法院命令即可处置抵押品

17.2 Post Crisis Regulatory Changes 危机后监管变化

  • 变化包括:
    • 要求所有标准OTC衍生品在CCP结算
    • 标准OTC衍生品需要通过电子平台进行交易,价格更透明,这个平台称为 OTFs,organized trading facilities
    • 所有的交易都报告到交易中心知识库中
    • approximately 75% of OTC transactions are now cleared through CCPs while 25% are cleared bilaterally

17.2.1 Uncleared Trades

  • 那些没有经过CCP的交易,必须提交保证金
  • 不仅仅是变动保证金,还有初始保证金

17.2.2 Determination of Initial Margin: SIMM 如何决定初始保证金

  • Note that initial margin is the mirror image of VaR

  • This is because exposure increases as the uncollateralized value of a portfolio increases

  • Initial margin is specified in the regulations for portfolios of uncleared transactions between two parties as the gain in value over 10 days that we are 99% certain will not be exceeded in stressed market conditions

  • 现如今的方法,由ISDA提供,SIMM方法:(不懂)

    • Delta and Vega

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 17 —— Regulation of the OTC Derivatives Market

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 17 —— Regulation of the OTC Derivatives Market

  • gamma,假设delta是0,no cross gamma

  • Estimates of the mean and standard deviation of portfolio change over 10 days:

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 17 —— Regulation of the OTC Derivatives Market

17.3 Impact of the Changes

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 17 —— Regulation of the OTC Derivatives Market

  • Post-crisis, the vast majority of OTC derivatives will require initial margin

  • A related consideration is that, as more transactions are cleared through CCPs, more of the funds of a financial institution will be tied up in default fund contributions.

17.3.1 Liquidity 流动性

  • 金融工具的流动性在任何时候都有可能枯竭
  • 在未来,二维的评估对银行来说是必须的,一个是capital要求,还有就是流动性

17.3.2 Rehypothecation 再抵押

  • 在危机之前,因为再抵押,抵押品的价值其实翻了4倍
  • 巴塞尔委员会以及IOSCO机构要求,初始保证金只能再抵押一次

17.3.3 The Convergence of OTC and Exchange-Traded Markets

  • 交易所与OTC的界限逐渐模糊

  • 更多的OTC交易被定性成为“标准”

  • 交易所降低“标准”从OTC市场夺取市场

17.4 CCPs and Bankruptcy

  • CCP功能:
    • choosing members
    • valuing transactions
    • determining initial margins and default fund contributions