

Once a week we round up some great reader tips and share them with everyone. This week we’re looking at using your iPhone as a sleep monitor that wakes you at an optimum time, how to test your remote with a digital camera, and a clever way to craft glowing Easter eggs.

每周一次,我们收集一些很棒的读者提示,并与大家分享。 本周,我们正在考虑将iPhone用作睡眠监视器,以在最佳时间唤醒您,如何使用数码相机测试遥控器,以及制作发光的复活节彩蛋的巧妙方法。

使用iPhone跟踪您的睡眠周期 (Track Your Sleep Cycles with an iPhone)

Nico saw our Sleepyti.me post from earlier today and wrote in with an iPhone tip:


While Sleepyti.me is pretty neat, what’s really awesome is using your iPhone as a sleep sensor. I’ve been using Sleep Cycle for a few years now. It’s an app that uses the motion sensors in your iPhone to detect when you rise in and out of deep sleep based on your movements. You tell it what time (round about) you want to wake up and it wakes you up at the best possible moment in your sleep cycle. So if I tell it I want to get up at 8AM and 7:15 is actually a perfect time for me to wake up feeling refreshed, the alarm will go off then to wake me when I’m out of deep sleep. It’s sweet! Best buck-for-an-app purchase I ever made.

虽然Sleepyti.me非常简洁,但真正令人敬畏的是将iPhone用作睡眠传感器。 我已经使用睡眠周期了几年了。 该应用程序使用iPhone中的运动传感器来根据您的动作检测何时进入和退出深度睡眠。 您告诉它要在什么时间(大约)醒来,它会在您的睡眠周期中的最佳时刻唤醒您。 因此,如果我告诉我我想在上午8点起床,而7:15实际上是让我醒来时感到神清气爽的绝佳时机,警报响起,然后当我无法入睡时将我叫醒。 好可爱! 我购买过的最便宜的应用程序。

That’s a pretty polished app, Nico. We’d love to hear from readers using something similar on their Android phones!

Nico,这是一个非常漂亮的应用程序。 我们希望听到读者在其Android手机上使用类似内容的消息!

用数码相机测试您的红外遥控器 (Test Your IR Remote with a Digital Camera)

Tom writes in with a simple diagnostic test:


The other day I was trouble shooting my universal TV remote. Something fishy was going on and I needed to start from the basics and move up. I replaced the batteries but there seemed to be no signal being sent to the television (this particular remote doesn’t have any sort of indicator on it). To test and see if the remote was actually beaming anything out, I pointed it at my smartphone’s camera (I think this should work with just about any digital camera) and I was able to see the infrared output of the IR LED on the front of the remote! Score!

前几天,我在拍摄通用电视遥控器时遇到了麻烦。 发生了一些可疑的事情,我需要从基础开始,然后继续前进。 我更换了电池,但似乎没有信号发送到电视(此特定遥控器上没有任何指示器)。 为了测试并查看遥控器是否真的发出了光,我将其指向智能手机的摄像头(我认为这几乎可以与任何数码相机一起使用),并且能够看到遥控器正面的IR LED的红外输出。遥控器! 得分了!

Very clever, Tom. We’re going to file this in our every growing Rolodex of sneaky trouble shooting tricks.

汤姆,很聪明。 我们将在每一个不断增长的Rolodex上解决偷偷摸摸的故障排除技巧中提出这一要求。

便宜地发光的复活节彩蛋 (Glowing Easter Eggs on the Cheap )


Milly writes in with a DIY trick:


Loved the LED Easter Egg post from earlier today, but not everyone has a cache of LEDs laying around. I followed a tutorial I found on the web that kept things simpler… instead of batteries and LEDs, you just stuff the eggs with slender glow sticks from the Dollar Store.

从今天早些时候开始喜欢LED复活节彩蛋的帖子,但并不是每个人都有大量的LED摆放。 我遵循了我在网上找到的使事情变得更简单的教程,只需用Dollar Store的细长荧光棒塞满鸡蛋,即可代替电池和LED。

As a last minute hack, using the glow sticks is definitely easier than overnighting some LEDs. Thanks for sharing!

作为最后一刻,使用荧光棒绝对比使某些LED过夜更容易。 感谢分享!

Have a clever tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at
有聪明的提示或技巧可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件, [email protected]! 网址是[email protected]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/110555/from-the-tips-box-iphone-sleep-monitors-testing-ir-remotes-with-a-camera-and-glowing-easter-eggs-redux/