机器学习基石 - The VC Dimension

机器学习基石上 (Machine Learning Foundations)—Mathematical Foundations
Hsuan-Tien Lin, 林轩田,副教授 (Associate Professor),资讯工程学系 (Computer Science and Information Engineering)

The VC Dimension


机器学习基石 - The VC Dimension

Definition of VC Dimension

VC Dimension

the formal name of maximum non-break point

机器学习基石 - The VC Dimension

the Four VC Dimensions

机器学习基石 - The VC Dimension

VC Dimension and Learning

  • finite dVCg can generalize Eout(g)Ein(g)
  • regardless of learning algorithm A、input distribution P、target function f

VC Dimension of Perceptrons

2D PLA Revisited

机器学习基石 - The VC Dimension

d-D perceptrons: dVC=d+1 ?


机器学习基石 - The VC Dimension
- There are some d+1 inputs we can shatter.
- 每一行代表一个点
- 灰色部分(第一列)视作第 0 维,是常数,代表 threshhold
- X 可逆
- 任意的 Y 都可以表示出来


机器学习基石 - The VC Dimension

  • We cannot shatter any set of d+2 inputs.
  • linear dependence restricts dichotomy
  • 任意一个可以 shatter 的 d+1 向量组再加一维
  • Xd+2 能被前 d+1 个向量线性表出

Physical Intuition of VC Dimension

Degrees of Freedom *度

  • dVCfreeparameters

Penalty for Model Complexity

机器学习基石 - The VC Dimension

  • with a high probability, EoutEin+Ω(N,H,δ)

  • The VC Message
    机器学习基石 - The VC Dimension

Sample Complexity

机器学习基石 - The VC Dimension

  • theory: N10000 dVC

  • practical: N10 dVC often enough!

  • Looseness of VC Bound
    机器学习基石 - The VC Dimension