unity 问题反馈_Unity的愿望或产品反馈? 用你的声音!

unity 问题反馈_Unity的愿望或产品反馈? 用你的声音!

unity 问题反馈

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve how we go about our business I’m excited to report that we’ve begun a bit of an experiment to improve how we gather user wish-list items and general product feedback. Until now we’ve only had the Unity Community Forums and more specifically the Wish List area there in particular. While that’s worked well enough, it’s just not the right way to go about things. I say that because it’s hard to pull any quantifiable feedback and it’s very weak in terms of general organization for such an effort. Today we’ve unveiled our experiment and that’s the use of User Voice, a web based feedback tool that lets folks like you post your wishes and use your own voice to vote for those items you think are most valuable to you. Your votes are limited* so use them wisely!

作为我们为改善业务开展方式而进行的不懈努力的一部分,我很高兴地报告,我们已经开始进行一些实验,以改善我们如何收集用户愿望清单项目和一般产品反馈。 到目前为止,我们只举行了Unity社区论坛 ,尤其是那里的“ 愿望清单”区域。 尽管效果很好,但这并不是正确的处理方法。 我之所以这么说是因为很难获得任何可量化的反馈,并且就这种努力而言,从总体组织的角度来看,它非常薄弱。 今天,我们揭开了实验的序幕,那就是使用User Voice,这是一个基于Web的反馈工具,它使像您这样的人可以发表自己的愿望,并使用自己的声音对那些您认为最有价值的商品进行投票。 您的票数有限*,请明智使用!

Unity Feedback (for general Unity feedback) Unity iPhone Feedback (for Unity iPhone specific feedback)

Unity反馈 (用于一般的Unity反馈) Unity iPhone反馈 (用于Unity iPhone特定的反馈)

*Some folks have expressed mild dismay at the notion of limited votes, if that wasn’t in place the folks would simply vote on everything and we lose any data about what’s really important to you. So when your votes are capped the challenge is on and you must decide carefully, thus giving us better data.

*有些人对有限投票的概念表示轻微的沮丧,如果没有就位,人们只会简单地对所有内容进行投票,而我们会丢失任何对您真正重要的数据。 因此,当您的票数达到上限时,挑战就开始了,您必须谨慎决策,从而为我们提供更好的数据。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/04/16/unity-wishes-or-product-feedback-use-your-voice/

unity 问题反馈