如何在Windows 8中创建自定义刷新图像

如何在Windows 8中创建自定义刷新图像

We have already shown you how to use the Refresh and Reset features in Windows 8, now we are back to show you how you can create a custom refresh image. This means next time you refresh your Windows 8 PC, you can use a custom image instead of the one that shipped with your PC.

我们已经向您展示了如何在Windows 8中使用“刷新和重置”功能,现在我们将向您展示如何创建自定义刷新图像。 这意味着下次刷新Windows 8 PC时,可以使用自定义映像而不是PC随附的自定义映像。

When you refresh your PC, all your files as well as Metro applications that you downloaded from the Windows store are kept. This is great, however, all your non-metro applications and PC settings are removed. If you are like me and have a lot of non-metro apps this can be very annoying, but you can fix this by creating a refresh image that already has your apps installed and your settings tweaked.

刷新PC时,将从Windows商店下载的所有文件以及Metro应用程序都将保留。 很好,但是,所有非都市应用程序和PC设置都已删除。 如果您和我一样,并且有很多非都市版应用程序,这可能会很烦人,但是您可以通过创建一个刷新图像来解决此问题,该图像已经安装了您的应用程序,并且您对设置进行了调整。

创建自定义刷新图像 (Creating A Custom Refresh Image)

Right-click the bottom left corner of your screen and select Command Prompt (Admin) from the context menu.


如何在Windows 8中创建自定义刷新图像

To create a custom refresh image we use the recimg.exe utility.


recimg /createimage C:\CustomRefreshImages\Image1

recimg / createimage C:\ CustomRefreshImages \ Image1

如何在Windows 8中创建自定义刷新图像

The reason we are using a subfolder on our drive is that you can actually create multiple refresh images and switch between them, to create another image we could do the following:


recimg /createimage C:\CustomRefreshImages\Image2

recimg / createimage C:\ CustomRefreshImages \ Image2

如何在Windows 8中创建自定义刷新图像

When you create an image using the /createimage parameter, the image you create is automatically set as the default refresh image. If you have multiple refresh images you can choose the active image by using the /setcurrent parameter.

使用/ createimage参数创建图像时,创建的图像会自动设置为默认刷新图像。 如果您有多个刷新图像,则可以使用/ setcurrent参数选择活动图像。

recimg /setcurrent C:\CustomRefreshImages\Image1

接收/ setcurrent C:\ CustomRefreshImages \ Image1

如何在Windows 8中创建自定义刷新图像

You can also use the /showcurrent  parameter to show the active image.

您也可以使用/ showcurrent参数显示活动图像。

如何在Windows 8中创建自定义刷新图像

That’s all there is to it, now you just need to Refresh your PC.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/108944/how-to-create-a-custom-refresh-image-in-windows-8/