
Have you visited a website and wondered where it really was located? Now you can know the true location regardless of the address displayed in the Address Bar with Flagfox.

您是否访问过网站并想知道它的真正位置? 现在,无论使用Flagfox在地址栏中显示的地址如何,您都可以知道真实的位置。

This can be especially helpful if you are worried about the validity of the website you are visiting (i.e. a fake bank website or a website set up by scammers).


Before Flagfox


As an example, we have visited the How-To Geek website before installing the Flagfox extension. Nothing our of the ordinary here…

例如,我们在安装Flagfox扩展程序之前已访问How-To Geek网站。 这里没有我们的普通人……


After Flagfox


Now you can see a difference when we visited the How-To Geek website after installing the Flagfox extension. Notice the little flag symbol in the address bar (default location).

现在,在安装Flagfox扩展程序后,当我们访问How-To Geek网站时,您会发现有所不同。 请注意地址栏中的小标志符号(默认位置)。


Watch what happens after hovering the mouse over the little flag symbol. Now we can see the website address, the IP address, and the country that the website server is located in. Very nice bit of information!

观察将鼠标悬停在小旗符号上后会发生什么。 现在我们可以看到网站地址,IP地址以及网站服务器所在的国家/地区。非常不错的信息!


So far, so good. But what happens if a website’s server is actually located in a country that is different from the one shown in the address?

到现在为止还挺好。 但是,如果网站的服务器实际上位于与地址中显示的国家/地区不同的国家,会发生什么?

Website Address and Server Location Do Not Match


Wow! Look at that warning message! Here we have a website that is listed for the United Kingdom but is actually hosted on a server in the United States.

哇! 查看该警告消息! 在这里,我们有一个针对英国列出的网站,但实际上托管在美国的服务器上。


And now for a closer look and more details about the website shown above…



The nice thing about Flagfox is that the website will not be allowed to finish loading until you have clicked on the “X” on the right side (therefore granting permission to continue). Otherwise you may simply close the tab if you are worried about the validity of the website.

关于Flagfox的好处是,直到您单击了右侧的“ X”(因此才授予继续的权限)之前,该网站将无法完成加载。 否则,如果您担心网站的有效性,则可以仅关闭选项卡。

Note: You also have the option to disable the warning message from appearing again if you only want to rely on the flag symbol shown in the address bar.


Assume that you are comfortable with the website (and the actual location) and allow it to finish loading. Can you acquire more information about it? Yes! Left click on the flag symbol in the address bar and a new tab will be opened with a map of the location and more information (i.e. ISP and city). Here is what displayed for the website shown above. Very nice!

假设您对网站(以及实际位置)感到满意,并允许其完成加载。 您可以获得有关它的更多信息吗? 是! 左键单击地址栏中的标志符号,将打开一个新标签,其中包含位置地图和更多信息(即ISP和城市)。 这是上面显示的网站显示的内容。 非常好!


Ready for even more information? Middle click on the flag symbol to see detailed information about the website domain.

准备获取更多信息了吗? 右键单击标志符号以查看有关网站域的详细信息。


Options for Flagfox


The options for Flagfox are nice and simple to work with. Mainly they focus on icon location, icon display, and services used with the extension.

Flagfox的选项很容易使用。 它们主要集中在图标位置,图标显示以及与扩展一起使用的服务上。

Choose to have Flagfox display in the Address Bar or Status Bar…



Choose the location in the Address Bar or Status Bar that you want Flagfox to display in…



Choose the service that you would like to use when researching domain information about the website you are interested in…



Select the tab opening style when getting additional information about a website.





Flagfox is a wonderful extension that can help make your website browsing more secure and give you peace of mind when it comes to knowing where a website is actually located. Give it a try, you just might be surprised to see where some of your favorite websites are located at!

Flagfox是一个很棒的扩展,可以帮助您的网站浏览更加安全,并让您放心地知道网站的实际位置。 试试看,您可能会惊讶地发现一些您喜欢的网站位于何处!



Download the Flagfox Extension for Firefox (Mozilla Add-ons)


Visit the Flagfox Homepage to learn more


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/2335/find-out-a-websites-actual-location-with-flagfox/