



If you’re stuck without a mouse temporarily, don’t worry—you can still use your PC. You’ll be glad to know that it’s possible to move the cursor around in Windows using only the keyboard.

如果暂时没有鼠标卡住,不用担心-您仍然可以使用PC。 您会很高兴知道,可以在Windows中仅使用键盘来移动光标。

There’s a feature in Windows called Mouse Keys that allows you to use the numeric keypad to move your mouse around, click and double-click on items, and even drag and drop. We’ll show you how to turn on and configure Mouse Keys so you can use the numeric keypad as a mouse.

Windows中有一个称为“鼠标键”的功能,它使您可以使用数字键盘来移动鼠标,单击并双击项目,甚至拖放。 我们将向您展示如何打开和配置鼠标键,以便您可以将数字键盘用作鼠标。

NOTE: To use Mouse Keys, you must have a numeric keypad on your keyboard and you must disable the trackpad or external mouse, if one is still plugged in.


You can turn on the Mouse Keys feature in Windows 10 using the PC Settings. However, there are more options for Mouse Keys in the Control Panel, so we’ll turn it on and set it up there. In addition, using the Control Panel to turn on and set up Mouse Keys is the same in Windows 7, 8, and 10.

您可以使用PC设置在Windows 10中打开鼠标键功能。 但是,“控制面板”中有更多“鼠标键”选项,因此我们将其打开并在那里进行设置。 此外,在Windows 7、8和10中,使用控制面板打开和设置鼠标键的操作相同。

Press the start button and search for “ease of access”. Click on “Ease of Access Center” under Best match. If you’re using Windows 8 or 10, do not select “Ease of Access mouse settings”. That will open the Ease of Access screen in PC Settings with fewer options.

按下开始按钮并搜索“轻松访问”。 单击最佳匹配下的“轻松访问中心”。 如果您使用的是Windows 8或10,请不要选择“轻松访问鼠标设置”。 这将以较少的选项打开“ PC设置”中的“轻松访问”屏幕。


On the Ease of Access Center on the Control Panel window, click “Make the mouse easier to use” under Explore all settings.



If you just want to enable Mouse Keys with the default settings, you can check the “Turn on Mouse Keys” box under Control the Mouse with the Keyboard. However, in this case, because we’re going to show you the settings for Mouse Keys, click “Set up Mouse Keys”.

如果只想使用默认设置启用鼠标键,则可以选中“使用键盘控制鼠标”下的“打开鼠标键”框。 但是,在这种情况下,因为我们将向您显示鼠标键的设置,所以请单击“设置鼠标键”。

NOTE: For some strange reason, if you check the Turn on Mouse Keys box on this screen and then click the Set up Mouse Keys link, you will have to turn it on again on the Set up Mouse Keys screen.



On the Set up Mouse Keys screen, check the “Turn on Mouse Keys” box to enable the feature.



If you want to turn on Mouse Keys quickly using a shortcut, check the “Turn on Mouse Keys with left ALT + left SHIFT + NUM LOCK” box. If you want a warning message to display when you use the shortcut to turn on Mouse Keys, check the “Display a warning message when turning a setting on” box. You can also choose to “Make a sound when turning a setting on or off”.

如果要使用快捷方式快速打开鼠标键,请选中“使用左ALT +左SHIFT + NUM LOCK来打开鼠标键”框。 如果要在使用快捷方式打开鼠标键时显示警告消息,请选中“打开设置时显示警告消息”框。 您还可以选择“打开或关闭设置时发出声音”。


If you turned on the keyboard shortcut, and chose to display the warning, you will see the following dialog box when you use the shortcut. Click “Yes” to turn on Mouse Keys or “No” if you changed your mind and want Mouse Keys off. To use the shortcut to turn Mouse Keys off, you must press the shortcut keys two or three times. Strange, huh? Well, we tested it several times and that seems to be the way it works. Just keep pressing the keyboard shortcut until you get the Mouse Keys dialog box.

如果打开了键盘快捷键,并选择显示警告,则在使用快捷键时将看到以下对话框。 单击“是”以打开鼠标键,或者单击“否”(如果您改变主意并希望关闭鼠标键)。 若要使用快捷方式关闭鼠标键,必须按两次或三下快捷键。 奇怪吧好吧,我们对其进行了多次测试,这似乎就是它的工作方式。 一直按住键盘快捷键,直到出现“鼠标键”对话框。


If you decide you don’t want the keyboard shortcut enabled anymore, click the “Go to the Ease of Access Center to disable the keyboard shortcut” link. This dialog box will close and the Set up Mouse Keys screen in the Ease of Access Center in the Control Panel displays, as shown above, allowing you to turn off the keyboard shortcut.

如果您决定不再启用键盘快捷键,请单击“转到轻松访问中心以禁用键盘快捷键”链接。 如上所示,此对话框将关闭,并显示“控制面板”的“轻松访问中心”中的“设置鼠标键”屏幕,您可以关闭键盘快捷键。

The Pointer speed section allows you to adjust the speed at which the mouse pointer travels across the screen. Use the sliders to set the Top speed at which the pointer can move and the Acceleration of the mouse pointer. To use the Ctrl and Shift keys to speed up and slow down the mouse pointer, check the “Hold down CTRL to speed up and SHIFT to slow down” box.

指针速度部分使您可以调整鼠标指针在屏幕上的移动速度。 使用滑块设置指针可以移动的最高速度和鼠标指针的加速。 要使用Ctrl和Shift键加快和降低鼠标指针的速度,请选中“按住CTRL加快速度,并按住SHIFT降低速度”复选框。


When Num Lock is on, you can use the numeric keypad as another way to type numbers, in addition to the number keys above the letter keys. If you don’t use the numeric keypad to type numbers, you can choose to use Mouse Keys when Num Lock is on. To do this, select “On” under “Use Mouse Keys when NUM LOCK is” in the Other settings section. Note that, if you turn this setting on, you will not be able to type numbers using the numeric keypad. However, the Use Mouse Keys when NUM LOCK is on setting provides another method for turning Mouse Keys on and off. With the setting on, Mouse Keys will only work when Num Lock is on. To make it easier to tell if Num Lock is on or off, you can have a sound play or get a taskbar notification when you turn it on.

启用Num Lock时,除了字母键上方的数字键之外,您还可以使用数字小键盘输入数字。 如果您不使用数字键盘键入数字,则可以选择在启用数字锁定时使用鼠标键。 为此,请在“其他设置”部分的“在使用NUM LOCK时使用鼠标键”下选择“打开”。 请注意,如果打开此设置,将无法使用数字键盘输入数字。 但是,“启用数字锁定时使用鼠标键”设置提供了另一种打开和关闭鼠标键的方法。 启用此设置后,只有在启用Num Lock的情况下才能使用鼠标键。 为了更容易判断Num Lock是打开还是关闭,您可以在打开声音播放收到任务栏通知

If you want to easily be able to tell when Mouse Keys is on, check the “Display the Mouse Keys icon on the taskbar” box.



Once you’ve set up Mouse Keys to your liking, click “OK”.



Then, click the “X” in the upper-right corner of the Control Panel window to close it.

然后,单击“控制面板”窗口右上角的“ X”以将其关闭。


Now that Mouse Keys is enabled and configured, how do you use it? Microsoft’s support article about Mouse Keys explains what each of the keys on the numeric keypad does to control the mouse.

现在已启用并配置了鼠标键,如何使用它? Microsoft关于鼠标键支持文章介绍了数字小键盘上的每个键如何控制鼠标。

If you’ve tried Mouse Keys and discovered you would prefer to go back to using an old fashioned mouse or a trackpad, you can boost your mouse-pointing accuracy to make it easier to use your mouse.


