

The Status Bar in Word is available at the bottom of the document window and displays information about your document, such as what page you are currently viewing, how many words are in your document, and whether any proofing errors were found.


You can easily customize the Status Bar by adding more information to or removing information from it. To do this, right-click anywhere on the Status Bar. Items that have check marks next to them display on the Status Bar. These items may not display at all times, depending on the current circumstances. For instance, if you’re not sharing the document with other authors, the “Number of Authors Editing” will not display on the Status Bar even if you have it selected in the “Customize Status Bar” popup menu.

您可以通过向状态栏添加更多信息或从中删除信息来轻松自定义状态栏。 为此,请在状态栏上的任意位置单击鼠标右键。 旁边带有复选标记的项目显示在状态栏上。 根据当前情况,这些项目可能不会始终显示。 例如,如果您不与其他作者共享文档,则即使您在“自定义状态栏”弹出菜单中选择了“作者数量编辑”,该栏也不会显示。


Additional information about different parts of your document displays in the Status Bar. For example, when you hover your mouse over a hyperlink…

有关文档不同部分的其他信息显示在状态栏中。 例如,当您将鼠标悬停在超链接上时...


…the URL for the hyperlink displays in the Status Bar. Additionally, if you copy and paste content from a webpage into a Word document, and you hover your mouse over a pasted image, the URL for that image displays in the Status Bar.

…超链接的URL显示在状态栏中。 此外,如果将网页中的内容复制并粘贴到Word文档中,并将鼠标悬停在粘贴的图像上,则该图像的URL将显示在状态栏中。

NOTE: You can press “Ctrl” and click on a hyperlink to open the link in a browser window and also avoid automatically creating hyperlinks.

注意:您可以按“ Ctrl”并单击超链接以在浏览器窗口中打开链接 ,也可以避免自动创建超链接


The icons on the right side of the Status Bar provide information about, and allow you to change, how you are using Word. For example, you can change the viewing mode (Read Mode, Print Layout, and Web Layout) and the zoom level.

状态栏右侧的图标提供有关Word的信息,并允许您更改其使用方式。 例如,您可以更改查看模式(读取模式,打印布局和Web布局)和缩放级别。


Experiment with the various options available for the Status Bar to see how to customize it to best suit the way you work and improve your productivity.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/220359/how-to-use-the-status-bar-in-word/