CSRmesh 2.1 Home Automation简介(一)

1 Introduction

    This document describes the CSRmesh applications that can be built using the µEnergy SDK. The main example application is the Light Application (see section 7). Other example applications are described in Appendix B.
    The features common to all these applications are described in the following chapters of this document. The applications themselves and their unique features are described in their relevant sections.
    CSRmesh applications are part of the CSRmesh release and show the custom-defined mesh Control Service in GATT server role. They use the CSRmesh library provided as part of the CSRmesh release. For more information, refer to the
CSRmesh Node API Specification documentation.
    本文档介绍了可使用μEnergySDK构建的CSRmesh应用程序。 主要的示例应用程序是Light应用程序(请参阅第7节)。 附录B介绍了其他示例应用程序。
     所有这些应用程序的通用功能在本文档的以下章节中进行了介绍。 应用程序本身及其独特功能在其相关部分中进行了介绍。

     CSRmesh应用程序是CSRmesh发行版的一部分,并在GATT服务器角色中显示自定义网格控制服务。 他们使用作为CSRmesh发行版的一部分提供的CSRmesh库。 有关更多信息,请参阅CSRmesh节点API规范文档。

1.1 Applications overview
    The CSRmesh applications use the CSRmesh library API to communicate with other associated devices in the same CSRmesh network. They also support a custom GATT profile, which is embedded in the library to provide an additional bearer for CSRmesh services. This allows devices that are not able to issue non-connectable adverts to communicate with the mesh through a connection.
    CSRmesh应用程序使用CSRmesh库API与同一CSRmesh网络中的其他关联设备进行通信。 它们还支持定制的GATT配置文件,该配置文件嵌入库中以为CSRmesh服务提供额外的承载。 这允许无法发布不可连接广告的设备通过连接与网状网络进行通信。
1.1.1 Supported Profiles
CSRmesh applications implement the following custom profiles to support the different use cases. CSRmesh Control Profile The CSRmesh Control Profile defines the behavior when:
A network of devices (such as lights and switches, temperature sensors and heaters, and so on) need to be created.
Controlling the device after a network is created; for example, switching lights on/off or controlling heaters by sending the desired and current air temperature values.
Reading the status of a device in the network; for example, the on/off state and color or intensity of a light.
    Table 1-1 lists the two roles that the CSRmesh Control Profile defines.
    CSRmesh应用程序实现了以下自定义配置文件以支持不同的用例。 CSRmesh控制配置文件CSRmesh控制配置文件定义了以下情况下的行为:
■创建网络后控制设备; 例如,打开/关闭灯光或通过发送所需的和当前的空气温度值来控制加热器。
■读取网络中设备的状态; 例如,光的开/关状态和颜色或强度。


CSRmesh 2.1 Home Automation简介(一)

1.1.2 Application topology

CSRmesh 2.1 Home Automation简介(一)

CSRmesh 2.1 Home Automation简介(一)