使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

Do you want to make Internet Explorer safer and more helpful for you and family? Then join us as we look at the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) enhanced version of Internet Explorer 8.

您想使Internet Explorer对您和家人更安全,更有用吗? 然后加入我们,看看Internet Explorer 8的CEOP(儿童剥削和在线保护中心)增强版。

Setting CEOP Up


We chose to install the whole CEOP pack in order to have access to complete set of CEOP Tools. The install process will be comprised of two parts…it will begin with CEOP branded windows showing the components being installed…

我们选择安装整个CEOP包,以便可以使用完整的CEOP工具集。 安装过程将由两部分组成...将以CEOP品牌的窗口开始,该窗口显示正在安装的组件...

Note: The components can be downloaded separately for those who only want certain CEOP components added to their browser.


使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

Then it will move to the traditional Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 install windows. One thing that we did notice is that here you will be told that you will need to restart your computer but in other windows a log off/log on process is mentioned. Just to make certain that everything goes smoothly we recommend restarting your computer when the installation process is complete.

然后它将移至传统的Microsoft Internet Explorer 8安装窗口。 我们确实注意到的一件事是,在此处您将被告知需要重新启动计算机,但在其他窗口中却提到了注销/登录过程。 为了确保一切顺利,我们建议您在安装过程完成后重新启动计算机。

使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

In the EULA section you can see the versions of Windows that the CEOP Pack works with.

在EULA部分中,您可以看到CEOP Pack使用的Windows版本。

使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

Once you get past the traditional Microsoft install windows you will be dropped back into the CEOP branded windows.


使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

CEOP in Action


After you have restarted your computer and opened Internet Explorer you will notice that your homepage has been changed. When it comes to your children that is not a bad thing in this instance. It will also give you an opportunity to look through the CEOP online resources.

重新启动计算机并打开Internet Explorer后,您会注意到您的主页已更改。 对于您的孩子来说,在这种情况下这不是一件坏事。 它还将使您有机会浏览CEOP在线资源。

使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

For the moment you may be wondering where everything is but do not worry. First you can find the two new search providers in the drop-down menu for your “Search Bar” and select a new default if desired.

目前,您可能想知道所有内容都在哪里,但请不要担心。 首先,您可以在“搜索栏”的下拉菜单中找到两个新的搜索提供程序,并根据需要选择一个新的默认设置。

使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

The second thing to look for are the new links that have been added to your “Favorites Menu”. These links can definitely be helpful for you and your family.

要查找的第二件事是已添加到“收藏夹菜单”中的新链接。 这些链接绝对可以为您和您的家人提供帮助。

使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

The third part will require your “Favorites Bar” to be visible in order to see the “Click CEOP Button”. If you have not previously done so you will need to turn on subscribing for “Web Slices”.

第三部分要求您的“收藏夹栏”可见,以便看到“单击CEOP按钮”。 如果您以前没有这样做,则需要打开“ Web Slices”的订阅。

使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

Click on “Yes” to finish the subscription process.


使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

Clicking on the “CEOP Button” again will show all kinds of new links to help provide information for you and your children. Notice that the top part is broken down into “topic categories” while the bottom part is set up for “age brackets”…very nice for helping you focus on the information that you want and/or need.

再次单击“ CEOP按钮”将显示各种新链接,以帮助为您和您的孩子提供信息。 请注意,顶部分为“主题类别”,而底部则是为“年龄段”设置的,非常有助于您专注于所需和/或需要的信息。

使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

Looking for information and help on a particular topic? Clicking on the “Cyberbullying Link” for example will open the following webpage with information about cyberbullying and a link to get help with the problem.

寻找有关特定主题的信息和帮助? 例如,单击“网络欺凌链接”将打开以下网页,其中包含有关网络欺凌的信息以及可获取有关问题帮助的链接。

使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

Need something that is focused on your child’s age group? Clicking on the “8-10? Link” as an example opened this page.

是否需要针对您孩子年龄段的东西? 点击“ 8-10? 链接”作为示例打开了此页面。

使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

Want information that is focused on you? The “Parent? Link” leads to this page. The “topic categories & age brackets” make the CEOP Button a very helpful and “family friendly” addition to Internet Explorer.

是否需要针对您的信息? “父母? 链接”指向此页面。 “主题类别和年龄段”使CEOP Button成为Internet Explorer的一个非常有用且“家庭友好”的功能。

使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子

Perhaps you (or your child) want to conduct a search for something that is affecting your child. As you type in a “search term” both of the search providers will provide helpful suggestions for dealing with the problem. We felt that these were very nice suggestions in both instances here…

也许您(或您的孩子)想对影响您孩子的事情进行搜索。 当您输入“搜索词”时,两个搜索提供者都将为您解决问题提供有用的建议。 在这两种情况下,我们都认为这些建议非常好……

使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子
使用CEOP增强的Internet Explorer 8帮助保护您的孩子



We have been able to give you a good peek at what the CEOP Tools can do but the best way to see how helpful it can be for you and your family is try it for yourself. Your children’s safety and happiness is worth it.

我们已经使您可以窥见一下CEOP Tools的功能,但是了解它对您和您的家人有多大帮助的最好方法就是亲自尝试一下。 您孩子的安全和幸福是值得的。



Download the Internet Explorer CEOP Pack (link at bottom of webpage)

下载Internet Explorer CEOP包(页面底部的链接)

Note: If you are interested in a singular component or only some use these links.


Download the Click CEOP Button

下载Click CEOP按钮

Download Search CEOP


Download Internet Safety and Security Search


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/11791/help-protect-your-children-with-the-ceop-enhanced-internet-explorer-8/