

Read a lot of webcomics? No need to stay tied to a browser to catch up on the episodes you’ve missed. With this easy trick, read them on the go on your phone, PC or iPad, with or without internet.

阅读很多网络漫画吗? 无需与浏览器保持联系即可赶上您错过的剧集。 通过这个简单的技巧,无论有没有互联网,都可以在手机,PC或iPad上随时随地阅读它们。

Comic book reader programs like Comical for Windows make reading loads of comics easy—but why not use them for webcomics? With this simple process, you can turn most of your favorite webcomics into archives of comic book reader files, you can store on your PC, tablet, or mobile phone to read in comfort and style. Keep reading to see how easy it is!

诸如Windows的Comical之类的漫画书阅读器程序使阅读漫画内容变得容易,但是为什么不将其用于网络漫画呢? 通过此简单的过程,您可以将大多数喜欢的网络漫画转换为漫画书阅读器文件的档案,可以存储在PC,平板电脑或手机上,以舒适而时尚的方式进行阅读。 继续阅读以了解它有多简单!

下载Webcomic图片集 (Downloading Collections of Webcomic Images)


Any webcomic with sequentially numbered images will work. To see if your favorite webcomic will work, we’ll have to look at how the images are numbered.

任何带有顺序编号图像的网络漫画都可以使用。 要查看您喜欢的网络漫画是否可以正常工作,我们必须查看图像的编号方式。


In Chrome, you can right click an image and select “Open image in new tab.” In Firefox, you can choose “View Image” under the same right click menu.

在Chrome中,您可以右键单击图片,然后选择“在新标签页中打开图片”。 在Firefox中,您可以在同一右键菜单下选择“查看图像”。


The image in question will load in a separate tab (or in Firefox, in the same one.)



Fortunately, this webcomic is numbered with numerical images, so we can quickly download them all. Here’s how to do it in a few short minutes.

幸运的是,此网络漫画使用数字图像编号,因此我们可以快速下载所有图像。 这是在短短几分钟内完成操作的方法。

使用Pilfer下载顺序图像 (Downloading Sequential Images with Pilfer)


Available for Chrome and for Firefox, Pilfer is a tidy little add-on that’ll allow you to download sequentially numbered images. If you don’t already have it downloaded, you can get it from these links:

Pilfer可用于Chrome和Firefox,是一个简洁的小插件,可让您下载按顺序编号的图像。 如果尚未下载,可以从以下链接获取:


With Pilfer installed (you may have to restart your browser!), right click the image, choose Pilfer, and pick a range of numbers that should grab all the images you need. In this case, we’re only looking for episodes 1 – 100, so we pick 100.

安装了Pilfer后(您可能必须重新启动浏览器!),右键单击该图像,选择Pilfer,然后选择一系列应获取所需所有图像的数字。 在这种情况下,我们只查找第1-100集,因此我们选择100。


Pilfer finds episodes 10 – 89 and builds this little HTML page displaying them all.

Pilfer找到第10 – 89集,并构建了显示所有内容HTML小页面。


Right click on the PIlfer page, and choose “Save As.”

右键单击“ PIlfer”页面,然后选择“另存为”。


Make a new folder anywhere on your machine (in this case, on the Desktop) and title it appropriate to what you’re downloading (in this case, “Axecop”). Make certain you choose “Web Page, Complete” so that it downloads all the images as well.

在计算机上的任何位置(在本例中为台式机)上新建一个文件夹,并根据您要下载的内容(在本例中为“ Axecop”)为其命名。 确保选择“完整的网页”,以便它也下载所有图像。


Chrome will download ALL of the images in a sub folder inside the folder you made. They’ll be laid out neatly by number.

Chrome会将所有图像下载到您创建的文件夹内的子文件夹中。 它们将按数字整齐地布置。

In the case of this comic, you’ll have to sometimes download some images by hand, or restart Pilfer for any images missed. In this case, stories 1 – 9 are all numbered differently, and have to be downloaded separately.

对于此漫画,您有时必须手动下载一些图像,或者对于丢失的任何图像重新启动Pilfer。 在这种情况下,故事1 – 9的编号都不同,因此必须分别下载。

如何制作漫画书阅读器文件 (How To Make a Comic Book Reader File)


Making a comic book reader file is easy. We start by making a RAR file of our Pilfered images. WinRAR is a simple solution for making RAR files on Windows. You can download it here.

制作漫画阅读器文件很容易。 我们首先制作一个Pilfered图像的RAR文件。 WinRAR是在Windows上制作RAR文件的简单解决方案。 您可以在这里下载。


With WinRAR installed, pick ALL of your sequential images with a quick Ctrl + A, then right click and pick “Add to “… .rar” to begin.

安装WinRAR后,使用Ctrl + A快速选择所有顺序图像,然后右键单击并选择“添加到.... rar”开始。


WinRAR does it’s magic in less than a minute, and creates the RAR file.



Right click and clean up your filename, and while you’re at it, change the file extension to CBR, for “Comic Book Reader.”

右键单击并清理文件名,然后在使用文件名时将“ Comic Book Reader”的文件扩展名更改为CBR。

(Author’s Note: If you can’t view or change your file extensions, you’ll have to enable them. Follow this link here to see a simple how-to from Microsoft to enable it in Windows 7.)

(作者注意:如果您无法查看或更改文件扩展名,则必须启用它们。在此处单击此链接以查看Microsoft提供的在Windows 7中启用它的简单方法。)


You’ll get a warning about changing file extensions. Choose “Yes.”

您会收到有关更改文件扩展名的警告。 选择“是”。


And your RAR file is now a functioning Comic Book Reader file.



You can now read your bundle of webcomics offline and uninterrupted on your PC, or wherever you go with any good comic book reader program on your mobile phone or your iPad.


Comical for Windows is an excellent comic book reader for those of you just getting started. Lifehacker has done an excellent (and fun) write up on going digital with comics, and recommends many excellent readers for nearly every OS and gadget around, including iOS and Android devices. Happy comic reading!

对于刚开始的您来说,Windows的Comical是出色的漫画阅读器。 Lifehacker在用漫画进行数字化方面做得很好(很有趣),并为几乎所有OS和小工具(包括iOS和Android设备)推荐了许多优秀的读者。 快乐漫画阅读!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/66060/how-to-read-webcomics-offline-in-comic-book-reader-format/