选择用于在Internet Explorer中查看源代码的文本编辑器

Everyone has a favorite text editor that they like to use when viewing or working with source code. If you are unhappy with the default choice in Internet Explorer 8 then join us as we show you how to set up access to your favorite text editor.

每个人都有一个喜欢的文本编辑器,他们喜欢在查看或使用源代码时使用它。 如果您对Internet Explorer 8中的默认选项不满意,请加入我们,我们将向您展示如何设置对您喜欢的文本编辑器的访问。

A Look at Before


Here is Internet Explorer on our test system ready to help us view the source code for one of the pages here at the site.

这是我们测试系统上的Internet Explorer,可以帮助我们查看站点此处页面之一的源代码。

选择用于在Internet Explorer中查看源代码的文本编辑器

Perhaps “Notepad” is your default source code viewer…


选择用于在Internet Explorer中查看源代码的文本编辑器

Or in the case of our test system where “EditPad Lite” was the default due to choices we made while installing it.

或者在我们的测试系统中,“ EditPad Lite”是默认设置,这是由于我们在安装时所做的选择。

选择用于在Internet Explorer中查看源代码的文本编辑器

Choose Your Favorite Text Editor


Chances are you have your own personal favorite and want to make it the default source code viewer. To get started go to the “Tools Menu”  and click on “Developer Tools” or press “F12” to access the “Developer Tools Window”.

您可能有自己的个人喜好,并希望使其成为默认的源代码查看器。 要开始使用,请转到“工具菜单”,然后单击“开发人员工具”或按“ F12”以访问“开发人员工具窗口”。

选择用于在Internet Explorer中查看源代码的文本编辑器

Once you have the “Developer Tools Window” open go to the “File Menu”, then “Customize Internet Explorer View Source”, and click on “Other”.

打开“开发人员工具窗口”后,转到“文件菜单”,然后“自定义Internet Explorer查看源”,然后单击“其他”。

选择用于在Internet Explorer中查看源代码的文本编辑器

Once you have clicked on “Other” you will see the “Program Directory” for the current default app. Here you can see the “Program Files Folder” for “EditPad Lite”. To change the default app simply browse for the appropriate program folder.

单击“其他”后,您将看到当前默认应用程序的“程序目录”。 在这里,您可以看到“ EditPad Lite”的“ Program Files文件夹”。 要更改默认应用程序,只需浏览以找到适当的程序文件夹。

选择用于在Internet Explorer中查看源代码的文本编辑器

On our test system we decided to change the default to “Editra”. Once you have located the program that you want to use click on the “.exe” file for that app and click “Open”. Once you have clicked “Open”, all that is left for you to do is close the “Developer Tools Window”…everything else is already taken care of.

在我们的测试系统上,我们决定将默认值更改为“ Editra”。 找到要使用的程序后,单击该应用程序的“ .exe”文件,然后单击“打开”。 单击“打开”后,剩下要做的就是关闭“开发人员工具窗口”…其他所有内容都已处理完毕。

选择用于在Internet Explorer中查看源代码的文本编辑器

And just like that you can be viewing source code with your favorite text editor.


选择用于在Internet Explorer中查看源代码的文本编辑器



If you have been unhappy with the default source code viewer in Internet Explorer 8 then you can set up access to your favorite text editor in just a couple of minutes. Nice, quick, and easy the way it ought to be.

如果您对Internet Explorer 8中的默认源代码查看器不满意,则可以在短短几分钟内设置对您喜欢的文本编辑器的访问。 美观,快捷,简单。

Thanks to HTG & TinyHacker reader Dwight for the tip!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/11703/choose-the-text-editor-used-to-view-source-code-in-internet-explorer/