


Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

If you’re using Spotify Premium, you can easily download any song, playlist, or album that you like and listen to them offline. Here’s how to download music from Spotify for offline use on your mobile and desktop devices.

如果您使用的是Spotify Premium ,则可以轻松下载所需的任何歌曲,播放列表或专辑,然后离线收听。 以下是从Spotify下载音乐以在移动设备和台式机设备上脱机使用的方法。

在移动设备上从Spotify下载音乐 (Download Music from Spotify on Mobile)

Spotify allows you to download music on almost every screen in its mobile apps, but the option is curiously different depending on where you are. While you can download any song or album as long as you have Spotify Premium, let’s start with the most obvious, your Liked Songs playlist.

Spotify允许您在其移动应用程序的几乎每个屏幕上下载音乐,但是根据您所在的位置,该选项会有所不同。 只要您拥有Spotify Premium,就可以下载任何歌曲或专辑,让我们从最明显的“喜欢的歌曲”播放列表开始。

To do this, open the Spotify app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device and then navigate to the “Your Library” tab.



From the Music > Playlists section, tap the “Liked Songs” option.



You’ll now see a big “Download” option at the top. Tap the toggle next to it to start downloading your Liked Songs. Now, as you keep liking songs, they’ll be saved to your library and automatically downloaded to your device. And, yes, this feature works for any playlist in your Library.

现在,您会在顶部看到一个很大的“下载”选项。 点击它旁边的开关,开始下载喜欢的歌曲。 现在,当您继续喜欢歌曲时,它们将被保存到您的音乐库中并自动下载到您的设备中。 而且,是的,此功能适用于媒体库中的任何播放列表。


But this is a single switch. What if you only want to download a particular album, perhaps without adding them to your Liked Songs playlist?

但这是一个开关。 如果您只想下载特定的专辑而不将其添加到“喜欢的歌曲”播放列表,该怎么办?

Navigate to the album or the playlist and tap the “Download” button below the description.



The music will be added to your Library (but not your Liked Songs playlist), and Spotify will start downloading the songs instantly as long as you’re on Wi-Fi.



If you want to enable downloads over cellular, you can do that by going to Settings > Music Quality > Download Using Cellular and toggling on the option.



Now, as long as your smartphone or tablet connects to the internet once every 30 days, the downloaded songs will remain available for offline use.


You cannot directly download individual songs. Instead, you’ll have to use the Liked Songs feature. Tap the “Heart” icon found next to an individual song to Like it, and as long as you have the downloading feature enabled for the Liked Songs playlist, they’ll be available for offline listening.

您不能直接下载单个歌曲。 相反,您必须使用“喜欢的歌曲”功能。 点按一首歌曲旁边的“心脏”图标即可将其设为“喜欢”,只要您为“喜欢的歌曲”播放列表启用了下载功能,便可以离线收听它们。

从桌面上的Spotify下载音乐 (Download Music from Spotify on Desktop)

Spotify’s desktop app is quite limited when it comes to downloading songs. You can only download your Liked Songs and playlists. You can’t download individual albums or songs.

当下载歌曲时,Spotify的桌面应用程序非常有限。 您只能下载喜欢的歌曲和播放列表。 您无法下载单个专辑或歌曲。

To download your Liked Songs playlist, open the Spotify app on your Windows 10 PC, Mac, or Linux computer and then select “Liked Songs” from the “Your Library” section in the sidebar. From there, click the toggle next to “Download” to start downloading all liked songs.

要下载喜欢的歌曲播放列表,请在Windows 10 PCMacLinux计算机上打开Spotify应用,然后从侧栏中的“您的库”部分中选择“喜欢的歌曲”。 从那里,单击“下载”旁边的切换按钮,开始下载所有喜欢的歌曲。


To download a playlist, first, open it in the Spotify desktop app and then click the three-dot Menu button. Here, choose the “Download” option.

要下载播放列表,请首先在Spotify桌面应用中将其打开,然后单击三点菜单按钮。 在这里,选择“下载”选项。


如何在Spotify上切换到离线模式 (How to Switch to Offline Mode on Spotify)

Unlike Apple Music, Spotify doesn’t have a separate section for downloaded music. Instead, it offers an Offline mode. Once enabled, Spotify will stop interacting with the streaming service, even if you’re connected to the internet.

与Apple Music不同,Spotify没有单独的部分来下载音乐。 而是提供脱机模式。 启用后,即使您已连接到Internet,Spotify也将停止与流媒体服务进行交互。


You’ll still be able to browse Spotify’s catalog of music, but you won’t be able to play them until you go back online. Offline Mode presents you with all of your recent offline music at the top of the Home page, and you can go to the Library to see the albums and playlists that you have downloaded. If a song is not grayed-out, it means it’s downloaded and can be played.

您仍然可以浏览Spotify的音乐目录,但是直到重新上线后才能播放它们。 脱机模式在主页顶部为您提供所有最近的脱机音乐,并且您可以转到资料库查看已下载的专辑和播放列表。 如果歌曲没有变灰,则表示它已下载并可以播放。

To switch to Offline Mode, click the “Settings” button found at the top of the Home section.



Here, choose the “Playback” option.



Now, you can tap the toggle next to “Offline Mode” to go offline. You can come back here again to go online.

现在,您可以点击“离线模式”旁边的切换按钮以离线。 您可以再次回到这里上网。


The best thing about Spotify is its music discovery engine. Here are a couple of the best ways to discover new music in Spotify.

Spotify最好的是它的音乐发现引擎。 这是在Spotify中发现新音乐的几种最佳方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/678299/how-to-download-music-from-spotify-for-offline-playback/
