



我需要一些帮助,因为我想提出一个模型这个超级长的查询红移查询。一切都很好,直到我的最后一节,第10节,我必须做一些工会。我能够运行,但不参考临时表查询7查询8。如果我运行整个查询并在末尾输入Select * from Inquiry6,它将运行。但是,如果我运行整个查询并在末尾输入Select * from Inquiry7,我开始出现奇怪的错误,如连接中断。



--Part 6: Appending SQL, SQL Reviewed, and SQO dates 

--6.1 SQL Date 
sql_date as (
       Select a.*, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',b.CreatedDate) as SQL_Date 
       From part5_final a 
       Left Outer Join salesforce_opportunity b on a.convertedopportunityid = b.id 

--6.2 SQL Reviewed Date and Value 
sql_reviewed as (
        Select a.*, 
          First_Value (b.CreatedDate) Over (Partition By a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.CreatedDate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as SQL_reviewed_date, 
          First_Value (b.NewValue) Over (Partition By a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.CreatedDate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as SQL_reviewed_value 
        From sql_date a Left Outer Join (Select a.OpportunityId, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) as CreatedDate, a.NewValue From salesforce_opportunityfieldhistory a Where a.field = 'StageName' and a.OldValue = 'Sales Qualified Lead') b on a.ConvertedOpportunityId = b.OpportunityId 

--6.3 Discovery Date 
Discovery_Date as (
        Select a.*, 
          First_Value (b.CreatedDate) Over (Partition By a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.CreatedDate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as Discovery_date 
        From sql_reviewed a Left Outer Join (Select a.OpportunityId, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) as CreatedDate, a.NewValue From salesforce_opportunityfieldhistory a Where a.field = 'StageName' and a.NewValue not in ('Sales Qualified Lead', 'Closed - SQL Rejected')) b on a.ConvertedOpportunityId = b.OpportunityId 

--6.4 SQO Date 
SQO_Date as (
       Select a.*, 
         First_Value (b.CreatedDate) Over (Partition By a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.CreatedDate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as SQO_date 
       From Discovery_Date a Left Outer Join (Select a.OpportunityId, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) as CreatedDate, a.NewValue From salesforce_opportunityfieldhistory a Where a.field = 'StageName' and a.NewValue not in ('Sales Qualified Lead', 'Discovery', 'Closed - SQL Rejected', 'Closed - SQL Unqualified')) b on a.ConvertedOpportunityId = b.OpportunityId 

--6.5 Reorg and dedupe   
Part6_Final as (
        Select leadid, convertedcontactid, mql_date, mql_reviewed_date, mql_reviewed_value, sal_date, lead_closed_date, lead_closed_value, converteddate, convertedopportunityid, sql_date, sql_reviewed_date, sql_reviewed_value, discovery_date, sqo_date, opportunitycloseddate, opportunitystage 
        From SQO_Date 
        Group By leadid, convertedcontactid, mql_date, mql_reviewed_date, mql_reviewed_value, sal_date, lead_closed_date, lead_closed_value, converteddate, convertedopportunityid, sql_date, sql_reviewed_date, sql_reviewed_value, discovery_date, sqo_date, opportunitycloseddate, opportunitystage 
--102 Seconds 

--Part 7: Appending Offer: we are going to build a table of MQL_Status__c changes, then do a date diff to calculate the time from MQL 
--  Date, taking the min result as our offer. 

--7.1 This grabs the values for the first MQL_Status__c change on the lead history table 
offer1 as (
      Select a.leadid, 
        First_Value (convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate)) Over (Partition By a.LeadId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as CreatedDate, 
        First_Value (a.OldValue) Over (Partition By a.LeadId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as OldValue, 
        First_Value (a.NewValue) Over (Partition By a.LeadId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as NewValue 
      From salesforce_leadhistory a 
      Where a.Field = 'MQL_Status__c' 

--7.2 There are instances where a lead was created with MQL_Status__c populated. In order to accurately identify the first 
-- change, we will take the Old Value and the lead created date for those 

offer2 as (
      Select a.leadid, CASE WHEN a.oldvalue <> '' THEN convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',b.CreatedDate) ELSE a.CreatedDate END as CreatedDate, 
          CASE WHEN a.oldvalue <> '' THEN a.oldValue ELSE a.NewValue END as NewValue 
      From offer1 a 
      Inner Join salesforce_lead b on a.leadid = b.id 

--7.3 This grabs the values for the first MQL_Status__c change on the contact history table 
offer3 as (
      Select a.contactid, 
        First_Value (convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate)) Over (Partition By a.ContactId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as CreatedDate, 
        First_Value (a.OldValue) Over (Partition By a.ContactId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as OldValue, 
        First_Value (a.NewValue) Over (Partition By a.ContactId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as NewValue 
      From salesforce_contacthistory a 
      Where a.Field = 'MQL_Status__c' 

--7.4 There are instances where a lead was created with MQL_Status__c populated. In order to accurately identify the first 
-- change, we will take the Old Value and the lead created date for those 
Offer4 as (
      Select a.contactid, CASE WHEN a.oldvalue <> '' THEN convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',b.CreatedDate) ELSE a.CreatedDate END as CreatedDate, 
           CASE WHEN a.oldvalue <> '' THEN a.oldValue ELSE a.NewValue END as NewValue 
      From offer3 a 
      Inner Join salesforce_contact b on a.contactid = b.id 

--7.5 combining results from 6.2 and 6.4. Additionally filling in all other contact and lead offer changes. Also, dedupe. 
offer5 as (
      Select a.PersonId, a.CreatedDate, a.NewValue 
      From (
        Select CASE WHEN b.ConvertedContactId <> '' THEN b.ConvertedContactId else a.LeadId END as PersonId, a.CreatedDate, a.NewValue 
        From offer2 a 
        Inner Join salesforce_lead b on a.leadid = b.id 

        UNION ALL 

        Select a.ContactId as PersonId, a.CreatedDate, a.NewValue 
        From offer4 a 

        UNION ALL 

        Select a.leadid as PersonId, (convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate)) as createddate, a.newvalue 
        From salesforce_leadhistory a 
        Where a.Field = 'MQL_Status__c' 

        UNION ALL 

        Select a.contactid as PersonId, (convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate)) as createddate, a.newvalue 
        From salesforce_contacthistory a 
        Where a.Field = 'MQL_Status__c' 
       ) a 
      Group By a.PersonId, a.CreatedDate, a.NewValue 

--7.6 Identification of correct offer per MQL 
offer6 as (
      Select a.*, 
        First_Value (b.NewValue) Over (Partition By ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId), a.MQL_Date ORDER BY abs(datediff(min,a.mql_date, b.createddate)) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as Offer 
      From Part6_Final a 
      Left Outer Join offer5 b on ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId) = b.PersonId 
      --Group By a.LeadId, a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date, a.MQL_Reviewed_Date, a.MQL_Reviewed_Value, a.SAL_Date, a.Lead_Closed_Date, a.Lead_Closed_Value, a.ConvertedDate, a.ConvertedOpportunityId, a.SQL_Date, a.SQL_Reviewed_Date, a.SQL_Reviewed_Value, a.Discovery_Date, a.SQO_Date, a.OpportunityClosedDate, a.OpportunityStage 
--7.7 Dedupe 
offer7 as (
      Select * 
      From offer6 a 
      Group By a.LeadId, a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date, a.MQL_Reviewed_Date, a.MQL_Reviewed_Value, a.SAL_Date, a.Lead_Closed_Date, a.Lead_Closed_Value, a.ConvertedDate, a.ConvertedOpportunityId, a.SQL_Date, a.SQL_Reviewed_Date, a.SQL_Reviewed_Value, a.Discovery_Date, a.SQO_Date, a.OpportunityClosedDate, a.OpportunityStage, a.Offer 

--7.8 Cases where a change does not appear in the history table, but the field is populated on the record, this query fills those gaps in. 
Part7_Final as (
      Select a.LeadId, a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date, a.MQL_Reviewed_Date, a.MQL_Reviewed_Value, a.SAL_Date, a.Lead_Closed_Date, a.Lead_Closed_Value, a.ConvertedDate, a.ConvertedOpportunityId, a.SQL_Date, a.SQL_Reviewed_Date, a.SQL_Reviewed_Value, a.Discovery_Date, a.SQO_Date, a.OpportunityClosedDate, a.OpportunityStage, 
        CASE WHEN a.Offer IS NULL AND a.ConvertedContactId is NULL THEN c.MQL_Status__c 
         WHEN a.Offer IS NULL and a.ConvertedContactId is NOT NULL THEN b.MQL_Status__c 
         ELSE a.Offer 
        END as Offer 
      From Offer7 a 
      Left Outer Join salesforce_contact b on a.convertedcontactid = b.id 
      Left Outer Join salesforce_lead c on a.leadid = c.id 
--160 seconds 
--21,506 rows 

--Part 8: Lead Source/Marketing Channel 
--8.1 Determine previous MQL date so we have a start end end date for determining correct last touch attribution. 
mktgchannel1 as (
        Select a.*, 
          ISNULL(Last_Value (b.mql_date) Over (Partition By ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId), a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.mql_date ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following), '10/1/2016') as PrevMQLDate 
        From Part7_Final a 
        Left Outer Join ( 
             Select a.leadid, a.convertedcontactid, a.mql_date 
             From Part7_Final a 
             Group By a.leadid, a.convertedcontactid, a.mql_date 
            ) b on ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId) = ISNULL(b.ConvertedContactId, b.LeadId) AND a.mql_date > b.mql_date 
--209 seconds 

--8.2 Building marketing channel source table from Bizible data 
mktgchannel2 as (
        Select CASE WHEN b.bizible2__Contact__c <> '' THEN b.bizible2__Contact__c ELSE b.bizible2__Lead__c END as PersonId, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.bizible2__Touchpoint_Date__c) as TouchpointDate, a.Id 
        From salesforce_bizible2__bizible_touchpoint__c a 
        Inner Join salesforce_bizible2__bizible_person__c b on a.bizible2__Bizible_Person__c = b.Id 
        Where a.bizible2__Touchpoint_Position__c like '%Form%' 
--8.3 Dedupe 
mktgchannel3 as (
        Select * 
        From (
          Select a.*, 
            Last_Value (b.id) Over (Partition By ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId), a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.touchpointdate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as TouchpointId, 
            Last_Value (b.TouchpointDate) Over (Partition By ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId), a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.touchpointdate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as TouchpointDate 
          From mktgchannel1 a 
          Left Outer Join mktgchannel2 b on ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId) = b.PersonId and b.TouchpointDate between a.PrevMQLDate and a.MQL_Date 
        Group By a.leadid, a.convertedcontactid, a.mql_date, a.mql_reviewed_date, a.mql_reviewed_value, a.sal_date, a.lead_closed_date, a.lead_closed_value, a.converteddate, a.convertedopportunityid, a.sql_date, a.sql_reviewed_date, a.sql_reviewed_value, a.discovery_date, a.sqo_date, a.opportunitycloseddate, a.opportunitystage, a.offer, a.prevmqldate, a.touchpointid, a.touchpointdate 
--226 seconds   

--8.4 Building attribution marketing channel source table from Bizible data 
mktgchannel4 as (
        Select a.bizible2__opportunity__c as opportunityid, id as attributionid, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.bizible2__Touchpoint_Date__c) as attributiondate 
        From salesforce_bizible2__bizible_attribution_touchpoint__c a 
        Where bizible2__form_url__c <> '' 

--8.5 Appending attribution id/date 
mktgchannel5 as (
        Select a.*, 
          Last_Value (b.attributionid) Over (Partition By ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId), a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.attributiondate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as AttributionId, 
          Last_Value (b.attributionDate) Over (Partition By ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId), a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.attributiondate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as AttributionDate 
        From mktgchannel3 a 
        Left Outer Join mktgchannel4 b on a.convertedopportunityid = b.opportunityid AND attributiondate between a.prevmqldate and mql_date 
--8.6 Dedupe 
mktgchannel6 as (
        Select * 
        From mktgchannel5 a 
        Group by a.leadid, a.convertedcontactid, a.mql_date, a.mql_reviewed_date, a.mql_reviewed_value, a.sal_date, a.lead_closed_date, a.lead_closed_value, a.converteddate, a.convertedopportunityid, a.sql_date, a.sql_reviewed_date, a.sql_reviewed_value, a.discovery_date, a.sqo_date, a.opportunitycloseddate, a.opportunitystage, a.offer, a.prevmqldate, a.touchpointid, a.touchpointdate, a.attributionid, a.attributiondate 

--8.7 Determining whether the touchpoint or attribution touchpoint is more relevent to the last touch model 
mktgchannel7 as (
        Select a.leadid, a.convertedcontactid, a.mql_date, a.mql_reviewed_date, a.mql_reviewed_value, a.sal_date, a.lead_closed_date, a.lead_closed_value, a.converteddate, a.convertedopportunityid, a.sql_date, a.sql_reviewed_date, a.sql_reviewed_value, a.discovery_date, a.sqo_date, a.opportunitycloseddate, a.opportunitystage, a.offer, a.prevmqldate, 
          CASE WHEN a.touchpointid IS NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL THEN a.attributionid 
           WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NULL THEN a.touchpointid 
           WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL AND a.touchpointdate > a.attributiondate THEN a.touchpointid 
           WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL and a.touchpointdate < a.attributiondate THEN a.attributionid 
           WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL and a.touchpointdate = a.attributiondate THEN a.touchpointid 
           WHEN a.touchpointid IS NULL and a.attributionid IS NULL THEN NULL 
          END as TouchpointId, 
          CASE WHEN a.touchpointid IS NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL THEN a.attributiondate 
           WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NULL THEN a.touchpointdate 
           WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL AND a.touchpointdate > a.attributiondate THEN a.touchpointdate 
           WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL and a.touchpointdate < a.attributiondate THEN a.attributiondate 
           WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL and a.touchpointdate = a.attributiondate THEN a.touchpointdate 
           WHEN a.touchpointid IS NULL and a.attributionid IS NULL THEN NULL 
          END as TouchpointDate 
        From mktgchannel6 a 

--8.8 Bringing in the marketing channel and form url from bizible data 
Part8_Final as (
        Select a.leadid, a.convertedcontactid as contactid, ISNULL(a.touchpointdate, a.mql_date) as inquiry_date, a.mql_date, a.mql_reviewed_date, a.mql_reviewed_value, a.sal_date, a.lead_closed_date, a.lead_closed_value, a.converteddate as converted_date, a.convertedopportunityid as opportunityid, a.sql_date, a.sql_reviewed_date, a.sql_reviewed_value, a.discovery_date, a.sqo_date, a.opportunitycloseddate as opportunity_closed_date, a.opportunitystage as opportunity_stage, a.offer, a.prevmqldate as prev_mql_date, a.touchpointid, a.touchpointdate as touchpoint_date, 
        ISNULL(b.bizible2__marketing_channel__c, c.bizible2__marketing_channel__c) as Lead_Source, 
        ISNULL(b.bizible2__form_url__c, c.bizible2__form_url__c) as Lead_Source_URL 
        From mktgchannel7 a 
        Left Outer Join salesforce_bizible2__bizible_touchpoint__c b on a.touchpointid = b.id 
        Left Outer Join salesforce_bizible2__bizible_attribution_touchpoint__c c on a.touchpointid = c.id 
--282 secs    

--Part 9: New leads that haven't had a status change yet 
--9.1 identification of MQLs that are waiting to be evaluated and do not appear in the model thus far 
newlead1 as (
       Select a.Id as LeadId, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) as LeadCreatedDate 
       From salesforce_lead a 
       Left Outer Join (
            Select Distinct LeadId 
            From Part8_Final a 
           ) b on a.Id = b.LeadId 
       Where a.Status = 'New' 
       AND a.MQL_Status__c <> '' 
       AND a.MQL_Status__c IS NOT NULL 
       AND b.LeadId IS NULL 

--9.2 This takes the leads identified in 9.1 and looks for the first offer change 
newlead2 as (
       Select b.LeadId, b.LeadCreatedDate, 
         First_Value (convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate)) Over (Partition By b.LeadId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as CreatedDate, 
         First_Value (a.OldValue) Over (Partition By b.LeadId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as OldValue, 
         First_Value (a.NewValue) Over (Partition By b.LeadId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as NewValue 
       From (Select * From salesforce_leadhistory Where field = 'MQL_Status__c') a 
       Right Outer Join newlead1 b on a.leadid = b.leadid 


--9.3 dedupe 
newlead3 as (
       Select * 
       From newlead2 
       Group By leadid, leadcreateddate, createddate, oldvalue, newvalue 

--9.4 Identifying the appropriate offer and offer date to use 
newlead4 as (
       Select a.leadid, 
         CASE WHEN a.oldvalue = '' THEN a.createddate 
          WHEN a.oldvalue <> '' THEN a.leadcreateddate 
          WHEN a.oldvalue IS NULL THEN a.leadcreateddate 
         END as MQL_Date, 
         CASE WHEN a.oldvalue = '' THEN a.newvalue 
          WHEN a.oldvalue <> '' THEN a.oldvalue 
          WHEN a.oldvalue IS NULL THEN b.MQL_Status__c 
         END as Offer 
       From newlead3 a 
       Inner Join salesforce_lead b on a.leadid = b.id 

--9.5 Indentifying the bizible touchpoint to use 
newlead5 as (
       Select a.*, 
         Last_Value (c.id) Over (Partition By a.LeadId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',c.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as TouchpointId, 
         Last_Value (convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',c.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c)) Over (Partition By a.LeadId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',c.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as Touchpoint_Date, 
         Last_Value (bizible2__marketing_channel__c) Over (Partition By a.LeadId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',c.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as Lead_Source, 
         Last_Value (bizible2__form_url__c) Over (Partition By a.LeadId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',c.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as Lead_Source_URL 
       From newlead4 a 
       Left Outer Join salesforce_bizible2__bizible_person__c b on a.leadid = b.bizible2__lead__c 
       Left Outer Join salesforce_bizible2__bizible_touchpoint__c c on b.id = c.bizible2__bizible_person__c AND a.mql_date > convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',c.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) 
       Where c.bizible2__Touchpoint_Position__c like '%Form%' 

--9.6 Dedupe 
newlead6 as (
       Select * 
       From newlead5 
       Group By leadid, mql_date, offer, touchpointid, touchpoint_date, lead_source, lead_source_url 

--9.7 Adding NULL fields to 9.6 so that it can be joined with part8_final 
newlead7 as (
       Select a.leadid, NULL as contactid, ISNULL(a.touchpoint_date, a.mql_date) as inquiry_date, a.mql_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as mql_reviewed_Date, NULL as mql_reviewed_value, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sal_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as lead_closed_date, NULL as lead_closed_value, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as converted_date, NULL as opportunityid, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sql_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sql_reviewed_Date, NULL as sql_reviewed_value, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as discovery_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sqo_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as opportunity_closed_date, NULL as opportunity_stage, a.offer, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as prev_mql_date, a.touchpointid, a.touchpoint_date, a.lead_source, a.lead_source_url 
       From newlead6 a 
--241 secs 

--9.8 The Union. This brings together all mqls being worked (part8_final) and all leads that have mql'd but haven't been worked 
Part9_Final as (
        Select * from newlead7 
        UNION ALL 
        Select * from part8_final 
--790 secs 

--Part 10: Inquiries 
--10.1 Identification of inquiries already in the model 
Inquiry1 as (
       Select distinct touchpointid from part9_final where touchpointid IS NOT NULL 

Inquiry2 as (
       Select a.* 
       From salesforce_bizible2__bizible_touchpoint__c a 
       Left Outer Join Inquiry1 b on a.Id = b.TouchpointId 
       Where b.TouchpointId IS NULL 
       AND a.bizible2__Touchpoint_Position__c like '%Form%' 

Inquiry3 as (
       Select b.Bizible2__Lead__c, 
         convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) as Inquiry_Date, 
         NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as MQL_Date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as mql_reviewed_Date, NULL as mql_reviewed_value, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sal_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as lead_closed_date, NULL as lead_closed_value, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as converted_date, NULL as opportunityid, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sql_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sql_reviewed_Date, NULL as sql_reviewed_value, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as discovery_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sqo_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as opportunity_closed_date, NULL as opportunity_stage, NULL as offer, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as prev_mql_date, 
         a.id as touchpointid, 
         convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) as touchpoint_date, 
         a.bizible2__marketing_channel__c as lead_source, 
         a.bizible2__form_url__c as lead_source_url 
       From Inquiry2 a 
       Inner Join salesforce_bizible2__bizible_person__c b on a.bizible2__bizible_person__c = b.id 

Inquiry4 as (
       Select * 
       From Inquiry3 a 
       Where a.Bizible2__Contact__c <> '' 

Inquiry5 as (
       Select b.Id as LeadId, 
         a.bizible2__contact__c as contactid, a.inquiry_date, a.mql_Date, a.mql_reviewed_date, a.mql_reviewed_value, a.sal_date, a.lead_closed_date, a.lead_closed_value, a.converted_date, a.opportunityid, a.sql_date, a.sql_reviewed_date, a.sql_reviewed_value, a.discovery_date, a.sqo_date, a.opportunity_closed_date, a.opportunity_stage, a.offer, a.prev_mql_date, a.touchpointid, a.touchpoint_date, a.lead_source, a.lead_source_url 
       From Inquiry4 a 
       Left Outer Join salesforce_lead b on a.bizible2__contact__c = b.ConvertedContactId 

Inquiry6 as (
       Select * 
       From Inquiry3 a 
       Where a.Bizible2__Contact__c = '' 
--663 secs     

Inquiry7 as (
       Select * From Inquiry6 
       UNION ALL 
       Select * From Inquiry5 

Inquiry8 as (
       Select * from Inquiry7 
       UNION ALL 
       Select * from Part9_Final 

Inquiry9 as (
       Select a.*, CASE WHEN b.bizible2__touchpoint_position__c like '%LC%' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END as Net_New_Name 
       From Inquiry8 a 
       Left Outer Join (Select * from salesforce_bizible2__bizible_touchpoint__c Where bizible2__Touchpoint_Position__c like '%Form%')b on a.touchpointid = b.id 

Select * From Inquiry9 

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SELECT sysdate current_ts, endtime AS restart_ts 
FROM stl_utilitytext 
WHERE text LIKE '%xen_is_up.sql%' 
ORDER BY endtime DESC; 

