java ncso发送电邮_如何通过电子邮件向他人发送自毁敏感信息

java ncso发送电邮_如何通过电子邮件向他人发送自毁敏感信息

java ncso发送电邮

java ncso发送电邮_如何通过电子邮件向他人发送自毁敏感信息

Have you ever sent private information to someone, maybe a family member needed your credit card number, and then regretted that you had ever done it. This can all be solved with a self-destructing link.

您是否曾经向某人发送过私人信息,也许一个家庭成员需要您的信用卡号,然后后悔您曾经这样做过。 这一切都可以通过自毁链接解决。

Note: We are not advising that you send private information via email or necessarily endorsing this service as a safe way to transfer any information. It’s a novelty and a fun geeky trick.

注意:我们不建议您通过电子邮件发送私人信息,也不一定建议您将此服务作为一种安全的方式来传输任何信息。 这是一种新颖性和有趣的怪异技巧。

创建自毁链接 (Creating The Self-Destructing Link)

To get started head over to this website and click on the Create One Now button.


java ncso发送电邮_如何通过电子邮件向他人发送自毁敏感信息

This will take you to a text box where you can enter the information you want to e-mail to someone.


java ncso发送电邮_如何通过电子邮件向他人发送自毁敏感信息

You can go ahead and click on the Create Link button when you ready. Don’t worry your information is safe and is sent over an SSL Encrypted line from your web browser to their servers.

您可以继续并在准备好后单击“创建链接”按钮。 不用担心,您的信息是安全的,并且通过SSL加密的线路从您的Web浏览器发送到他们的服务器。

java ncso发送电邮_如何通过电子邮件向他人发送自毁敏感信息

This will give you a link that you can either manually copy to the clipboard, or you can click the link which will automatically copy it to the clipboard.


java ncso发送电邮_如何通过电子邮件向他人发送自毁敏感信息

Now you can draft your email as you normally would. You should add the link you were given in the last step somewhere in the email. It is up to you as to whether you would like the recipient to know that the link self-destructs or not.

现在,您可以像平常一样起草电子邮件了。 您应该将在最后一步中获得的链接添加到电子邮件中的某个位置。 由您决定接收者是否知道链接是否自毁。

java ncso发送电邮_如何通过电子邮件向他人发送自毁敏感信息

When the person received the email they can click on it to see the message you generated earlier.


java ncso发送电邮_如何通过电子邮件向他人发送自毁敏感信息

However, if they refresh the page or try click on the link again they are not able to see the information.


java ncso发送电邮_如何通过电子邮件向他人发送自毁敏感信息

The data is also stored in an encrypted form on their servers, and when someone views the unique URL that you send them; your encrypted message is deleted from their system.

数据还以加密形式存储在其服务器上,并且当有人查看您发送给它们的唯一URL时; 您的加密邮件将从其系统中删除。


java ncso发送电邮