java ncso发送电邮_如何在Windows中从命令行发送电子邮件(无需额外的软件)

java ncso发送电邮_如何在Windows中从命令行发送电子邮件(无需额外的软件)

java ncso发送电邮

java ncso发送电邮_如何在Windows中从命令行发送电子邮件(无需额外的软件)

In Windows there is no way to natively send mail from the Command Prompt, but because PowerShell allows you to use the underlying .Net Framework, you can easily create and send an  e-mail from the command line.

在Windows中,无法从命令提示符本地发送邮件,但是由于PowerShell允许您使用基础的.Net Framework,因此您可以轻松地从命令行创建和发送电子邮件。

Note: I have uploaded a sample over here, due to many requests.


从PowerShell发送电子邮件 (Sending Email From PowerShell)

Note: We decided to use the GMail SMTP Servers for this article, that means you will need a GMail account to send mail using the provided code. However, you could easily hack my script to work with any SMTP Server should you want to.

注意:本文决定使用GMail SMTP服务器,这意味着您将需要一个GMail帐户才能使用提供的代码发送邮件。 但是,如果需要,您可以轻松地**我的脚本以与任何SMTP服务器一起使用。

The first thing you need to do is fire up PowerShell.


java ncso发送电邮_如何在Windows中从命令行发送电子邮件(无需额外的软件)

It’s pretty easy to send an e-mail from PowerShell, all you need to do is copy the template we provided and change some of the details.


$EmailFrom = “[email protected]

$ EmailFrom =“ [email protected]

$EmailTo = “[email protected]

$ EmailTo =“ [email protected]

$Subject = “The subject of your email”

$ Subject =“您的电子邮件主题”

$Body = “What do you want your email to say”

$ Body =“您希望您的电子邮件说什么”

$SMTPServer = “”

$ SMTPServer =“”

$SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587)

$ SMTPClient =新对象Net.Mail.SmtpClient($ SmtpServer,587)

$SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $true

$ SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $ true

$SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential(“usr”, “pass”);

$ SMTPClient.Credentials =新对象System.Net.NetworkCredential(“ usr”,“ pass”);

$SMTPClient.Send($EmailFrom, $EmailTo, $Subject, $Body)

$ SMTPClient.Send($ EmailFrom,$ EmailTo,$ Subject,$ Body)

You will need to change the following:


  • $EmailFrom = Your GMail address.

    $ EmailFrom =您的GMail地址。

  • $EmailTo = The recipient’s email address.

    $ EmailTo =收件人的电子邮件地址。

  • $Subject = What you want the subject of the mail to say.

    $ Subject =您希望邮件主题说什么。

  • $Body = What you want the main part of the mail to say.

    $ Body =您希望邮件的主要部分说什么。

  • usr = You will need to replace this with your GMail username.

    usr =您将需要用您的GMail用户名替换它。

  • pass = You will need to replace this with your GMail password.

    pass =您需要用您的GMail密码替换它。

Below is an example of me sending mail to myself.


Note: For obvious reasons, I removed GMail credentials from the screenshot.


java ncso发送电邮_如何在Windows中从命令行发送电子邮件(无需额外的软件)

That’s all there is to it.


java ncso发送电邮_如何在Windows中从命令行发送电子邮件(无需额外的软件)


java ncso发送电邮