

Drools:什么是规则引擎 (Drools: What is a Rule Engine)

Very simply, it is a place in which we can evaluate our business rules. Without it, our rules would be stuck 'on paper' and we'd have no way of feeding them into our system.

很简单,这是我们可以评估业务规则的地方。 没有它,我们的规则将“停留在纸上” ,我们将无法将其输入到我们的系统中。

A Rule Engine is a piece of software, which having some knowledge, is able to perform conclusions by using the knowledge.Rule Engines are pluggable software components that separate the business rules from the application code. Rule Engine tells WHAT TO DO at any situation, not HOW TO DO IT.

Rule Engine是一种软件,它具有一定的知识,能够通过使用该知识执行结论。 规则引擎是可插拔的软件组件,用于将业务规则与应用程序代码分开。 规则引擎会告诉您在任何情况下该做什么,而不是该怎么做。

Drools, we evaluate all the rules in the Drools技术语言,我们评估Rule Engine.规则引擎中的所有规则。


For all the Microsoft Outlook users, it would be very easy to relate to a rule. Its same as described above that when subject contains Jboss Rules then take a specific action. So when the WHEN part of the condition is met, the THEN part of the rule is triggered and actioned.

对于所有Microsoft Outlook用户,将其与规则关联起来将非常容易。 与上面描述的相同,当主题包含Jboss规则时,请执行特定操作。 因此,当满足条件的WHEN部分时,将触发并执行规则的THEN部分。


翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/drools/rule-engine
