mac 方向键调整_如何调整Mac方向键的速度

mac 方向键调整_如何调整Mac方向键的速度

mac 方向键调整

mac 方向键调整_如何调整Mac方向键的速度

Windows users moving to macOS will notice differences in how the Apple Mac keyboard responds to input. If you find the arrow keys are too slow-moving through text, you can adjust the speed. Here’s how.

迁移到macOS的Windows用户将注意到Apple Mac键盘对输入的响应方式有所不同。 如果发现箭头键在文本中移动太慢,则可以调整速度。 这是如何做。

在Mac*问键盘设置菜单 (Accessing the Keyboard Settings Menu on Mac)

Two options can impact the speed of your arrow keys on macOS: the key repeat speed and the repeat delay. To change the repeat speed, you’ll need to access the System Preferences menu.

有两个选项会影响macOS上箭头键的速度:键重复速度和重复延迟。 要更改重复速度,您需要访问系统偏好设置菜单

The easiest way to do this is by clicking the Apple menu icon in the top-left corner of your Mac screen. From here, select “System Preferences” to open the menu.

最简单的方法是单击Mac屏幕左上角的Apple菜单图标。 从此处选择“系统偏好设置”以打开菜单。

mac 方向键调整_如何调整Mac方向键的速度

In the System Preferences window, click the “Keyboard” icon.


mac 方向键调整_如何调整Mac方向键的速度

By default, entering the Keyboard settings menu will allow you to customize your macOS keyboard.


To change your key speeds, you’ll need to enter the first “Keyboard” tab—click it if this section didn’t load automatically.


mac 方向键调整_如何调整Mac方向键的速度

在Mac上更改键盘重复速度 (Changing Keyboard Repeat Speed on Mac)

At the top of the “Keyboard” section are two sliders. The “Key Repeat” slider setting (shown on the left) will impact how quickly your key input will be repeated when a key is pressed down.

“键盘”部分的顶部是两个滑块。 “按键重复”滑块设置(如左所示)将影响按下某个键时重复输入按键的速度。

For instance, if you want to move from the start to the end of one block of text in a document, holding down one of the arrow keys will only move the text cursor at the speed set using the slider here.


To change this, you’ll need to click the Apple menu icon in the top left, then click the “System Preferences” option. Press the “Keyboard” icon—you’ll find the “Key Repeat” slider at the top of the “Keyboard” section in this menu.

要更改此设置,您需要单击左上方的Apple菜单图标,然后单击“系统偏好设置”选项。 按下“键盘”图标-您将在此菜单中“键盘”部分的顶部找到“按键重复”滑块。

Using your mouse or trackpad, move the slider left or right to increase the keyboard repeat speed on your macOS device.


mac 方向键调整_如何调整Mac方向键的速度

The changes you make will be applied immediately—you can revert the setting if the keyboard repeat speed becomes too fast or slow.


在Mac上更改按键重复延迟 (Changing Key Repeat Delay on Mac)

The second setting that has an impact on your macOS arrow keys is the key repeat delay. This is the speed it takes for macOS to recognize a key has been held down and that the input can be repeated.

影响macOS箭头键的第二个设置是键重复延迟。 这是macOS识别按键的速度,可以重复输入。

To modify this setting, enter the System Preferences menu by clicking the Apple icon in the top-left corner and pressing the “System Preferences” option. From here, click the “Keyboard” icon to enter the Keyboard settings menu.

要修改此设置,请通过单击左上角的Apple图标并按“系统偏好设置”选项,进入“系统偏好设置”菜单。 在此处,单击“键盘”图标以进入键盘设置菜单。

The “Delay Until Repeat” slider is shown at the top of the window in the “Keyboard” section, next to the “Key Repeat” slider.


If you increase the value of this setting, macOS will register key repeats more quickly. Using your mouse or trackpad, move the slider left or right, depending on your own requirements.

如果您增加此设置的值,macOS将更快地注册按键重复。 根据您自己的要求,使用鼠标或触控板向左或向右移动滑块。

mac 方向键调整_如何调整Mac方向键的速度

As with the “Key Repeat” slider, any changes you make will be applied immediately and can be reversed, if required.



mac 方向键调整