red-black tree

- bh(x) <= 2lg(n+1)

- insert

  1. case 1: z and z.p are red. z.uncle's color is red -> set colors of z.p and z.uncle to black. set z.p.p to red. make z.p.p as new z
  2. case 2: z and z.p are red. z.uncle's color is black. z is right child of z.p -> left rotate z and z.p to case 3. z and z.p exchanged
  3. case 3: z and z.p are red. z.uncle's color is black. z is left child of z.p -> right rotate z.p and z.p.p. set z.p to black. set z.p.p to red

- deletion

z, y, x, w


- extension

  • dynamic sequential statistics. 

        add one more meta data, size, to tree node. the size is number of internal nodes under the given node. 

        node.left.size +1 is the ordered location of that node if it's in-order traversal.

  • how to extend a data structure
  1. select a basic data structure
  2. additional info to be added to the structure
  3. maintain the info in the structure
  4. new operation
  • range tree      x.low x.high    x.max traversal-search
  1. red-black tree, x.low as key of node
  2. x.max is max of x.high of all nodes under that node
  3. x.max = max(x.high, x.left.max, x.right.max)
  4. traversal-search
  • red-black tree