directx11_DirectX 11竞赛获胜者和展示!

directx11_DirectX 11竞赛获胜者和展示!


Last month we threw out the challenge to create something intensely-crazy-amazing in Unity 4 with DirectX 11. We put forward $10,000 and a trip to the greatest conference ever (Unite 2013 in Vancouver of course) as a reward to capture the awesome.

上个月,我们提出了挑战,要求使用DirectX 11在Unity 4中创建一个让人疯狂的东西。我们提出了10,000美元的奖励,并参加了有史以来最伟大的会议(当然是温哥华的Unite 2013),以表彰他们表现出色。

We had a great turnout of submissions which made judging one tough cookie, so as well as presenting the Grand Prize Winner and runners up, we have a little showcase of everything that made us giddy. A massive THANK YOU to everyone who entered, we hope you all had fun and learned something new.

我们收到了大量提交意见,这使得他们很难判断一个饼干,因此除了展示大奖获得者和亚军之外,我们还展示了一些让我们头晕的东西。 衷心感谢所有参加的人,我们希望大家都玩得开心,学到了一些新东西。

So without further ado, I present to you, the Winner, Runners Up and Honorable Mentions.


Check out official page with more judges notes here!


WINNER! The Museum of the Microstar.

优胜者! 微星博物馆。


RUST LTD and co did a marvelous job of putting together this interactive demo, it not only showcases impressive technical ability and great visuals, it also encompses a narrative, making it an all round great project. Check out more of their stuff at

RUST LTD和公司在组合此交互式演示方面做了出色的工作,它不仅展示了令人印象深刻的技术能力和出色的视觉效果,还囊括了叙述,使其成为一个全方位的出色项目。 在上查看更多他们的东西

The Team.


RUST LTD: Anton Hand‐ Game Direction, 3D Art, Visual Effects, Adam Liszkiewicz ‐ Narrative Design, Writing, Lucas Miller ‐ Graphic Design, Writing, Luke Noonan ‐ Development, Sound Design, Writing, Narration RUST AFFILIATE: Joshua Ols ‐ Shader Development TINYCUBE STUDIO: Arthur Brussee ‐ Particle System Development

防锈LTD:安东-游戏方向,3D艺术,视觉效果, 亚当Liszkiewicz -叙事设计,写作, 卢卡斯·米勒 -平面设计,写作, 卢克·努南 -发展,完善的设计,写作,叙述 锈附属公司: 约书亚OLS -着色器开发 TINYCUBE STUDIO: Arthur Brussee- 粒子系统开发

1st Runner Up – Voxel Cone Tracing.


Kurt Loeffer

库尔特·洛夫(Kurt Loeffer)


2nd Runner Up – DirectX 11 Demo

亚军-DirectX 11演示

Davit Naskidashvili



Honorable Mentions.


And now for a showcase of great projects that were entered.


Light submitted by Sergey Noscow

Sergey Noscow提交的光

directx11_DirectX 11竞赛获胜者和展示!

Deserted building scene. Really great environment modeling, lighting and use of HDR rendering with postprocessing effects.

废弃的建筑场景。 真正出色的环境建模,照明以及具有后处理效果的HDR渲染的使用。

Sail Ship submitted by George Notyag


directx11_DirectX 11竞赛获胜者和展示!

The most tessellated ropes and guns you’ve ever seen on a ship! But seriously this looks great.

您在船上见过的最精致的绳索和枪支! 但是说真的,这看起来很棒。

Happiness submitted by Maciej Gornicki

Maciej Gornicki提交的幸福

directx11_DirectX 11竞赛获胜者和展示!

A sweet and artistically driven demo about happiness.


Interactive Water Simulation submitted by Laurens Mathot

Laurens Mathot提交的交互式水模拟

directx11_DirectX 11竞赛获胜者和展示!

Nice use of compute shaders for simulating water flow and buoyancy for objects.


