In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 怎样使用Purchase Order Dates

Purchase Order Dates – General FastTab

默认 Purchase Header General FastTab 有四个日期。
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 怎样使用Purchase Order Dates
Figure 1 – The Purchase Order Header Fast Tab with dates highlighted in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017

  1. Document Date – 默认为创建文档的日期。 文档日期用来计算订单付款的到期日。 注意:如果过帐日期已更改,并且该订单没有入站单据,则单据日期将更改为与过帐日期相同的日期。 可以更改它而不会影响过帐日期。
  2. Posting Date – 默认为创建文档的日期。 该日期可以由用户更改。 系统在将事务过帐到“分类帐分录”表时由系统使用。 在创建各种相关文档(如已过帐的收据)时也会使用它。
  3. Due Date – 付款到期日是为了避免付款罚款[单据日期+付款条件=到期日期]。 可以更改此日期,而不会影响文档日期。
  4. Order Date – 订单创建的日期。 创建订单时,NAV用工作日期填充该日期。 它可以更改,但通常不会更改,因为它是创建订单时的记录。 如果更改日期,由于此日期也在行记录中,因此系统将警告用户行订单日期未更改。 如果需要,可以手动更改它们。

Purchase Order Dates – Invoice Details FastTab

By default, the Purchase Header Invoice Details FastTab has four dates.

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 怎样使用Purchase Order Dates
Figure 2 - The Purchase Header Invoice Details FastTab has four dates in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017

  1. Expected Receipt Date – 您希望货物在存储地点可用的日期。 默认情况下,此日期不填充在标题上,因为它与预期的日期有关,并且各行可能不同。 但是,如果标题上的日期已更改,系统将询问您是否要更新行上的日期。 如果回答“是”,系统将使用新的“预期收货日期”填充每个订单项。 然后,系统将重新计算订单项的订单日期和计划收货日期。
  2. Pmt. Discount Date – 此日期是根据付款日期的凭证日期+折扣部分(如果有)计算的。 如果没有与付款条件相关的折扣,则此日期将等于凭证日期。
  3. Requested Receipt Date –您要求将货物交付到您所在地的日期。 默认情况下,此日期不填充在标题上,因为它与请求订单项的时间有关,并且可以逐行不同。 但是,如果您设置或更改标题上的日期,系统将询问您是否要更新行上的日期。 如果回答“是”,系统将在每个订单项中填充请求的收货日期。 然后,系统将重新计算订单项的订单日期,计划收货日期和预期收货日期。  要求收货日期字段使您可以记录要从供应商收货的日期。 该日期不会重新计算,因此一旦确定,它就会为您提供一个标记来衡量该请求日期的供应商表现。
  4. Promised Receipt Date – 供应商承诺您将在您所在地收到货物的日期。 默认情况下,此日期不填充在标题上,因为它与承诺订单项的时间有关,并且可以随订单项的不同而不同。 但是,如果您设置或更改标题上的日期,系统将询问您是否要更新行上的日期。 如果您回答“是”,系统将在每个订单项中填充“承诺收货日期”。 然后,系统将重新计算订单项的订单日期,计划收货日期和预期收货日期

Purchase Order Dates – Invoice Details FastTab

By default, the Purchase Header Prepayment FastTab has two dates.
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 怎样使用Purchase Order Dates
Figure 3 – The Purchase Header Prepayment FastTab has two dates in Microsoft Dynamics Business Central online

  1. Prepayment Due Date – If prepayment is required, the date prepayment is due to avoid penalties.
  2. Prepayment Payment Discount Date – If prepayment is required, the date prepayment is due to take any discounts offered.

Purchase Order Dates – Lines

Many of the same dates on the Purchase Header are also on the lines. Based on the line dates, NAV 2017 can do replenishment calculations.

Note: These five dates – Order Date, Planned Receipt Date, Expected Receipt Date, Promised Receipt Date, and Requested Receipt Date – are related to each other. Changing one of these dates will cause the system to recalculate one or more of the other dates.

The best way to think about NAV Purchase Order dates is to realize that Dynamics NAV basically tries to get to a Planned Receipt Date as a baseline and then does calculations based on planning parameters to get to dates that are useful to the users.
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 怎样使用Purchase Order Dates
Figure 4 – Purchase Order dates in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017

  1. Order Date – Defaults to the date the order was created. NAV populates this with the work date at the time the order is created. Order Date should normally not be changed. It is better to change other dates to reflect what should happen to the order lines. Changing the Order Date will recalculate other dates.
  2. Planned Receipt Date – The date you expect the order to arrive at your facility [Order Date + (the greater of Item Lead Time Calculation or Vendor Lead Time Calculation) = Planned Receipt Date]. If no lead times exist on the item or vendor cards, the Planned Receipt Date = Order Date. This date can be calculated forward (as from the Order Date in the above example) or backward (as from the Expected Receipt Date example below).
  3. Expected Receipt Date – The date you expect the inventory to be available for use in the system [Planned Receipt Date + Safety Lead Time + Inbound Warehouse Handling Time = Expected Receipt Date]. If the Expected Receipt Date is changed manually, the system will recalculate the Planned Receipt Date = Expected Receipt Date – Inbound Whse. Handling Time - Safety Lead Time.
  4. Promised Receipt Date – The date your vendor promised that you would receive the goods. This is set manually, and the system will not recalculate this date. NAV sets the Planned Receipt Date = Promised Receipt Date and then makes appropriate calculations using lead times and handling times.
  5. Requested Receipt Date – The date you have requested that the goods be delivered to your location. Once set, the system will not recalculate this date, so it serves as a marker to measure vendor performance against this requested date. If you set this date, NAV sets the Planned Receipt Date = Requested Receipt Date and then makes appropriate calculations using lead times and handling times. Note: The system will not allow you to change the Requested Receipt Date if the Promised Receipt Date has been set.