js 复选框禁用启用_如何在Windows 7中启用项目复选框

js 复选框禁用启用_如何在Windows 7中启用项目复选框

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Would you like an easier way to select multiple files in Windows Explorer without having to hold down the “Ctrl” or “Shift” key? Today we take a look at enabling the check boxes feature which might be easier for some users to select multiple items.

您是否想要在Windows资源管理器中选择多个文件而不必按住“ Ctrl”或“ Shift”键的简便方法? 今天,我们来看看启用复选框功能,对于某些用户来说,选择复选框可能更容易。

I’m sure you’re familiar with selecting multiple files in Explorer by holding down the “Shift” or “Ctrl” key while selecting them with your mouse. Holding down the “Ctrl” key allows you to select multiple single items. Holding down “Shift” lets you select a series of multiple files or folders.

我确定您熟悉在资源管理器中选择多个文件的方法,即在按住“ Shift”或“ Ctrl”键的同时用鼠标选择文件。 按住“ Ctrl”键可以选择多个单个项目。 按住“ Shift”可以选择一系列的多个文件或文件夹。

js 复选框禁用启用_如何在Windows 7中启用项目复选框

Enable Check Boxes


To enable check boxes, click on Start and and type Folder Options into the search box and hit Enter.

要启用复选框,请单击“开始”,然后在搜索框中键入“ 文件夹选项” ,然后按Enter。

js 复选框禁用启用_如何在Windows 7中启用项目复选框

In the Folder Options window click on the View tab, and scroll down under Advanced Settings and check the box next to Use check boxes to select items, the click Apply and Ok.

在“文件夹选项”窗口中,单击“视图”选项卡,然后在“高级设置”下向下滚动,然后选中“ 使用复选框来选择项目 ”旁边的 ,然后单击“应用”和“确定”。

js 复选框禁用启用_如何在Windows 7中启用项目复选框

Now you’ll notice a small check box shows up on next to the item you want to select. With this enabled you don’t need to hold any key on the keyboard, just click to place a checkmark in the box.

现在,您会注意到要选择的项目旁边显示一个小复选框。 启用此功能后,您无需按住键盘上的任何键,只需单击以在复选框中打勾。

js 复选框禁用启用_如何在Windows 7中启用项目复选框

Also notice there is a box under the menu bar that will select all items.


js 复选框禁用启用_如何在Windows 7中启用项目复选框

It also works for folders…


js 复选框禁用启用_如何在Windows 7中启用项目复选框

And on the desktop you can check icons, folders, and files that you want to move to another location.


js 复选框禁用启用_如何在Windows 7中启用项目复选框

The check box feature is also available in Vista following the same procedure…enabling them in Folder Options.


js 复选框禁用启用_如何在Windows 7中启用项目复选框

This is a neat setting that lets you select multiple items using the mouse without worrying about holding down the correct key on the keyboard. It will work with any view in Explorer but seems to work best with Detailed View

这是一个简洁的设置,可让您使用鼠标选择多个项目,而不必担心按住键盘上的正确键。 它将与资源管理器中的任何视图一起使用,但似乎与“详细视图”一起使用效果最佳

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/7888/how-to-enable-check-boxes-in-explorer-in-windows-7/

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