UGUI 学习笔记 5 Raw Image

Raw Image
1. 属性详解
Texture : The texture that represents the image to display. 纹理
Color : The color to apply to the image. 颜色
Material : The Material to use for rendering the image. 材质球
UV Rectangle : The image’s offset and size within the control rectangle, given in normalized coordinates (range 0.0 to 1.0).The edges of the image are stretched to fill the space around the UV rectangle. UV矩形
2. UV Rect 图片显示的区域。
3. 代码控制
UGUI 学习笔记 5 Raw Image
换图,obj.texture=new Texture();
UGUI 学习笔记 5 Raw Image
改变RawImage 中的UV Rect参数。
UGUI 学习笔记 5 Raw Image