Car journey

Car journey

Speaking of a long car journey I went on, first of all, I have to clarify [ˈklærəfaɪ] v.澄清 that I personally detest [dɪˈtest] v.厌恶 any kind of car journeys. I simply do (emphasize v.[ˈemfəsaɪz] the word à varying [相异,不同,改变] intonation [ˌɪntəˈneɪʃn] n.语调,音准) not like travelling by car because I don’t like to stay in a confined environment for such long hours. I like to be free, to stretch [stretʃ] my limbs n.肢,腿; 翼; 翅膀; 有…肢(或翼、翅膀)的; (树的) 大枝,主枝. But obviously, when I was very young, I didn’t have choices. It was all subject n.主题,题材 adj.v.屈服于;受影响 to my parents.

And it just so happened that my father was very fond of driving. He had two cars. He would actually pick [选择,挑选] which car to drive depending on his mood and depending on where he would go. Once, he suggested to me that perhaps we could drive to a nearby county where there was a nice beach. I think, at that time, I was about four/five years old. I forgot, but I was very young. I had been to a proper adj.正确的,恰当的,想样的 beach yet, so I was quite excited, not knowing what a car journey was like. In the end, it took us about, I think, at least four hours, four to five, or maybe six hours to eventually [最后,最终] adv. get to the county. You could imagine how bored I was along the way. I had nowhere to go [无处可去] , and I was desperate adj.极其渴望得到的 for the toilet [ˈtɔɪlət] n.厕所 several times along the journey. Anyway, in the end, we finally arrived. To my surprise, the beach was pretty nice. It was very pristine because the county was less travelled to, so the environment there was very nice. It wasn’t very touristy adj.吸引很多游客的 , and we could enjoy the beach all by ourselves. I played with my parents on the beach, and obviously, they were not as active as I was, because it was my first time seeing the beach, so I was very excited. But my parents just wanted to relax on the beach, you know, to have a sunbath and such. So anyway, I was playing on the beach, building sandcastles [沙堡] and just playing with small creatures n.生物 from the ocean [ˈəʊʃn] n.大海,海洋.

At night, we had a BBQ just by the side of the beach. We could hear the waves. It was very soothing [suːθ] adj.真正的; 抚慰的; 光滑的; n.实际 and comforting. We actually originally [əˈrɪdʒənəli] adv.原来,起初 planned for this one-day trip, but in the end, because it was too late. It was dangerous to drive during the night. So, we just stayed in a nearby hotel for one night, and we went back the next time. As far as [就……来说;直到…为止] I could recall, that should be my first time travelling by car, like, on such a long journey. I couldn’t really say I liked it, but it wasn’t too bad either.
Car journey