

I read a post on ArsTechnica today called "I know too much to program quickly. What can I do?" that is summary of a * question by Zilk, who says:

我今天在ArsTechnica上读了一篇文章,“我知道太多,无法快速编程。我该怎么?” 这是一个问题的*总结通过Zilk ,谁说:

Lately, I've been noticing that the more experience I gain, the longer it takes me to complete projects, or certain tasks in a project. I'm not going senile yet. It's just that I've seen so many different ways in which things can go wrong. And the potential pitfalls and gotchas that I know about and remember are just getting more and more.

最近,我一直在注意,我获得的经验越多,完成项目或项目中某些任务所花费的时间就越长。 我还不衰老。 只是我已经看到了很多出错的不同方式。 我知道并记得的潜在陷阱和陷阱正在越来越多。

Trivial example: it used to be just "okay, write a file here". Now I'm worrying about permissions, locking, concurrency, atomic operations, indirection/frameworks, different file systems, number of files in a directory, predictable temp file names, the quality of randomness in my PRNG, power shortages in the middle of any operation, an understandable API for what I'm doing, proper documentation, etc etc etc.

一个简单的例子:过去只是“好吧,在这里写文件”。 现在我担心的是权限,锁定,并发,原子操作,间接/框架,不同的文件系统,目录中的文件数,可预测的临时文件名,PRNG中的随机性质量,任何中间的电源短缺操作,我在做什么的可理解的API,适当的文档等,等等。

This really hit me because THIS IS ME. I was wondering recently if it was age-related, but I'm just not that old to be senile. It's too much experience combined with overthinking. I have more experience than many, but clearly not enough to keep me from suffering from Analysis Paralysis.

这真的让我感到震惊,因为这就是我。 我最近在想这是否与年龄有关,但我的年龄还没有那么老。 太多的经验与过度思考相结合。 我的经验比很多人多,但显然不足以使我免于遭受分析瘫痪的困扰。

I have two side projects I'm doing on vacations and in the evenings when the house is asleep. One is a port of popular iOS application to Windows Phone, the other is a iOS app with a cloud service startup with my buddy Greg. Both projects have had awesome beginnings and then stalled when things just got overwhelming.

我有两个在假期和晚上在房子入睡时做的项目。 一个是将流行的iOS应用程序移植到Windows Phone,另一个是带有我的好友Greg的云服务启动公司的iOS应用程序。 这两个项目的开始都是很棒的,但是当事情变得势不可挡时就停了下来。

I kept starting features, the stalling. I felt like I was thrashing to disk, spending more time swapping ideas around in my head rather than just doing them. I'm still getting lots of things done, in general, I'm productive, but when I code I just thrash.

我一直在启动功能,拖延时间。 我感觉自己像是在挣扎着挣扎,花了更多的时间在脑海里交换想法,而不是仅仅去做。 总的来说,我仍然有很多事情要做,但我的工作效率很高,但是当我编写代码时,我还是rash之以鼻。

I'm overthinking stuff. "Write settings to a file" turns into a mess of paranoia around concurrency situations, upgrading settings from previous versions of the app (that don't exist, mind you), and it just snowballs from there. It's not exactly scope creep, but it's a kind of architectural paranoia. I see so many issues and possible bugs that I've learned over the years that could derail a feature that I end up derailing the feature.

我想得太多了。 “将设置写入文件”会导致并发情况混乱,从应用程序的早期版本(不存在,请注意)升级设置,然后就此滚雪球。 这不完全是范围蠕变,而是一种建筑上的妄想症。 多年来,我发现了很多问题和可能的错误,这些错误和错误可能会使某个功能出轨,最终导致该功能出轨。

雅尼 (YAGNI)

The answer, they say, is You Aren't Gonna Need It. "Perfect is the enemy of the good" reminds user Telastyn.  These are easy to intellectualize but hard to internalize. User Mouviciel says:

他们说,答案是您将不需要它。 用户Telastyn提醒:“完美是善良的敌人”。 这些很容易智能化,但很难内部化。 用户Mouviciel说:

Looks like you are not experienced enough :). The next lesson is: stick to requirements, not more.

看来您经验不足:)。 下一课是:坚持要求,而不是更多

I get that, but me, I often need another brain to complement my own.


我如何解决过度思考 (How I Solve Overthinking)

I learned about Agile from James Shore while I was working at Corillian some years ago, but it's Pairing that resonates with me the most. With a good pair, you'll get 3 times the work, not double.

几年前,当我在Corillian工作时,我从James Shore那里了解了敏捷知识,但“配对”最能引起我的共鸣。 有了一对优秀的配对,您将获得三倍的工作量,而不是两倍。

I worked my way through both these startup issues by bringing in another brain. I'm not the best programmer, but I do OK. But somehow we are both better when we pair. I paired with Greg on the iOS and my new friend Jan Hanneman on the other. They are both clearly better coders than I, which is intimidating, but I'm still sure I provide value. What they gave me was a fresh perspective and a focus to say "YAGNI" and just get features done. The ironic part is, if I'm brought in on a project to pair, that's what I bring also.

我通过引入另一个大脑来解决这两个启动问题。 我不是最好的程序员,但我可以。 但是无论如何,我们俩在一起时会变得更好。 我与iOS上的Greg配对,另一个与我的新朋友Jan Hanneman配对。 他们两个人显然都比我强,这很令人生畏,但我仍然确定我提供了价值。 他们给我的是一个全新的视角,并且专注于说“ YAGNI”,并且只是完成了功能。 具有讽刺意味的是,如果我引入了一个配对项目,那也是我带来的。

My wife thinks this is hilarious. It's the old relationship joke where your partner says something for years and years, then one day you rush home from work to share this amazing new "insight" from a stranger...the same insight your partner has been sharing all this time.

我妻子认为这很有趣。 这是一个古老的关系笑话,您的伴侣多年以来一直在说些什么,然后有一天您下班回家,与陌生人分享这种令人惊奇的新“见解”……您的伴侣一直以来都在分享同样的见解。

Since I work remotely, all my Pair Programming has to happen over video chat and screen sharing. I use Skype, Lync, Join.me, and whatever else works. We take turns working through features in Trello boards, sharing one person's screen, talking and coding, designing and brainstorming, then commiting to Git, syncing, and switching the share.

由于我是远程工作,因此所有配对编程都必须通过视频聊天和屏幕共享进行。 我使用Skype,Lync,Join.me以及其他任何可用的工具。 我们轮流浏览Trello面板中的功能,共享一个人的屏幕,交谈和编码,进行设计和集思广益,然后致力于Git,同步和切换共享。

This seems to work well for sessions as long as 3 hours, but after that, we get pretty wasted. However the feeling of accomplishment when you work through a problem with a partner is also magnified.

对于长达3小时的会话来说,这似乎效果很好,但是之后,我们就白白浪费了。 但是,当您与伴侣解决问题时,成就感也会被放大。

Does your coding life get paralyzed? How do YOU work through it?

您的编码生活会麻痹吗? 您如何工作?

* Photo courtesy of FOCUS100


关于斯科特(About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/analysis-paralysis-overthinking-and-knowing-too-much-to-just-code