HIT 2020Spring Software Construction 0228

External and Internal Quality Factors

External quality factors mainly affect users while internal quality factors are related with software and its developers. However, external results result from internal quality, so it is not correct to assume that external quality factors are more important than internal quality factors.

Correctness and Robustness

Correctness means that if input data is correct, the program should get the correct answers according to some specific rules.
Robustness means that the program can give a beneficial reaction to the abnormal data which classified by rules as well.
These two factors describe the program performances when program is faced with different input data.
HIT 2020Spring Software Construction 0228

Structure of Final Exam

Choice “Which of the following statements is wrong?(Concept maybe)”
Questions and Answers "What is the general procedure of something? "
Design “Implement a Exception method (write down some code)”

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