ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

ubuntu wubi安装

You might be looking for a way to try out Ubuntu Linux but don’t like the idea of creating a partition, using a slow live CD, or don’t have enough resources to run a virtual machine. Today we take a look at using the Wubi installer to get Ubuntu running on your computer with very little effort.

您可能正在寻找一种尝试Ubuntu Linux的方法,但是不喜欢使用慢速Live CD创建分区的想法,或者没有足够的资源来运行虚拟机。 今天,我们来看看如何使用Wubi安装程序轻松地在计算机上运行Ubuntu。

Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer that allows Windows users to easily get started in the Linux realm. Using Wubi to install Ubuntu is a similar process you’d use to install any other software program in Windows. It saves you the hassle of creating another partition or creating a VM. Wubi has been around for a few years now, and official version have been included on the Ubuntu Live CD since 8.04 “Hardy Heron”. We’ll take a look at installing Wubi from the Ubuntu Live CD and also downloading Wubi.exe separately and installing Ubuntu.  

Wubi是受官方支持的Ubuntu安装程序,可让Windows用户轻松进入Linux领域。 使用Wubi安装Ubuntu的过程与在Windows中安装任何其他软件程序的过程类似。 它省去了创建另一个分区或创建VM的麻烦。 五笔已经存在了几年,从8.04版“ Hardy Heron”开始,正式版已包含在Ubuntu Live CD中。 我们将介绍如何从Ubuntu Live CD安装Wubi,还分别下载Wubi.exe并安装Ubuntu。

Installing Ubuntu with Wubi from Ubuntu CD

从Ubuntu CD用Wubi安装Ubuntu

In this first method we’ve already downloaded the Ubuntu Live ISO and burned it to CD. In Windows pop in the Ubuntu 9.10 installation disc and run wubi.exe.

在第一种方法中,我们已经下载了Ubuntu Live ISO并将其刻录到CD。 在Windows中,弹出Ubuntu 9.10安装光盘,然后运行wubi.exe。

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

At the Ubuntu Menu screen click the Install inside Windows button.

在“ Ubuntu菜单”屏幕上,单击“ 在Windows中安装”按钮。

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

At the Ubuntu Installer screen you choose the language, install drive, installation size, username and password then when you’re finished click Install.

在Ubuntu Installer屏幕上,选择语言,安装驱动器,安装大小,用户名和密码,然后在完成后单击Install。

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

Give it a few moments while the installation kicks off…


ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

When it’s complete, a restart is required but you can do it right away or wait until later.


ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

Installing Ubuntu from Wubi.exe


If you don’t already have the Ubuntu CD, another option is to download the Wubi Installer and kick off the install process. This simplifies the process even more because you don’t need to download the ISO and burn it to disc. One thing to point out with this method is you’ll get extra choices for the type of Desktop Environment you wish to install. In this example we’re choosing the Kubuntu environment.

如果您还没有Ubuntu CD,那么另一个选择是下载Wubi Installer并开始安装过程。 因为您不需要下载ISO并将其刻录到光盘,所以这进一步简化了该过程。 使用此方法要指出的一件事是,您将获得想要安装的桌面环境类型的更多选择。 在此示例中,我们选择Kubuntu环境。

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

Now when the installation takes place, it will download the appropriate ISO for the chosen desktop environment. Kubuntu uses the KDE environment which is different from the Gnome used in Ubuntu. The main difference is that KDE is more flashy with graphics and might be easier for a Windows user to get comfortable with.

现在,安装完成后,它将为所选的桌面环境下载适当的ISO。 Kubuntu使用的KDE环境与Ubuntu中使用的Gnome不同。 主要区别在于KDE的图形更加华丽,并且Windows用户可能更容易适应。

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

No matter which route you take to install Ubuntu with Wubi, everything is installed to C:\Ubuntu directory.

无论您采用哪种方式通过Wubi安装Ubuntu,所有内容都将安装到C:\ Ubuntu目录。

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

Booting Into Ubuntu


After the first reboot, you can choose between Windows 7 or Ubuntu at the Windows Boot Manager screen.

首次重启后,您可以在Windows Boot Manager屏幕上选择Windows 7还是Ubuntu。

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

The first time you boot into Ubuntu, wait a few minutes while the installation finishes up. You’ll see a series of screens and then the main install screen is displayed showing progress and screens showing features offered in Ubuntu 9.10.

首次启动Ubuntu时,请等待几分钟,以完成安装。 您将看到一系列屏幕,然后显示主安装屏幕,显示进度,而屏幕显示Ubuntu 9.10中提供的功能。

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

Your system will reboot one more time and again you will have Windows 7 or Ubuntu to choose from.

您的系统将再次重启一次,您将可以选择Windows 7或Ubuntu。

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

When you select Ubuntu from the bootloader, it will go into the GRUB bootloader where you can select Ubuntu, Recovery Mode, or back to the Windows 7 Boot Manager.

当您从引导加载程序中选择Ubuntu时,它将进入GRUB引导加载程序,您可以在其中选择Ubuntu,恢复模式或返回Windows 7引导管理器。

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

At the Ubuntu login screen you’ll notice the username and password will be what you gave it in the steps above.


ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

That’s really all there is to it…now you can easily boot into Ubuntu and get your geek on with this popular flavor of Linux.


ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

Here is a look at the Kubuntu interface after a bit of tweaking…if you choose that route.


ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

After Ubuntu has been completely installed, you can select the default boot system by going into Advance System Settings \ Startup and Recovery…then selecting between Windows or Ubuntu. To learn more about getting into this setting, check out The Geek’s article: Easily Set Default OS in a Windows7/Vista Dual Boot Setup.

完全安装Ubuntu后,您可以通过进入高级系统设置\启动和恢复来选择默认的引导系统,然后在Windows或Ubuntu之间进行选择。 要了解有关进入此设置的更多信息,请查看Geek的文章: 在Windows7 / Vista Dual Boot Setup中轻松设置默认操作系统

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

Uninstall Ubuntu


So you’ve tried Ubuntu and decided you don’t like it, so now what do you do? It’s easy…just uninstall it. Boot into Windows 7 and go into Add / Remove Programs…

因此,您尝试过Ubuntu并决定不喜欢它,那么现在您该怎么办? 很简单,只需将其卸载即可。 引导进入Windows 7并进入“添加/删除程序”…

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

Or use a utility like Revo Uninstaller.

或使用Revo Uninstaller之类的实用程序。

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

The uninstall process is extremely simple as well and consists of two screens. Verify you want to uninstall Ubuntu…

卸载过程也非常简单,包括两个屏幕。 确认您要卸载Ubuntu…

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux

That’s it! It’s uninstalled and you have your hard drive space back. When you reboot your system, there’s no leftover funky GRUB or other bootloader to worry about. Your PC will boot directly into Windows.

而已! 它已卸载,并且您的硬盘空间已被收回。 重新引导系统时,无需担心剩余的时髦GRUB或其他引导程序。 您的PC将直接启动到Windows。

ubuntu wubi安装_使用Wubi安装程序在Windows上轻松安装Ubuntu Linux



This might be the easiest way for the Linux beginner to get their feet wet with Ubuntu as there are no partitions to create and installation is extremely simple. For this article we used Windows 7 but it should work on Windows 98 through Windows 7 …except for Windows ME…which no one should be running anyway. If you’re looking for an extremely easy way to start using Ubuntu Linux, you’ll definitely want to give the Wubi install a try.

对于Linux初学者来说,这可能是最容易接触Ubuntu的最简单方法,因为没有分区可以创建,并且安装非常简单。 在本文中,我们使用Windows 7,但它应该可以在Windows 98到Windows 7上运行……(Windows ME除外),无论如何都不应运行。 如果您正在寻找开始使用Ubuntu Linux的极其简单的方法,则肯定要尝试Wubi安装。

Download Wubi Installer


Download Ubuntu 9.10

下载Ubuntu 9.10

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9142/easily-install-ubuntu-linux-with-windows-using-the-wubi-installer/

ubuntu wubi安装