java发送outlook_在Outlook 2007中发送民意调查

java发送outlook_在Outlook 2007中发送民意调查


Collecting responses from a group of people is something very common in an office environment. Whether you are trying to ask what type of pizza to order for a meeting, or taking a vote on who’s going to quit next, what you need is a poll.

在办公室环境中,从一群人那里收集响应是很常见的事情。 无论您是要问会议预定哪种比萨饼,还是要投票决定下一步要退出的比萨饼,您都需要进行一次民意测验。

What you might not realize is that if you are using Outlook 2007 and Exchange at work, you’ve got everything you need to send out a poll through email.

您可能没有意识到,如果在工作中使用Outlook 2007和Exchange,则具备了通过电子邮件发送民意测验所需的一切。

java发送outlook_在Outlook 2007中发送民意调查

Compose a new email in Outlook, click the Options tab and select Use Voting Buttons.  Here you can choose the defaults or create your own answers to the poll question.

在Outlook中撰写新电子邮件,单击“选项”选项卡,然后选择“使用投票按钮”。 在这里,您可以选择默认值或为民意测验问题创建自己的答案。

java发送outlook_在Outlook 2007中发送民意调查

If you select Custom just type in the answers you want to appear in the Use voting buttons field, separated by a semicolon.


java发送outlook_在Outlook 2007中发送民意调查

Now you have the custom answers listed.  That is all there is to it!  Now send off your message.

现在,您列出了自定义答案。 这就是全部! 现在发送您的消息。

java发送outlook_在Outlook 2007中发送民意调查

When the recipient opens the email there will be a message advising them to respond by using the vote button which includes the custom responses.


java发送outlook_在Outlook 2007中发送民意调查
java发送outlook_在Outlook 2007中发送民意调查

After the recipient has made their choice a box will pop up verifying the poll response and an option to add additional information in the email.


java发送outlook_在Outlook 2007中发送民意调查

When they respond you will have a flag on the email advising they have answered the poll … similar to a read receipt.


java发送outlook_在Outlook 2007中发送民意调查

To view the totals of the poll, you can open up the original message in your sent message folder, and then click on the Tracking button. You’ll see a list of totals underneath the ribbon, and then a list below that of all the responses.

要查看民意调查的总数,您可以在已发送的邮件文件夹中打开原始邮件,然后单击“跟踪”按钮。 您将在功能区下方看到一个总计列表,然后在所有响应列表下方看到一个列表。

java发送outlook_在Outlook 2007中发送民意调查

I can imagine plenty of possibilities for this feature in the office.  What types of polls do you think would come in useful where you work?

我可以想象在办公室中使用此功能的可能性很大。 您认为在您的工作地点会进行哪些类型的民意调查?

