



On the August 21st, 2017, North America is going to experience a solar eclipse. It’s the best eclipse in 99 years, with the path of totality—the area where the sun is totally blocked by the moon—extending from Oregon to South Carolina. Even outside of that narrow swathe, the eclipse is going to look pretty special.

2017年8月21日,北美将经历Eclipse。 这是99年来最好的一次月食,其总体路径是太阳被月亮完全遮挡的区域,从俄勒冈州一直延伸到南卡罗来纳州。 即使在那狭窄的范围之外,Eclipse看起来也很特别。

While eclipses aren’t strictly once-in-a-lifetime events (I’ve seen two decent partial ones), they are rare, and ones this good are really rare. They’re also hard to photograph well. This means that, for the most part, you’re better off not taking photos of an eclipse. Sit back and watch it (safely). You’ll enjoy the experience more without faffing about with a camera.

虽然月食并不是严格意义上的千载难逢的事件(我见过两次不错的局部事件),但它们很少见,而这种好事真的很少见。 他们也很难照相。 这意味着,在大多数情况下,最好不要拍摄Eclipse照片。 坐下来观察(安全) 。 您将不会为相机所困扰,便会享受更多的体验。

But if you really want to take photos of the eclipse, here’s what you need to know.


是什么使Eclipse照片更好? (What Makes a Good Eclipse Photo)

Professional astrophotographers chase eclipses around the world. They combine multiple exposures to draw out all the details of the suns’ corona. There is a huge amount of work that goes into shots like the one below, or this even more incredible one by Miloslav Druckmüller, Peter Aniol, and Vojtech Rušin. Yes, one eclipse photo took three people and two cameras to make.

专业的天文摄影师追逐Eclipse。 它们结合了多次曝光以绘制出太阳日冕的所有细节。 下图是大量工作的镜头,或者是MiloslavDruckmüller,Peter Aniol和VojtechRušin创作的更令人难以置信的作品。 是的,一张蚀照片拍了三个人和两个相机。


This sort of photo is beyond the scope of this tutorial (and my ability to teach, for that matter). Instead, I’m going to look at how you can safely photograph the eclipse, especially when you’re only viewing a partial one, as the majority of the people in North America will. Put simply, a good eclipse photo for most people will be one that shows the eclipse and doesn’t damage your gear or blind you while you take it.

此类照片超出了本教程的范围(以及我的教学能力)。 相反,我将研究如何安全地拍摄Eclipse,特别是当您只观看部分Eclipse时,就像大多数北美人一样。 简而言之,一张对大多数人来说不错的Eclipse照片将显示Eclipse,并且在您服用时不会损坏您的装备或致盲。

技术资料 (The Technical Stuff)

The sun and moon are surprisingly small in the sky. This means that you’ll want a telephoto lens to zoom in close enough to get a good photo. Somewhere around 200mm on a full-frame camera will work, although 300mm or more will give you better images. If you’re using a crop sensor camera, this means you want something from 120mm, or ideally, longer than 200mm. To test it out, take a photo of the moon at night. For obvious reasons, it will be the same size as the eclipse.

令人惊奇的是,太阳和月亮在天空中很小。 这意味着您需要远摄镜头放大到足够近的距离才能获得优质的照片。 全画幅相机在200mm左右的某个位置可以使用,尽管300mm或更大的尺寸可以为您提供更好的图像。 如果您使用的是作物感应器相机,则意味着您需要的是120mm或200mm以上的物体。 要进行测试,请在晚上拍摄月亮的照片。 由于明显的原因,它的大小将与Eclipse相同。

Keeping a camera steady with a big telephoto lens is tricky, especially if you’re excited or there are people milling about. This means you’re going to be better off with a tripod. It won’t be impossible without one, but it’s always a good idea to use one when you can.

用大远摄镜头保持相机稳定是很难的,特别是当您很兴奋或周围有人时。 这意味着您可以更好地使用三脚架。 没有一个就不会没有可能,但是在可能的情况下使用一个总是一个好主意。

Except for during the moment of totality, the sun is bright enough to damage your camera sensor. Just as you need to protect your eyes to view the eclipse, you also need to protect your camera. To do this, you can get either place a solar filter sheet in front of your lens or get a dedicated solar filter.

除了整个时刻外,太阳的亮度足以损坏相机的传感器。 正如您需要保护眼睛以观看Eclipse一样,您也需要保护相机。 为此,您可以将太阳能滤光片放在镜头前,也可以使用专用的太阳能滤光片

You can use a strong neutral density filter, but it’s not something we can really recommend. If you decide to go this route, you are taking risks with your equipment. The filter would need to be at least 9 or 10 stops, and you should never observe the sun through the viewfinder even with the filter on. Instead, use live view to focus and frame your shot. The photos you get won’t be as good as if you used a dedicated solar filter.

可以使用功能强大的中性密度滤镜,但这并不是我们真正推荐的。 如果您决定走这条路,那将给您的设备带来风险。 滤镜至少需要停9或10档,即使打开滤镜,也不要通过取景器观察太阳。 相反,请使用实时取景对焦并构图。 您获得的照片不会像使用专用的太阳能滤镜那样好。

The camera settings depend on what gear you’re using, what the weather is like, and how close to totality you are. Start by setting your camera to an aperture of around f/16, an ISO of 100, and the fastest shutter speed it can. This will normally be 1/4000th or 1/8000th of a second. Take a test photo and slowly shorten the shutter speed or open the aperture until you have a photo you are happy with.

相机设置取决于您使用的装备,天气如何以及与整体的接近程度。 首先,将相机的光圈设置为f / 16左右,ISO为100,并以最快的快门速度进行拍摄。 通常为1/4000秒或1/8000秒。 拍摄一张测试照片,然后缓慢降低快门速度或打开光圈,直到您满意为止。


I took the shot above with a shutter speed of 1/4000th and an aperture of f/8 on a cloudy day with a 9 stop neutral density filter on the lens. As you can see, it’s quite a poor photo; I had originally intended to shoot with a model that day but she cancelled last minute so I had to make do. I would have been much better off with a solar filter.

在阴天,我在镜头上设置了9档中性密度滤光片,快门速度为1 / 4000th,光圈为f / 8,进行了上述拍摄。 如您所见,这是一张很差的照片。 那天我原本打算和模特一起拍摄,但她在最后一刻取消了拍摄,所以我不得不这么做。 如果使用太阳能过滤器,我本来会更好。

其他技巧 (Other Tips and Tricks)

Shooting solar eclipses well is really hard, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to get great eclipse photos. Turn your camera around on the people viewing the eclipse and document that. Take some portraits with the spooky eclipse light. Shoot a landscape with the eclipse as a small part of the image. There are plenty of options to do something interesting, and for these, you could even use your smartphone.

很好地拍摄Eclipse确实很困难,但这并不意味着没有其他方法可以获取优质的Eclipse照片。 将相机转向观看Eclipse的人并记录下来。 用诡异的Eclipse灯拍摄一些肖像。 用月食拍摄风景作为图像的一小部分。 有很多选项可以做有趣的事情,为此,您甚至可以使用智能手机。

Again: even if you’re using a proper solar filter, avoid looking through the viewfinder. Use live view to focus and frame your shots. It’s safer.

同样:即使您使用的是正确的太阳能滤光片,也请避免从取景器中查看。 使用实时取景对焦并构图。 比较安全


The eclipse moves through the sky. You will need to adjust your camera on the tripod to shoot the whole eclipse.

蚀在天空中移动。 您将需要在三脚架上调整相机以拍摄整个月食。

If you’re lucky enough to be in the path of totality, you can remove the solar filters for the two minutes the sun is totally blocked. Be careful though; even a tiny bit of the sun poking out from behind the moon can be enough to damage your eyes or your gear.

如果您很幸运能走上一条通往整体的道路,可以在太阳完全被遮挡的两分钟内卸下太阳能过滤器。 不过要小心; 即使从月球后面射出的一小部分阳光也足以损坏您的眼睛或齿轮。

Enjoy the experience. This is a rare event, so don’t get caught up in trying to take a perfect photo. Odds are you’ll fail, and won’t have a good time. Relax, observe the eclipse, and have fun.

享受经验。 这是罕见的事件,因此请不要试图拍摄完美的照片。 奇怪的是你会失败,也不会有美好的时光。 放松身心,观察Eclipse并享受乐趣。

