iphone8 原型尺寸_应用评论:如何使用iPhone进行原型制作

iphone8 原型尺寸

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iphone8 原型尺寸_应用评论:如何使用iPhone进行原型制作

The day that Thomas Edison invented the movie camera, nobody really knew how to make a good movie.

托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison)发明电影摄影机的那一天,没有人真正知道如何制作一部好电影。

All the camera techniques and tools till then were designed specifically for still photography and didn’t help with moving images.


Those first filmmakers needed to invent brand new tools and techniques that were much better suited to making movies — methods such as storyboarding, editing and later sound recording.


I think web design has gone through a similar transition.


We spent the first 15 years building static designs on pages with fixed dimensions.


The explosion of mobile in the last five years has changed everything, and the idea of presenting static, fixed-size mock-ups to our clients and colleagues is making less sense every day. We can't pitch a movie with a poster – we need new tools.

在过去的五年中,移动设备的爆炸式增长改变了一切,并且每天向我们的客户和同事展示固定大小的静态模型的想法变得毫无意义。 我们不能用海报来宣传电影-我们需要新的工具。

原型机的兴起 (Rise of the Prototyper)

The last two years could be seen as the rise the prototype tool. While there has been prototyping software around since the mid-2000's, the field has boomed with the growth of mobile.

最近两年可以看作是原型工具的兴起。 自2000年代中期以来,已经出现了原型软件,但随着移动技术的发展,该领域蓬勃发展。

Today I'm going to walk you through one of these tools that takes a slightly different approach – it's called 'Appseed'.

今天,我将向您介绍这些工具中的一种,该工具采用的方法略有不同-称为“ Appseed”。

什么是应用程序? (What’s Appseed?)

iphone8 原型尺寸_应用评论:如何使用iPhone进行原型制作

Appseed is a prototyping tool aimed primarily at people designing for mobile. Perhaps the first thing you need to know about Appseed is that you can't install it on your computer. You can't even access it via your browser. Appseed runs entirely on your IOS phone or tablet.

Appseed是一个原型设计工具,主要用于为移动设计的人们。 您可能需要了解有关Appseed的第一件事,就是无法将其安装在计算机上。 您甚至无法通过浏览器访问它。 Appseed完全在您的IOS手机或平板电脑上运行。

The idea is that you're laying out the interface and the planning the interactions directly on the device you are targeting.


笔和纸 (Pen and Paper)

iphone8 原型尺寸_应用评论:如何使用iPhone进行原型制作

The Appseed template


All Appseed prototypes start in paper and pen on specialized paper templates. You can either:

所有Appeeed原型均以纸和笔在专用纸模板上开始。 您可以:

  • Purchase a book of pre-printed templates or;

  • Print your own from a PDF


The templates show a blank phone layout but you'll also notice the image registration marks in the corner. These will be used by the app, but we'll come back to them later.

模板显示空白的电话布局,但您还会注意到角落中的图像注册标记。 这些将由应用程序使用,但我们稍后会再讨论。

As you might expect, you use these paper templates to sketch out your basic UI designs – this stage is entirely focussed on flow and positioning, rather than color and detail.


iphone8 原型尺寸_应用评论:如何使用iPhone进行原型制作

UI Sketches ready for Appseed

UI Sketches已准备好可用于Appseed

When you've got a working set of sketches, things get fun.


应用捕获 (Appseed Capture)

iphone8 原型尺寸_应用评论:如何使用iPhone进行原型制作

Loading your UI mockups into Appseed is easy. Launching the app gives you a standard live camera interface, with one noticably difference. When you point the camera at your sketches, you'll see Appseed track those two registration marks we mentioned earlier. This gives the app two 'landmarks' to help orient itself.

将您的UI原型加载到Appseed中很容易。 启动该应用程序将为您提供标准的实时摄像头界面,但有一个明显的不同。 将相机对准草图时,您会看到Appseed跟踪我们前面提到的那两个注册标记。 这为应用程序提供了两个“地标”来帮助自己定位。

When you've photographed your sketches you'll find them in the Page List view, which lets you name, preview, delete and edit your pages.


编辑页面 (Editing a Page)

Now the fun bit.


After it captures your sketches, Appseed processes each image and breaks your UI into separate manipulatable units. This means that when you press and hold a UI element, if 'pops up' and you can drag and reposition it anywhere you like. You can even make multiple copies of a repeating element.

在捕获您的草图之后,Appseed处理每个图像并将您的UI分成可独立操作的单元。 这意味着,当您按住UI元素时,如果“弹出”,则可以将其拖动并重新放置在所需的任何位置。 您甚至可以制作一个重复元素的多个副本。

iphone8 原型尺寸_应用评论:如何使用iPhone进行原型制作

It's worth mentioning that Appseed does a good job at separating different objects, but it certainly helps to keep them clearly separated in your sketches.


Tapping any UI element brings up a flyout menu that allows you to define what it does. At its most simple, this is a button that allows you to link through to another page in your Page List. However there are currently 12 other UI element types to cover most common UI patterns.

轻触任何UI元素都会弹出菜单,您可以定义它的作用。 最简单地说,这是一个按钮,可让您链接到“页面列表”中的另一个页面。 但是,当前还有12种其他UI元素类型可以覆盖最常见的UI模式。

They include:


  • input text

  • map

  • repeat

  • button

  • tableview

  • login group

  • video group

  • audio group

  • image carousel

  • paragraph

  • tab group

  • nav bar


iphone8 原型尺寸_应用评论:如何使用iPhone进行原型制作

These UI presets can speed things up by providing believable filler content. For instance, the map component loads a preset map into it. As your interface develops you can continually test your interactions live on the phone by switching to preview mode.

这些UI预设可以通过提供可信的填充内容来加快处理速度。 例如,地图组件将预设地图加载到其中。 随着界面的发展,您可以通过切换到预览模式来持续测试您在手机上的互动。

When you've interlinked the pages and smoothed out your interactions, you have a few options.


  1. Firstly you can share your prototype with others via a URL

  2. Export your UI layouts to Photoshop (via Adobe Creative Cloud)

    将您的UI布局导出到Photoshop(通过Adobe Creative Cloud)

总结 (The Wrap-up)

iphone8 原型尺寸_应用评论:如何使用iPhone进行原型制作

We all like movie trailers because they give us a realistic taste of what a movie is like before we've paid for tickets. Prototyping tools do the same for our apps, and Appseed might just be the fastest way to go from idea to mobile screen.

我们都喜欢电影预告片,因为它们使我们在付钱之前就可以真实地了解电影的模样。 原型制作工具对我们的应用程序也是如此,而Appseed可能只是从构思到移动屏幕的最快方法。

One potential problem with typical prototyping tools can be the clean, sterile prototypes they produce. Even when you explain to a client that the 'design love' will come later, they can find it really hard to look beyond those stark wireframes.

典型的原型工具可能存在的一个问题是它们生产的干净,无菌的原型。 即使当您向客户解释“设计之爱”将在以后出现时,他们也会发现很难超越那些鲜明的线框。

The funny thing is, when you hand draw exactly the same wireframes, something in their head clicks, and they implicitly understand that it's not THE 'design'.


So perhaps Appseed's killer feature is the ability to generate interactive prototypes that work flawlessly, yet retain a warm, loose charm that let's everyone focus on the important UX decisions.


It began as a Kickstarter idea two years ago and continues to develop. If you're an iOS user check it out.

它始于两年前的Kickstarter创意,并一直在发展。 如果您是iOS用户,请查看。

Appseed仅适用于iOS (Appseed is only available for iOS)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/prototyping-appseed/

iphone8 原型尺寸