pycharm波浪下划线_如何摆脱Word 2013中的蓝色波浪状下划线

pycharm波浪下划线_如何摆脱Word 2013中的蓝色波浪状下划线


pycharm波浪下划线_如何摆脱Word 2013中的蓝色波浪状下划线

Word likes to use squiggly underlines to indicate something isn’t right in our documents. The more common ones are red (a potential spelling error) and green (a potential grammar error). However, you may have seen blue squiggly lines throughout your document as well.

Word喜欢使用弯曲的下划线来表示某些不正确的文档。 较常见的是红色(潜在的拼写错误)和绿色(潜在的语法错误)。 但是,您可能在整个文档中也看到蓝色的波浪线。

Blue squiggly underlines in Word indicate formatting inconsistencies. For example, some text in a paragraph might be formatted in a different font size than the rest of the paragraph (as shown in the image above). When you right-click on text marked with a blue squiggly underline, three choices display at the top of the popup menu: “Replace direct formatting with style Normal,” “Ignore Once,” and “Ignore Rule.” The first option will change depending on the type of the formatting inconsistency. In this example, if you choose the first option, the font size of the underlined text will change to match the rest of the text in the paragraph. Choosing “Ignore Once” removes the blue squiggly line on that one occurrence but doesn’t fix that specific formatting problem for that occurrence. The “Ignore Rule” option skips all occurrences of that specific formatting problem throughout the document.

Word中的蓝色波浪状下划线表示格式不一致。 例如,段落中的某些文本的格式可能与段落其余部分的字体大小不同(如上图所示)。 右键单击标有蓝色波浪形下划线的文本时,弹出菜单的顶部将显示三个选项:“用样式Normal替换直接格式”,“忽略一次”和“忽略规则”。 第一个选项将根据格式不一致的类型而变化。 在此的示例如果您选择第一个选项,带下划线的文本的字体大小将更改以匹配段落中其余文本。 选择“忽略一次”会删除该事件上的蓝色波浪线,但不能解决该事件的特定格式问题。 “忽略规则”选项会跳过整个文档中所有出现该特定格式问题的情况。

This feature may be useful at times. However, if you have a document in which you purposely use different formatting in the same paragraph or other uncommon formatting practices, you may not want to see blue squiggly underlines throughout your document. This feature can easily be disabled. To do this, click the “File” tab.

此功能有时可能很有用。 但是,如果您有一个文档,其中有意在同一段落中使用不同的格式或其他不常见的格式惯例,则可能不希望在整个文档中看到蓝色的波浪状下划线。 可以轻松禁用此功能。 为此,请单击“文件”选项卡。

pycharm波浪下划线_如何摆脱Word 2013中的蓝色波浪状下划线

On the backstage screen, click “Options” in the list of items on the left.


pycharm波浪下划线_如何摆脱Word 2013中的蓝色波浪状下划线

On the “Word Options” dialog box, click “Advanced” in the list of items on the left.

在“ Word选项”对话框中,在左侧的项目列表中单击“高级”。

pycharm波浪下划线_如何摆脱Word 2013中的蓝色波浪状下划线

In the “Editing options” section on the right, select the “Mark formatting inconsistencies” check box so there is NO check mark in the box.


NOTE: If the “Mark formatting inconsistencies” check box is grayed out, select the “Keep track of formatting” check box so there is a check mark in that box. Now, you can uncheck the “Mark formatting inconsistencies” check box.

注意:如果“标记格式不一致”复选框为灰色,请选中“保留格式跟踪”复选框,以便该复选框中有一个复选标记。 现在,您可以取消选中“标记格式不一致”复选框。

pycharm波浪下划线_如何摆脱Word 2013中的蓝色波浪状下划线

Click “OK” to accept the change and close the “Word Options” dialog box.

单击“确定”接受更改,然后关闭“ Word选项”对话框。

pycharm波浪下划线_如何摆脱Word 2013中的蓝色波浪状下划线

Now you can leave the differently formatted text as it is without seeing the annoying blue squiggly underlines.


pycharm波浪下划线_如何摆脱Word 2013中的蓝色波浪状下划线

As useful as this feature tries to be, the blue squiggly underlines can be distracting, especially if you have a lot of formatting inconsistencies in your document. However, this feature can help can help you format your documents consistently, if you can get over all the squiggly underlines.

尽管此功能试图发挥作用,但弯曲的蓝色下划线可能会分散注意力,尤其是在文档中存在很多格式不一致的情况下。 但是,如果您可以克服所有弯曲的下划线,则此功能可以帮助您一致地设置文档格式。

