【 MATLAB 】spline 函数介绍(三次样条数据插值)


Cubic spline data interpolation


s = spline(x,y,xq)

pp = spline(x,y)


s = spline(x,y,xq) returns a vector of interpolated values s corresponding to the query points in xq. The values of s are determined by cubic spline interpolation of x and y.

s = spline(x,y,xq)返回与xq中的查询点对应的内插值s的向量。 s的值由x和y的三次样条插值确定。


pp = spline(x,y) returns a piecewise polynomial structure for use by ppval and the spline utility unmkpp.

pp = spline(x,y)返回一个分段多项式结构,供ppval和样条函数unmkpp使用。

Spline Interpolation of Sine Data

Use spline to interpolate a sine curve over unevenly-spaced sample points.
x = [0 1 2.5 3.6 5 7 8.1 10];
y = sin(x);
xx = 0:.25:10;
yy = spline(x,y,xx);

【 MATLAB 】spline 函数介绍(三次样条数据插值)

Spline Interpolation of Distribution with Specified Endpoint Slopes

Use clamped or complete spline interpolation when endpoint slopes are known. This example enforces zero slopes at the end points of the interpolation.

当已知端点斜率时,使用夹紧或完整的样条插值。 此示例在插值的结束点强制执行零斜率。
x = -4:4;
y = [0 .15 1.12 2.36 2.36 1.46 .49 .06 0];
cs = spline(x,[0 y 0]);
xx = linspace(-4,4,101);

【 MATLAB 】spline 函数介绍(三次样条数据插值)

Extrapolation Using Cubic Spline

Extrapolate a data set to predict population growth.
Create two vectors to represent the census years from 1900 to 1990 (t) and the corresponding United States population in millions of people (p).


t = 1900:10:1990;
p = [ 75.995  91.972  105.711  123.203  131.669 ...
     150.697 179.323  203.212  226.505  249.633 ];

Extrapolate and predict the population in the year 2000 using a cubic spline.

【 MATLAB 】spline 函数介绍(三次样条数据插值)

Spline Interpolation of Angular Data(角度数据的样条插值)

Generate the plot of a circle, with the five data points y(:,2),...,y(:,6) marked with o's. The matrix y contains two more columns than does x. Therefore, spline uses y(:,1) and y(:,end) as the endslopes. The circle starts and ends at the point (1,0), so that point is plotted twice.

生成一个圆的图,其中五个数据点y(:,2),...,y(:,6)用o标记。 矩阵y包含比x多两列的列。 因此,样条曲线使用y(:,1)和y(:,end)作为endslopes。 圆圈在点(1,0)处开始和结束,因此该点被绘制两次。

x = pi*[0:.5:2]; 
y = [0  1  0 -1  0  1  0; 
     1  0  1  0 -1  0  1];
pp = spline(x,y);
yy = ppval(pp, linspace(0,2*pi,101));
axis equal

【 MATLAB 】spline 函数介绍(三次样条数据插值)

Spline Interpolation of Sine and Cosine Data

Use spline to sample a function over a finer mesh.
Generate sine and cosine curves for a few values between 0 and 1. Use spline interpolation to sample the functions over a finer mesh.


x = 0:.25:1;
Y = [sin(x); cos(x)];
xx = 0:.1:1;
YY = spline(x,Y,xx);
hold on
hold off

【 MATLAB 】spline 函数介绍(三次样条数据插值)

Data Interpolation Using spline and pchip

Compare the interpolation results produced by spline and pchip for two different functions.
Create vectors of x values, function values at those points y, and query points xq. Compute interpolations at the query points using both spline and pchip. Plot the interpolated function values at the query points for comparison.
x = -3:3; 
y = [-1 -1 -1 0 1 1 1]; 
xq1 = -3:.01:3;
p = pchip(x,y,xq1);
s = spline(x,y,xq1);
legend('Sample Points','pchip','spline','Location','SouthEast')

【 MATLAB 】spline 函数介绍(三次样条数据插值)
In this case, pchip is favorable since it does not oscillate as freely between the sample points.

Perform a second comparison using an oscillatory sample function.
x = 0:25;
y = besselj(1,x);
xq2 = 0:0.01:25;
p = pchip(x,y,xq2);
s = spline(x,y,xq2);
legend('Sample Points','pchip','spline')
When the underlying function is oscillatory, spline captures the movement between points better than pchip.
【 MATLAB 】spline 函数介绍(三次样条数据插值)