


The Format Painter in Excel makes it easy to copy the formatting of a cell and apply it to another. With just a few clicks you can reproduce formatting such as fonts, alignment, text size, border, and background color.

Excel中的Format Painter使得复制单元格的格式并将其应用于另一个格式变得容易。 只需单击几下,您就可以重现格式,例如字体,对齐方式,文本大小,边框和背景颜色。

On any Excel worksheet, click on the cell with the formatting you’d like to copy.  You will see dashed lines around the selected cell. Then select the Home tab and click on the Format Painter.

在任何Excel工作表上,单击具有您要复制的格式的单元格。 您将在所选单元格周围看到虚线。 然后选择“ 主页”选项卡,然后单击“ 格式刷”。


You’ll see your cursor now includes a paintbrush graphic. Move to the cell where you’d like to apply the formatting and click on it.

您将看到光标现在包括画笔图形。 移动到您要应用格式的单元格,然后单击它。


Your target cell will now have the new formatting.



If you double-clicking on Format Painter you can then click on multiple individual files to which to apply the format. Or, you can click and drag across a group of cells. When you are finished applying formats, click on Format Painter again, or on the Esc key, to turn it off.

如果双击Format Painter,则可以单击要应用格式的多个单独文件。 或者,您可以在一组单元格之间单击并拖动。 完成格式应用后,再次单击“ 格式刷”或单击Esc键将其关闭。


The Format Painter is a very simple, but extremely useful and time saving tool when creating complex worksheets.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14165/copy-excel-formatting-the-easy-way-with-format-painter/
