word中将linux回车_在Word 2007中将标题快速添加到图形中

word中将linux回车_在Word 2007中将标题快速添加到图形中


When your documents include pictures, charts, or other graphics it’s nice to add a caption to describe more to the reader.


Select the picture or graphic you want to add your caption to.  Click the References tab on the Ribbon, Choose Insert Caption, click the New Label button and type in your caption.

选择要添加字幕的图片或图形。 单击功能区上的“引用”选项卡,选择“插入标题”,单击“新建标签”按钮,然后键入标题。

word中将linux回车_在Word 2007中将标题快速添加到图形中

This will bring you back to the Caption box and as you can see the Caption and Label fields are populated.  Click OK one more time.

这将带您返回“标题”框,并且您可以看到已填充“标题”和“标签”字段。 再单击确定一次。

word中将linux回车_在Word 2007中将标题快速添加到图形中

Word applies the caption to the image which I highlighted in green.  You can use this for any type of image in your Word document.

Word将标题应用于以绿色突出显示的图像。 您可以将其用于Word文档中的任何类型的图像。

word中将linux回车_在Word 2007中将标题快速添加到图形中

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/quickly-add-captions-to-your-graphics-in-word-2007/
