反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表


反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

You’ve created a really long list of items in Word, and now discover you need to reverse the order. Do you manually move each item? Luckily, no. We’ll show you a trick for reversing a list in Word that works on numbered and bulleted lists.

您已经在Word中创建了很长的项目列表,现在发现您需要颠倒顺序。 您是否手动移动每个项目? 幸运的是,没有。 我们将向您展示一个技巧,该技巧可用于反转Word中适用于编号列表和项目符号列表的列表。

When we talk about reversing a list, we mean that the last item becomes the first, the second to last item becomes the second, etc. For our example, we’ll use the short list of items shown in the above image. It’s probably just as easy to manually reorder or retype the list shown above, but this trick works with lists of any length–our four-item list is just a simple example. If you have a list with tens or even hundreds of items, this is a huge time saver.

当我们谈论反转列表时,是指最后一项变成第一项,倒数第二项变成第二项,依此类推。以我们的示例为例,我们将使用上图所示的简短项目列表。 手动重新排序或重新键入上面显示的列表可能很容易,但是此技巧适用于任何长度的列表-我们的四项列表只是一个简单的示例。 如果您的列表包含数十甚至数百个项目,那么这将节省大量时间。

如何反向编号列表 (How to Reverse a Numbered List)

To reverse a numbered list in Word, select the list in your Word document and press Ctrl+C to copy it.

要在Word中反转编号列表,请在Word文档中选择列表,然后按Ctrl + C进行复制。

反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

Place the cursor in the Word file where you want to put your reordered list, click the down arrow on the “Paste” button, and select “Paste Special” from the drop-down menu.


反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

On the Paste Special dialog box, select “Unformatted Text” in the As box and click “OK”.


反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

The text is pasted into the document without the formatting, so, the list is no longer a numbered list. The numbers are just text and each number and item is separated by a tab. (We temporarily turned on non-printing characters so you can see the tab characters (right arrows) between the numbers and the items in the image below.)

文本不带格式粘贴到文档中,因此列表不再是编号列表。 这些数字只是文本,每个数字和项目之间都用制表符分隔。 (我们暂时打开了非打印字符,因此您可以在下图中看到数字和项目之间的制表符(右箭头)。)

Now, we’re going to convert this list to a table so we can sort it, so, select the text you just pasted and click the “Insert” tab.


反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

Click the “Table” button in the Tables section and select “Convert Text to Table” from the drop-down menu.


反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

The Convert Text to Table dialog box displays. Click “OK” to accept the default settings.

显示“将文本转换为表格”对话框。 单击“确定”接受默认设置。

反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

The table is selected by default once you paste it. To reorder the items, we’re going to sort them based on the first column. To do that, leave the table selected and click the “Home” tab.

粘贴表格后,默认情况下会选中该表格。 要重新排序商品,我们将根据第一列对其进行排序。 为此,请保持表格处于选中状态,然后单击“主页”选项卡。

反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

Click the “Sort” button in the Paragraph section.


反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

On the Sort dialog box under Sort by, make sure “Column 1” is selected from the drop-down list and the “Descending” option is selected on the right. Click “OK”.

在“排序依据”下的“排序”对话框中,确保从下拉列表中选择了“第1列”,并在右侧选择了“降序”选项。 点击“确定”。

反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

The rows in the table are reversed, as shown below. Select the first column in the table, right-click on it, and then select “Delete Columns” from the popup menu.

表格中的行颠倒了,如下所示。 选择表中的第一列 ,右键单击它,然后从弹出菜单中选择“删除列”。

反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

Now, we’ll convert the one-column table back to text. Select the table and click the “Layout” tab.

现在,我们将单列表转换回文本。 选择表格 ,然后单击“布局”选项卡。

反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

In the Data section, click “Convert to Text”.


反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

Click “OK” to accept the defaults. Because there’s only one column, the character selected under Separate text with doesn’t matter.

单击“确定”接受默认设置。 因为只有一列,所以在“分隔文本”下选择的字符无关紧要。

反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

After converting the table to text, the text should be automatically selected. Now that the order of the items is reversed, you can apply numbering to them again by clicking the ”Home” tab and then clicking the “Numbering” button in the Paragraph section.

将表格转换为文本后,应自动选择文本。 现在,项目的顺序颠倒了,您可以通过单击“主页”选项卡,然后单击“段落”部分中的“编号”按钮,再次对它们应用编号。

反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

Your numbered list is now reversed.


反向引用符号_如何在Microsoft Word中反向编号或项目符号列表

如何反向项目符号列表 (How to Reverse a Bulleted List)

Reversing a bulleted list is also easy. All you have to do is change the bulleted list to a numbered list by highlighting the list and clicking the “Numbering” button in the Paragraph section on the Home tab. Then, follow the steps above for reversing a numbered list. Once the list is reversed, apply bullets to the items, rather than numbering.

反转项目符号列表也很容易。 您所要做的就是通过突出显示列表并单击“主页”选项卡上“段落”部分中的“编号”按钮,将项目符号列表更改为编号列表。 然后,按照上述步骤来反转编号列表。 列表反转后,对项目应用项目符号,而不要编号。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/259548/how-to-reverse-a-numbered-or-bulleted-list-in-microsoft-word/
