微软表格数据集_如何在Microsoft Word中创建和更新图形表格

微软表格数据集_如何在Microsoft Word中创建和更新图形表格


微软表格数据集_如何在Microsoft Word中创建和更新图形表格

A table of figures is a list, sorted by page number, of the captions pulled from figures, images, or tables in your document. It’s like a table of contents, but it’s a table of anything to which you can add a caption.

图形表是从文档中的图形,图像或表格中提取的标题的列表,按页码排序。 它就像一个目录,但是它是可以添加标题的任何东西的表。

插入图表 (Insert a Table of Figures)

Adding a table of figures is a useful tool for allowing the reader to quickly navigate to specific parts of the document (or as a personal quick reference guide). This is especially true for longer documents with an excessive amount of media. It’s important to note, however, that adding a table of figures is only possible if you add captions (not to be confused with alternative text) to your figures, images, and tables. We’ll assume that you have already captioned the relevant material in your Word document in this example.

添加表格是使读者能够快速导航到文档的特定部分(或作为个人快速参考指南)的有用工具。 对于介质过多的较长文档,尤其如此。 重要的是要注意,但是,只有在为图形,图像和表格添加标题 (不要与替代文本混淆)时,才可以添加图形表格。 在此示例中,我们假设您已经为Word文档中的相关材料加上了字幕。

Once you’re ready to insert your table of figures, go ahead and click the location of the document in which you would like the table to be added. Next, head over to the “References” tab and select “Insert Table of Figures.”

准备插入图表之后,继续并单击要在其中添加表格的文档的位置。 接下来,转到“参考”标签,然后选择“插入图形表”。

微软表格数据集_如何在Microsoft Word中创建和更新图形表格

Once selected, the “Table of Figures” window will appear, displaying the print and web preview of the table of figures. Here, you can also adjust several options and customize the format of the table.

选择后,将出现“数字表格”窗口,显示数字表格的打印和网络预览。 在这里,您还可以调整几个选项并自定义表格的格式。

Once you’ve tweaked your settings, click “OK.”


微软表格数据集_如何在Microsoft Word中创建和更新图形表格

Your table of figures will now be inserted in your Word doc.


微软表格数据集_如何在Microsoft Word中创建和更新图形表格

更新表格 (Update a Table of Figures)

Understandably, your captioned objects may move around as you add, remove, and edit content in the document. As a result, Word also provides a straightforward way to update the table of figures to reflect any changes made.

可以理解,当您添加,删除和编辑文档中的内容时,带字幕的对象可能会四处移动。 因此,Word还提供了一种直接的方法来更新图表以反映所做的任何更改。

To update your table of figures, you’ll first need to select it. If you don’t select the table, then the update option won’t be available. Once the table of figures is selected, head over to the “References” tab and click “Update Table.” Alternatively, you can press F9.

要更新表格,您首先需要选择它。 如果您不选择表格,那么更新选项将不可用。 选择了表格后,转到“参考”选项卡,然后单击“更新表格”。 或者,您可以按F9。

微软表格数据集_如何在Microsoft Word中创建和更新图形表格

Now, the “Update Table of Figures” dialogue box will appear. Here, you’re able to update the entire table or only the page numbers. Select the option that works best for you and then click “OK.”

现在,将出现“更新图形表”对话框。 在这里,您可以更新整个表格或仅更新页码。 选择最适合您的选项,然后单击“确定”。

微软表格数据集_如何在Microsoft Word中创建和更新图形表格

Your table of figures will now be updated to reflect the current version of the document.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/428668/how-to-create-and-update-a-table-of-figures-in-microsoft-word/
