word替换使用通配符_在Word 2013中搜索时如何使用通配符

word替换使用通配符_在Word 2013中搜索时如何使用通配符


word替换使用通配符_在Word 2013中搜索时如何使用通配符

Word includes a very powerful search feature that allows you to find information based on almost every kind of condition. There are special wildcard characters that allow you to search for information based on specific patterns and character sequences.

Word包含一项非常强大的搜索功能,可让您根据几乎每种情况来查找信息。 有特殊的通配符,可让您根据特定的模式和字符序列来搜索信息。

Wildcard searches are available on the standard Find and Replace dialog box, using a special setting. We’ll show you the basics of using this feature to help you learn how you can find almost anything in your Word documents.

使用特殊设置,可以在标准“查找和替换”对话框中使用通配符搜索。 我们将向您展示使用此功能的基础知识,以帮助您了解如何在Word文档中找到几乎所有内容。

In your Word document, press “Ctrl + H” to open the “Find and Replace” dialog box. Click “More” to expand the dialog box and access more options.

在您的Word文档中,按“ Ctrl + H”打开“查找和替换”对话框。 单击“更多”以展开对话框并访问更多选项。

NOTE: If the “Less” button is available where the “More” button should be, you don’t have to do anything. The dialog box is already expanded.

注意:如果“少”按钮在应有“更多”按钮的位置可用,则您无需执行任何操作。 该对话框已经展开。

word替换使用通配符_在Word 2013中搜索时如何使用通配符

Select the “Use wildcards” check box so there is a check mark in the box. Notice that the “Use Wildcards” option displays below the “Find what” edit box.

选中“使用通配符”复选框,以便在复选框中打勾。 请注意,“使用通配符”选项显示在“查找内容”编辑框下方。

NOTE: When the “Use wildcards” check box is selected, Word finds only the exact text that you specify. The “Match case” and “Find whole words only” check boxes are unavailable (grayed out) to indicate that these options are automatically turned on and can’t be turned off until the “Use wildcards” option is turned off.

注意:当选中“使用通配符”复选框时,Word仅查找您指定的确切文本。 “匹配大小写”和“仅查找整个单词”复选框不可用(显示为灰色),表示这些选项已自动打开,只有在关闭“使用通配符”选项后才能关闭。

word替换使用通配符_在Word 2013中搜索时如何使用通配符

As an example of finding text using a wildcard, we will search for all occurrences of any text beginning with “t” and ending with “e,” with a variable number of characters in between. To do this, type a “t” in the “Find what” edit box and then click the “Special” button at the bottom of the dialog box. Select “0 or More Characters,” or the “*”, from the popup menu.

作为使用通配符查找文本的示例,我们将搜索所有出现的以“ t”开头和以“ e”结尾(介于中间的字符数不限)的所有文本。 为此,请在“查找内容”编辑框中键入“ t”,然后单击对话框底部的“特殊”按钮。 从弹出菜单中选择“ 0个或更多字符”或“ *”。

NOTE: If you know the special character you need to enter, you can type it directly into the “Find what” edit box. The “Special” button provides a reference in case you don’t remember the special characters available to you and their meaning.

注意:如果您知道需要输入的特殊字符,则可以直接在“查找内容”编辑框中键入它。 如果您不记得可用的特殊字符及其含义,“特殊”按钮将提供参考。

word替换使用通配符_在Word 2013中搜索时如何使用通配符

Then, type an “e” after the asterisk and click “Find Next.”

然后,在星号后键入“ e”,然后单击“查找下一个”。

word替换使用通配符_在Word 2013中搜索时如何使用通配符

The search term with the wildcard is evaluated and the first occurrence is found. Keep clicking “Find Next” to find each part of the text that matches your search term.

评估带有通配符的搜索词并找到第一个出现的词。 继续单击“查找下一个”以查找与您的搜索词匹配的文本的每个部分。

word替换使用通配符_在Word 2013中搜索时如何使用通配符

To find text containing any one character, use the “?”. For example, entering “d?g” in the “Find what” edit box will find all three letter words beginning with “d” and ending with “g,”,such as “dig,” “dug,” and “dog.”

要查找包含任何一个字符的文本,请使用“?”。 例如,在“查找内容”编辑框中输入“ d?g”将找到所有以“ d”开头并以“ g”结尾的三个字母词,例如“ dig”,“ dug”和“ dog”。 ”

word替换使用通配符_在Word 2013中搜索时如何使用通配符

You can also specify certain letters to vary among when searching using the “[]”. For example, entering “b[aeiou]t” in the “Find what” edit box will find “bat,” “bet,” “bit,” “bot,”,and “but.”

您也可以指定某些字母,以使用“ []”进行搜索。 例如,在“查找内容”编辑框中输入“ bet”将找到“蝙蝠”,“**”,“位”,“机器人”和“但是”。

word替换使用通配符_在Word 2013中搜索时如何使用通配符

If you have the “Use Wildcards” option on and you want to search for one of the wildcard characters, use a forward slash (“/”) in front of the character to find it. For example, to find a question mark while “Use Wildcards” is on, enter “/?” in the “Find what” edit box.

如果启用了“使用通配符”选项,并且要搜索通配符之一,请在字符前面使用正斜杠(“ /”)进行查找。 例如,要在“使用通配符”启用时查找问号,请输入“ /?” 在“查找内容”编辑框中。

word替换使用通配符_在Word 2013中搜索时如何使用通配符

You can also replace text using the wildcard characters. For example, you can use the \n (the “n” is replaced with a number) wildcard to search for an expression and then replace it with the rearranged expression. For example, we entered “(Kaufman) (Lori)” in the “Find what” edit box and “\2 \1” (enter a space between the “2” and the second “\”) in the “Replace with” edit box. Word finds “Kaufman Lori” and replaces it with “Lori Kaufman.”

您也可以使用通配符替换文本。 例如,您可以使用\ n(“ n”替换为数字)通配符来搜索表达式,然后将其替换为重新排列的表达式。 例如,我们在“查找内容”编辑框中输入了“(Kaufman)(Lori)”,并在“替换为”中输入了“ \ 2 \ 1”(在“ 2”和第二个“ \”之间输入一个空格)编辑框。 Word找到“ Kaufman Lori”,并将其替换为“ Lori Kaufman”。

word替换使用通配符_在Word 2013中搜索时如何使用通配符

There are additional wildcards and codes you can use to help you search for variations of words, multiple words at once, or similar groups of words.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/213411/how-to-use-wildcards-when-searching-in-word-2013/
