

根据Digi原厂最新的固件公告,为了更好的兼容早期XBee模块,在最新固件版本1009,增加了一个兼容参数C8,以便实现混合组网的所有XBee ZB模块间的通信兼容问题。


C8 (Compatibility Options)  (兼容性选项)

A bitfield that contains options for compatibility with legacy XBee Zigbee devices.

一个位域,其中包含与旧版XBee Zigbee设备兼容的选项。

Devices prior to the XBee3 use a different scale to represent LQI. C8 bit 4 (C8 | 0x10) enables an LQI compatibility mode. Networks that contain a mix of XBee3 Zigbee and legacy XBee devices should enable this feature. Otherwise operating a mixed network without this bit set will prioritize legacy devices when determining route cost.

XBee3之前的设备使用不同的尺度来表示LQI (link quality indicator 链路质量指示)。 C8位4(C8 | 0x10)使能LQI兼容模式。包含XBee3 Zigbee和旧版XBee设备的网络应启用此功能。否则,在未设置此位的情况下运行混合网络将在确定路由成本时优先考虑旧设备。

If operating in Command mode, changing C8 bit 4 is made active only when Command mode exits via timeout or CN (Exit Command mode). Changing this bit causes all current parameters to be written to persistent storage and the device restarts; this is equivalent to issuing WR and FR commands. When the device restarts, no modem status is generated. CTS will also de-assert during this period, so flow control is advised. If hardware flow control is not being used, a 1-second delay after exiting Command mode (or applying changes if using API) may be necessary to avoid data loss.


Parameter range:0x00, 0x10;default:0x00;

Bit field:





