



Your camera is a tool, and you should be able to use it with total confidence. You should never have to dig through the manual or play around with random buttons trying to work out how to do something on a shoot. Here are the most important settings you need to master.

相机是一种工具,您应该可以放心使用它。 您永远不必翻阅手册或随意使用按钮尝试找出如何进行拍摄。 这是您需要掌握的最重要的设置。

更改拍摄模式 (Change the Shooting Mode)


At How-To Geek, we’re big fans of Manual and semi-automatic shooting modes—like Aperture Priority. They give you a lot more creative control over your images than leaving your camera in Automatic or Program mode and letting it make every decision.

在How-To Geek,我们是手动和半自动拍摄模式的忠实拥护者,例如Aperture Priority。 与让相机处于“自动”或“程序”模式并做出决定一样,它们使您对图像有更多的创造性控制。

On Canon cameras, you switch between different shooting modes using the dial on the top. Entry level cameras often have a lot more modes than mid-level or professional cameras—stuff like Portrait, Macro, and Sport—so check out our guide to what all the different symbols mean.

在佳能相机上,您可以使用顶部的拨盘在不同的拍摄模式之间切换。 入门级相机通常比中级或专业相机具有更多的模式(如人像,微距和运动相机),因此请查阅我们的指南了解所有不同符号的含义

设置光圈,快门速度和曝光补偿 (Set the Aperture, Shutter Speed, and Exposure Compensation)


When you’re using Manual or a semi-automatic mode, you need to set some combination of aperture, shutter speed, and exposure compensation. On high-end Canon cameras, each setting has a separate dial. On entry level cameras, there’s only one dial located just behind the shutter button; holding down the Exposure Compensation button on the back of the camera and turning the dial controls the other setting.

使用手动或半自动模式时,需要设置光圈,快门速度和曝光补偿的某种组合。 在佳能高端相机上,每个设置都有一个单独的拨盘。 在入门级相机上,快门按钮后面只有一个拨盘; 按住相机背面的“曝光补偿”按钮并转动拨盘可控制其他设置。

  • In Program mode, the dial changes the aperture, although the camera may change that by itself. The Exposure Compensation button and dial change the exposure compensation.

    在程序模式下,拨盘会改变光圈,尽管相机可能会自行改变光圈。 曝光补偿按钮和拨盘更改曝光补偿

  • In Aperture Priority mode, the dial changes aperture. The Exposure Compensation button and dial change the exposure compensation.

    在光圈优先模式下,拨盘改变光圈。 曝光补偿按钮和拨盘更改曝光补偿。
  • In Shutter priority mode, the dial changes the shutter speed. The Exposure Compensation button and dial change the exposure compensation.

    在快门优先模式下,拨盘更改快门速度。 曝光补偿按钮和拨盘更改曝光补偿。
  • In Manual mode, the dial changes the shutter speed. The Exposure Compensation button and dial change the aperture.

    在手动模式下,拨盘更改快门速度。 曝光补偿按钮和拨盘改变光圈。

设置ISO (Set the ISO)


ISO is the third part of the exposure triangle. To set it, press the ISO button on the top of your camera and then use either the shutter speed dial or the D-pad on the back of the camera to select the ISO you want to use. Press the ISO button again, press the shutter button halfway down, or the use the SET button on the D-pad to make the selection.

ISO是曝光三角形的第三部分。 要进行设置,请按相机顶部的ISO按钮,然后使用快门速度拨盘或相机背面的D-pad选择要使用的ISO。 再次按ISO按钮,半按快门按钮,或使用D-pad上的SET按钮进行选择。

设置白平衡 (Set the White Balance)


Depending on the time of day, weather, and light source you’re using, light has a different “color temperature” that varies from a warm orange at sunset to a cool blue in the shade on a sunny day. Your camera has an Auto “white balance” mode, but you should know how to set it manually if only to keep things consistent between pictures.

根据一天中的时间,天气和所使用的光源,光线具有不同的“色温”,从日落时的暖橙色到晴天时阴凉的蓝色。 您的相机具有自动“白平衡”模式,但是如果要保持图片之间的一致性,您应该知道如何手动设置。

Press the WB button on the back of your camera and use the D-pad to select from:


  • Auto White Balance

  • Daylight

  • Shade

  • Cloudy

  • Tungsten Light

  • White Fluorescent Light

  • Flash

  • Custom


设置自动对焦模式和自动对焦点(Set the Autofocus Mode and Autofocus Point)


Your Canon camera has three different auto-focus modes: One Shot, AI Focus, and AI Servo. They each serve a slightly different purpose and which one you should pick depends on what you’re shooting.

佳能相机具有三种不同的自动对焦模式:一次拍摄,人工智能对焦和人工智能伺服。 它们各自的用途略有不同,应根据拍摄的内容选择哪个。

To switch between these modes, press the AF button on the back of your camera and then use the D-pad to select the mode you want.


Your camera also has a number of different autofocus points on the sensor. By default, your camera automatically selects what it thinks should be the focus of the image. To manually select an autofocus point, press the AF Point Selection button on the back of your camera and use the D-pad to select one of the points. Whatever is under that point when you look through the viewfinder is where your camera will now attempt to focus.

您的相机在传感器上还有许多不同的自动聚焦点。 默认情况下,相机会自动选择它认为应该成为图像焦点的位置。 要手动选择自动对焦点,请按相机背面的自动对焦点选择按钮,然后使用D-pad选择其中一个对焦点。 当您通过取景器查看时,此时无论发生什么情况,相机都将立即尝试对焦。


设定自拍和拍摄模式 (Set the Self-Timer and Shooting Mode)


Once you have a reputation as the group photographer, you’ll regularly get called on to take group portraits. If you want to be in them too, you’ll need to use the self-timer. Every Canon camera has a two-second and ten-second timer.

拥有集体照的声誉后,您会定期被要求拍摄集体照。 如果您也想加入其中,则需要使用自拍。 每个佳能相机都有一个2秒和10秒的计时器。

The Self-Timer/Shooting Mode button is normally on the back of your camera. You can see the icon above. Press it, and select either the icon with the “2” next to it for the two-second timer or the regular icon for the ten-second timer using the D-pad.

自拍/拍摄模式按钮通常位于相机的背面。 您可以看到上面的图标。 按下它,然后使用D-pad选择旁边带有“ 2”的图标表示2秒钟计时器,或选择常规图标表示10秒钟计时器。

Once you’re finished with the self-timer mode, you’ll want to put your camera back into either Single Shooting or Continuous Shooting (Burst) mode. Press the Self-Timer/Shooting Mode button again and select the one you want. This is also how you put your camera into Burst mode.

完成自拍模式后,您将需要将相机放回单拍或连拍(连拍)模式。 再次按自拍/拍摄模式按钮,然后选择所需的一个。 这也是将相机置于连拍模式的方式

将相机置于电影模式 (Put Your Camera into Movie Mode)


Your DSLR can almost certainly shoot videos and movies. On any entry-level Canon DSLR released in the last few years, the power switch doubles as the movie mode switch. Push it forward an extra click to put your camera into video mode.

您的DSLR几乎可以肯定会拍摄视频和电影。 在过去几年中发布的所有入门级佳能DSLR上,电源开关都将作为电影模式开关加倍。 向前推动它一次额外的单击,即可将相机置于视频模式。

To start recording video, press the Live View/Record button. Even in video mode, the shutter button still takes photos.

要开始录制视频,请按“实时显示/录制”按钮。 即使在视频模式下,快门按钮仍会拍照。

更改图像质量 (Change the Image Quality)


Camera RAW is a higher quality image file that all DSLRs can shoot. To get the most from your camera, you should be using it instead of JPEG. To switch between the two formats, press the Menu button on the back of your camera. The first option is normally Image quality. Select it, and then pick the RAW option.

Camera RAW是所有DSLR都可以拍摄的高质量图像文件。 为了从相机中获得最大收益,您应该使用它而不是JPEG。 要在两种格式之间切换,请按相机背面的菜单按钮。 第一个选项通常是图像质量。 选择它,然后选择RAW选项。

查看您的图像 (Review Your Images)


It’s essential when you’re shooting to stop and check your work occasionally. You don’t want to realize at the end of the day that all your photos were underexposed or out of focus.

当您要拍摄停下来并偶尔检查工作时,这至关重要。 您不想在一天结束时意识到所有照片曝光不足或对焦不清晰。

To review your images, press the Play button on the back of your camera. Navigate through them using the D-pad. Make sure to use the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons to check the details of your images. What looks good on the small view screen, might look terrible on your computer.

要查看图像,请按相机背面的“播放”按钮。 使用D-pad浏览它们。 确保使用“放大”和“缩小”按钮检查图像的详细信息。 在小视图屏幕上看起来不错的东西,在您的计算机上可能看起来很糟糕。

格式化SD卡而不删除图像 (Format Your SD Cards Instead of Deleting Images)


It’s bad practice to delete images from your SD cards since it can lead to corrupted data. Instead, you want to format (or re-format) your cards between shoots or once they’re full.

从SD卡中删除图片是不正确的做法,因为它可能导致数据损坏。 取而代之的是,您要在拍摄之间或存储卡满后格式化(或重新格式化)存储卡。

The option to format your SD cards is buried a little bit in your camera’s menu. Press the Menu button and then navigate over to the first options screen (the ones with the wrench icon). Select Format Card and then OK to wipe the SD card that’s in your camera and prepare it for your next shoot.

格式化SD卡的选项稍微埋在相机的菜单中。 按菜单按钮,然后导航到第一个选项屏幕(带有扳手图标的屏幕)。 选择格式化卡,然后选择确定以擦拭相机中的SD卡,并为下一次拍摄做好准备。

This isn’t a complete list of all the camera settings you can control, but it does cover the most critical settings. As you learn more about your camera, you’ll need to dive deeper into more niche settings, but for now, you should be set.

这不是您可以控制的所有相机设置的完整列表,但确实涵盖了最关键的设置。 当您了解有关相机的更多信息时,您将需要更深入地研究更多的细分市场设置,但是现在,您应该已经设置好。

