为什么选择DDS?Why choose DDS?(Data Distribute Service,数据分发服务,物联网最佳选择之一)

为什么选择DDS?Why choose DDS?


为什么选择DDS?Why choose DDS?(Data Distribute Service,数据分发服务,物联网最佳选择之一)

Performance、Scalability、Robustness、Reliability、and QoS for Industrial IoT & Cosumer IoT 【工业级物联网和消费级物联网的性能、可扩展性、健壮性、可靠性和服务质量】

The OMG DDS standard is optimized for high performance, highly-scalable Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) and large-scale Consumer IoT application environments which require real-time data communication exchange. It is already well-proven in mission-critical systems in industries ranging from smart transportation to healthcare to smart energy.

OMG DDS标准针对需要实时数据通信的高性能、高可扩展的工业级物联网和大规模消费级物联网应用环境进行了优化。 DDS已在智能交通、医疗保健、智能能源等行业的关键任务系统中得到了充分证验证。

Industry standards built on top of DDS【建立在DDS之上的行业标准】

DDS is the foundation of other industry standards including OpenFMB, Adaptive AUTOSAR, MD PnP, GVA, NGVA, and ROS2.


Is DDS Right for you?【DDS适合您吗?】

Based on the use of DDS in thousands of applications, we can predict the need for DDS in new projects. If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, DDS is likely the best connectivity framework technology for your project.

基于在数千个应用程序中使用DDS,我们可以预测新项目中对DDS的需求。 如果您对以下任何一个问题回答是肯定的,则DDS可能是适合您项目的最佳连接框架技术之一。

  • Do you have latency, network bandwidth/throughput, or scaling issues because you measure latency in ms or less, or you have more than 10 different applications, or you have more than a thousand data items to share?
  • If your system goes offline for 5 minutes (or even 5 ms), is it a serious problem? Or, do you struggle to configure, startup, or failover to backup servers?
    如果系统离线5分钟(甚至5毫秒)是否将导致严重的问题? 您在配置、启动或故障转移到备份服务器方面是否面临困难?
  • Are you building a system that will take more than a year to write, last more than three years, and is expected go through multiple versions or integrate with legacy applications?

These questions help identify your critical performance, reliability, and integration needs. If you answer yes to any of these questions, you should evaluate DDS as a solution, since it offers many additional benefits.


Key Advantage of DDS【DDS主要优势】

The OMG DDS middleware standard helps users reliably and securely harness ever-increasing amounts of device- generated data while processing the data in real-time, and acting on events as quickly as they occur. As a result, it enables smarter decisions, new services, additional revenue streams, and reduced costs. The OMG DDS middleware standard can also simplify the development, deployment, and management of IoT applications, speeding time-to-market. It provides:

OMG DDS中间件标准可帮助用户可靠、安全地利用不断增长的设备生成的数据,同时实时处理数据,并在事件发生时尽快采取响应。因此,它可以实现更明智的决策、新的服务、更多收入来源并降低成本。OMG DDS中间件标准还可以简化IoT应用程序的开发,部署和管理,从而缩短产品上市时间。 它提供:

  • Ease of Integration: The data-centric approach used by DDS allows the definition of common and extensible data models for seamless Information Technology (IT) / Operational Technology (OT) interoperability. Its loose and anonymous data-sharing abstraction completely hides connectivity and topology details from applications.
    易于集成:DDS使用以数据为中心的方法,可以定义通用和可扩展的数据模型,以实现无缝的信息技术(IT)/操作技术(Operational Technology , OT)互操作性。它松散的匿名数据共享抽象完全隐藏了应用程序的连接和拓扑细节。
  • Performance Efficiency and Scalability: DDS implementations can achieve point-to-point latencies that are as low as 30 µsec. and throughput of several million messages per second. It uses a very efficient wire protocol, content- and time-based filtering. When properly architected, DDS-based systems can achieve near-linear scalability.
  • Advanced Security: The OMG DDS Security Specification defines a comprehensive Security Model and Service Plugin Interface (SPI) architecture for compliant DDS implementations. DDS provides standardized authentication, encryption, access control and logging capabilities to enable secure data connectivity end-to-end in an IoT system.
    高级安全性:OMG DDS安全规范为兼容DDS实现定义了一个全面的安全模型和服务插件接口(SPI)架构。DDS提供标准化的身份验证、数据加密、访问控制和日志记录功能,以实现物联网系统中端到端的安全数据连接。
  • Open Standard: The OMG DDS middleware specification is a mature, proven standard open to participation by both vendors and users. It enables end-to-end vendor interoperability and eases IoT system development and integration through fully open, future-proof APIs with no vendor lock -n.
    开放标准:OMG DDS中间件规范是一个成熟、经验证的标准,对供应商和用户开放。它支持端到端的跨供应商产品的互操作性,并通过完全开放、面向未来的API(无供应商绑定)简化物联网系统开发和集成。
  • QoS-Enabled: A rich set of QoS policies allows DDS to control of all aspects of data distribution, such as timeliness, traffic prioritization, reliability and resource usage.
    支持QoS:丰富的QoS策略集使DDS可以控制数据分发的各个方面,如及时性(timeliness)、流量优先级(traffic prioritization)、可靠性(reliability)和资源使用情况(resource usage)等。
  • Scalable Discovery: For large-scale dynamic systems, DDS offers automatic discovery that provides plug-and-play functionality to simplify system integration and orchestration.
  • Applicability: DDS can transparently address peer-to-peer, device-to-device, device-to-cloud, and cloud-to-cloud communication. Implementations are available for embedded, mobile, web, enterprise and cloud applications.

Additional Techncal Advantage【其他技术优势】

  • Programming language-, operating system-, transport- and hardware-independence
  • Configurable redundancy for extremely reliable operation
  • Multicast support for scalable data delivery
  • Standard-wire protocol for seamless multi-vendor application interoperability
  • Data selection and filtering to ensure efficient use of network and CPU resources
  • Extensible data-type evolution for practical long-term architecture lifecycle
  • Proven operation for mission-critical system building
    在关键任务系统(mission-critical system)中得到实际验证
  • A future-proof international standard to eliminate proprietary stovepipes

How Does DDS Compare to other IoT Technologies? 【DDS与其他物联网技术相比如何?】

DDS outperforms traditional messaging solution in Data Centricity、QoS、Security、Discovery and more Different Internets of Things 【DDS在数据中心性、服务质量、安全性、发现机制和更多不同的物联网方面优于传统的消息传递解决方案】

Applications designed for the Consumer Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial IoT must be able to efficiently scale and securely share data. However, there are qualitative differences in system requirements for these two types of IoT applications:

为什么选择DDS?Why choose DDS?(Data Distribute Service,数据分发服务,物联网最佳选择之一)

Qualitative Comparison of system requirements for Consumer and Industrial IoT applications.Source: Cutter Journal December 2014【消费级和工业级物联网应用系统需求的定性比较。资料来源:Cutter Journal 2014年12月】

The Consumer and Industrial IoT share many of the same requirements. However, each requirement has a very different relative importance. For example, Industrial IoT applications must deal with high individual data rates. Single sources, such as an aircraft engine, produce high volumes of data. Consumer IoT applications don’t usually deal with high individual data rates. However, all IoT applications must deal with high aggregated volumes of data.

消费级和工业物联网具有许多相同的要求。 但是,每个要求具有相对不同的相对重要性。 例如,工业物联网应用必须处理高数据率的单类数据(high individual data rates)。 单一来源(例如飞机发动机)会产生大量数据。 消费级物联网应用通常不处理高数据率的单类数据(high individual data rates)。 但是,所有物联网应用程序都必须处理大量聚合数据(high aggregated volumes of data)。

Different Protocols【不同协议的比较】

Several specialized messaging/data-sharing protocols are often considered for IoT applications, including:


  • Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT), a broker-reliant publish/subscribe messaging protocol designed to be used with TCP/IP
  • Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), which defines an efficient, binary, peer-to-peer protocol for transporting messages between two network processes (usually a client and a broker)
  • Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is a software protocol that was designed to support the connectivity of simple low power electronic devices (e.g. wireless sensors) with Internet based systems

The following table provides a comparison of the technologies listed above. A number of these IoT protocols were designed for simplicity and as such can support only a very limited set of use cases. DDS on the other hand is a feature-rich standard that transparently handles much of an IoT system’s data connectivity complexity, therefore, easing developer efforts.

下表提供了上述技术的比较。 这些物联网协议中有许多是为了简化而设计的,因此只能支持非常有限的一组用例。 另一方面,DDS是一个功能丰富的标准,可以透明地处理物联网系统的许多数据连接复杂性,因此减轻了开发人员的工作量。

为什么选择DDS?Why choose DDS?(Data Distribute Service,数据分发服务,物联网最佳选择之一)

DDS:The Right Choice 【DDS:正确的选择】

Many real systems include devices, servers, mobile nodes, and more. They have diverse communication needs, but it’s better – and easier – to use a single communication paradigm when possible. System designers should determine which of the protocols meets the primary challenge of their intended applications. Then, if possible, extend that primary choice to all aspects of the system.

许多真实的系统包括各种各样的设备、服务器、移动节点等等。 他们有各种各样的通信需求,但在可能的情况下尽量使用单一的通信协议会更好,也更容易。 系统设计者应确定哪种协议满足其预期的主要应用场景。然后,将该主要协议扩展应用到系统的其他设备和软件中。

For example, inter-device data use is a different use case from device data collection. Requirements for turning on your light switch (best with CoAP) are much different than the requirements for managing the generation of that power (best with DDS), monitoring the transmission lines (best with MQTT), or communicating power usage within the data center (best with AMQP).


Overall, DDS is the most versatile of these protocols. It can manage tiny devices, connect large, high-performance sensor networks and close time-critical control loops. It can also serve and receive data from the cloud.


DDS communication is peer-to-peer. Elimination of message brokers and servers simplifies deployment, minimizes latency, maximizes scalability, increases reliability, and reduces cost and complexity. Using DDS does require building a data model and understanding data-centric principles. It is ideal for IoT applications that require a lasting, reliable, high-performance architecture.




DDS规范-译文连载:DDS (Data Distribution Service) 数据分发服务-规范中文翻译_001




产品介绍:BLUE DCS分布式数据连接解决方案

产品试用: 海蓝云平台-Blue DCS

为什么选择DDS?Why choose DDS?(Data Distribute Service,数据分发服务,物联网最佳选择之一)