高通CSR102x Bluetooth low energy IoT Development Kit简介(5)

The Bluetooth low energy SDK provides a comprehensive graphical code development environment for the CSR102x  IC products using its xIDE environment with breakpoint, variable viewing, memory viewing, etc. The SDK is based on a GCC compiler tool chain with command line build and make tools available, designed for reducing development time and regression builds

蓝牙低功耗SDK为CSR102x IC产品提供了一个全面的图形代码开发环境,使用其带有断点,变量查看,内存查看等功能的xIDE环境。该SDK基于GCC编译器工具链,并提供命令行编译和制作工具 ,旨在减少开发时间和回归构建。

CSR102x Starter Development Kit, Bluetooth Node Development Kit, Professional Development Kit, Sport WatchApplication Board and Smart Remote Application Board are products of Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd

CSR102x入门开发套件,蓝牙节点开发套件,专业开发套件,运动手表应用板和智能远程应用板是Qualcomm Technologies International,Ltd。的产品

高通CSR102x Bluetooth low energy IoT Development Kit简介(5)

高通CSR102x Bluetooth low energy IoT Development Kit简介(5)


高通CSR102x Bluetooth low energy IoT Development Kit简介(5)