


A few days ago we mentioned a horrible auto-playing audio ad that one of our filler advertisers decided to run without telling us. We told them in no uncertain terms that it better not happen again… and then they enabled it again last night.

几天前,我们提到了一个可怕的自动播放音频广告,我们的填充广告商之一决定在不告诉我们的情况下就进行投放。 我们毫不犹豫地告诉他们,最好不要再发生……然后他们昨晚再次启用了它。


Photo by Vitor P

Vitor P摄

If you were subjected to the annoying ad, we’re sorry, and this time it’s really not going to happen again. We’ve disabled the offending advertiser and won’t do business with them until they find a way to leave control of the ads completely in our hands so we can make sure it doesn’t happen in the future—or we just won’t do business with them period.

如果您收到了这则令人讨厌的广告,我们很抱歉,这次确实不会再发生。 我们已禁用有问题的广告客户,直到他们找到完全将广告控制权交给我们的方法之前,我们才会与他们进行业务往来,这样我们就可以确保将来不会发生广告,或者我们不会与他们做生意。

Audio ads that play automatically are the lowest of the low, one of the most dirty rotten tricks that a website can play on a reader. At least your browser has a built-in popup ad blocker—you’ll need to install Flashblock or something similar to stop audio ads from blaring out of your speakers (which is also one of the ways we prevented YouTube videos from playing automatically—you’ll simply see the Flashblock icon in place of the normal Flash ad).

自动播放的音频广告是网站能在阅读器上播放的最低价,最低价的烂招之一。 至少您的浏览器具有内置的弹出式广告拦截器-您需要安装Flashblock或类似的工具来阻止音频广告从扬声器中冒出来(这也是我们阻止YouTube视频自动播放的方式之一-您只会在普通Flash广告中看到Flashblock图标)。


We’ve long prided ourselves in avoiding intrusive, sleazy advertising and providing a clean, genuinely useful website for our readers—and we intend to stick by it, recession or not. We don’t think a recession is any excuse for compromising your core principles—and frankly, it’s a critical point where you need to stick with the core values that brought you success in the first place. You can’t simply sell out because it’s too tough for you.

长期以来,我们一直为避免侵入式,卑鄙的广告而为自己的读者感到骄傲,并为读者提供了一个干净,真正有用的网站-我们打算坚持下去,无论是否出现衰退。 我们认为,衰退并不是损害您的核心原则的任何借口–坦率地说,这是至关重要的一点,您需要坚持首先为您带来成功的核心价值观。 您不能简单地卖光,因为这对您来说太难了。

