
A few weeks back I ranted in Everything's broken and nobody's upset and it found its way around the web. Some called it a poorly  organized straw man and others felt it was a decent jumping-off point for a larger discussion about software quality. It was likely both of these and more.

几周前,我大声疾呼一切都崩溃了,没有人感到沮丧,它遍及网络。 一些人称其为组织不善的稻草人,而另一些人则认为这是进行软件质量更大讨论的一个不错的起点。 这可能更多,甚至更多。

On the subject of bug reporting, there's a wonderful gem of a program that ships with Windows 7 and Windows 8 that you and your users can use to report and record bugs. It's the Problem Steps Recorder and it's like TiVo for bugs.

关于错误报告, Windows 7和Windows 8附带了一个很棒的程序,您和您的用户可以使用它来报告和记录错误。 这是问题步骤记录器,就像TiVo的错误一样。

Hit the Start button and type either "Steps" or even "PSR" or to run the Problem Steps Recorder.

点击开始按钮,然后输入“步骤”或什至“ PSR”,或运行问题步骤记录器。


Click Start Record and reproduce your bug. You can even click "Add Comment" to highlight an area of the screen as a call-out.

单击开始记录并重现您的错误。 您甚至可以单击“添加评论”以突出显示屏幕区域作为标注。


It's kind of a poor-man's screencasting tool. Rather than a heavy full screen video, the Steps Recorder is taking a screenshot on each click or action.

这是一个穷人的电视广播工具。 而不是沉重的全屏视频,Steps Recorder会为每次单击或操作拍摄屏幕截图。

The user can then save the whole thing as as ZIP or just click "Email." I plan on using this the next time my non-technical parents have an issue they want to report.

然后,用户可以将整个内容另存为ZIP或只需单击“电子邮件”。 我计划在我的非技术父母下次遇到要报告的问题时使用此功能。

Since this little app ships with Windows, why not launch it directly from your product's interface or 'Send Feedback' link? Then you could automate the receipt of these recorded problems and directly inject the resulting files into your bug reporting system.

由于此小应用程序随Windows一起提供,为什么不直接从产品界面或“发送反馈”链接启动它? 然后,您可以自动接收这些已记录的问题,并将结果文件直接注入到错误报告系统中。

What do you think?


此三部分系列有关软件质量的相关文章 (Related Posts in this Three Part series on Software Quality)

  1. Everything's broken and nobody's upset


  2. A Bug Report is a Gift


  3. Help your users record and report bugs with the Problem Steps Recorder


关于斯科特(About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/help-your-users-record-and-report-bugs-with-the-problem-steps-recorder