数据中聚类个数的确定(Determining the number of clusters in a data set)



1. K的作用

Intuitively then, the optimal choice of k will strike a balance between maximum compression of the data using a single cluster, and maximum accuracy by assigning each data point to its own cluster.

2. 常用方法

2.1 经验法则(Rule of thumb)


2.2 弯形判据 (The Elbow Method)

数据中聚类个数的确定(Determining the number of clusters in a data set) 
the percentage of variance V.S. the number of clusters

2.3 信息准则(Information Criterion Approach)

[2][3]如果聚类模型能写成一个似然函数(likelihood function)考虑使用:Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), or the Deviance information criterion (DIC) 

2.4 (An Information Theoretic Approach)

[5] 率失真理论 (Rate distortion theory)应用于选择k,通过信息理论标准最小化误差的同时最大化效率。 该策略通过运行一个标准的聚类算法为输入数据在k值从1到n生成一个失真曲线(distortion curve),接着基于数据维数选择的a negative power对失真曲线处理,最后寻找跳跃最大的点作为k。

2.5 轮廓(Choosing k Using the Silhouette)


The silhouette of a datum is a measure of how closely it is matched to data within its cluster and how loosely it is matched to data of the neighbouring cluster.

2.6 交叉验证法(Cross-validation)


2.7 文本数据 (Finding Number of Clusters in Text Databases)

[9] 矩阵DRn×m m:文本数量, n:项数量,t:D中非零项数量(D每行列至少有一个非零项),有:( m × n )/ t。

2.8 核矩阵 (Analyzing the Kernel Matrix)


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