CG-Voronoi Diagrams

Voronoi Diagrams

CG-Voronoi Diagrams
衍生问题: 物流配送、周边导航、加油站


for each site where the people live who obtain their goods or services from that site

To study this question we make the following simplifying assumptions:

  • the price of a particular good or service is the same at every site;
  • the cost of acquiring the good or service is equal to the price plus the cost of transportation to the site;
  • the cost of transportation to a site equals the Euclidean distance to the site times a fixed price per unit distance;
  • consumers try to minimize the cost of acquiring the good or service.

The model where every point is assigned to the nearest site is called the Voronoi assignment model.(目的是求解模型)

7.1 Definition and Basic Properties

CG-Voronoi Diagrams
We define the Voronoi diagram of P as the subdivision of the plane into n cells, one for each site in P, with the property that a point q lies in the cell corresponding to a site pi.
if dist(q, pi ) < dist(q, p j ) for each p j ∈ P with j à= i.

用 Vor§表示Voronoi 图

The cell of Vor§ that corresponds to a site pi is denoted V(pi);we call it the Voronoi cell of pi. (In the terminology of the introduction to this chapter: V(pi) is the trading area of site pi.)

For two points p and q in the plane we define the bisector(垂直平分线) of p and q as the perpendicular bisector of the line segment pq.

This bisector splits the plane into two half-planes. We denote the open half-plane that contains p by h(p,q) and the open half-plane that contains q by h(q,p).

Notice that r ∈ h( p, q) if and only if dist(r, p) < dist(r, q).
CG-Voronoi Diagrams
CG-Voronoi Diagrams

方法一: 直接求线段相交(n-1条分割线相交的区域)
方法二: 平面扫描线算法

theorem 7.2

Let P be a set of n point sites in the plane. If all the sites are collinear then Vor§ consists of n − 1 parallel lines(平行直线). Otherwise, Vor§ is connected (连同的)and its edges are either segments or half-lines(射线).

CG-Voronoi Diagrams


假设 voronoi 图含有 full line
CG-Voronoi Diagrams
当P点的个数大于等于三,且不是所有的点都共线时,就不可能存在full line了。
The bisector of p j and pk is not parallel to e and, hence, it intersects e. But then the part of e that lies in the interior of h(pk, pj) cannot be on the boundary of V(pj), because it is closer to pk than to pj, a contradiction.

It remains to prove that Vor§ is connected.

如果不连通,必然存在full line,然后前面证明了不可能有full line。所以全部都是连通的

Voronoi 图的复杂度

CG-Voronoi Diagrams

theorem 7.3

For n 3, the number of vertices in the Voronoi diagram of a set of n point sites in the plane is at most 2n − 5 and the number of edges is at most 3n−6.



验证 在所有的点共线时 成立

CG-Voronoi Diagrams
顶点数-边数+面数 = 2

CG-Voronoi Diagrams
CG-Voronoi Diagrams

对应到voronoi 图有
CG-Voronoi Diagrams

CG-Voronoi Diagrams


For a point q we define the largest empty circle of q with respect to P, denoted by CP(q)

CG-Voronoi Diagrams

The following theorem characterizes the vertices and edges of the Voronoi diagram.

theorem 7.4

For the Voronoi diagram Vor§ of a set of points P the following holds:

  • A point q is a vertex of Vor§ if and only if its largest empty circle CP(q) contains three or more sites on its boundary.(点q是Vor(P)的顶点,当且仅当其最大空圆CP(q)在其边界上包含三个或更多个位点时。)
  • The bisector between sites pi and pj defines an edge of Vor§ if and only if there is a point q on the bisector such that CP (q) contains both pi and pj on its boundary but no other site(当且仅当在平分线上存在点q使得CP(q)在其边界上包含pi和pj而没有其他位点时,站点pi和pj之间的平分线定义Vor(P)的边缘。).

CG-Voronoi Diagrams

7.2 Computing the Voronoi Diagram

CG-Voronoi Diagrams


CG-Voronoi Diagrams

Observation 7.5

The beach line is x-monotone, that is, every vertical line intersects it in exactly one point.


Notice that the breakpoints between the different parabolic arcs forming the beach line lie on edges of the Voronoi diagram.

the breakpoints exactly trace out the Voronoi diagram while the sweep line moves from top to bottom. These properties of the beach line can be proved using elementary geometric arguments.

CG-Voronoi Diagrams
CG-Voronoi Diagrams
A new arc appears on the beach line because a site is encountered


lemma 7.6

The only way in which a new arc can appear on the beach line is through a site event.(穿过site节点)
CG-Voronoi Diagrams
There are two ways in which this could happen.

  • The first possibility is that βj breaks through in the middle of an arc of a parabola βi. (相切,相交于一个点)
    Let y denote the y-coordinate of the sweep line at the moment of tangency.
    CG-Voronoi Diagrams

  • The second possibility is that βj appears in between two arcs.
    CG-Voronoi Diagrams
    CG-Voronoi Diagrams

An immediate consequence of the lemma is that the beach line consists of at most 2n − 1 parabolic arcs: each site encountered gives rise to one new arc and the splitting of at most one existing arc into two, and there is no other way an arc can appear on the beach line.
CG-Voronoi Diagrams
Figure 7.4
An arc disappears from the beach line


lemma 7.7

The only way in which an existing arc can disappear from the beach line is through a circle event.(圆事件点)

at a site event a new edge starts to grow, and at a circle event two growing edges meet to form a vertex.

CG-Voronoi Diagrams

two ‘standard’ data structures for any sweep line algorithm: an event queue and a structure that represents the status of the sweep line. Here the latter structure is a representation of the beach line. These data structures are implemented in the following way.

The internal nodes of T represent the breakpoints on the beach line.
A breakpoint is stored at an internal node by an ordered tuple of sites <pi,pj>
At an internal node, we simply compare the x-coordinate of the new site with the x-coordinate of the breakpoint, which can be computed from the tuple of sites and the position of the sweep line in constant time. (比较x坐标)
In T we also store pointers to the other two data structures used during the sweep.

The event queue Q is implemented as a priority queue, where the priority of an event is its y-coordinate. (事件放在根据y坐标值的优先级队列中)
For a circle event the event point that we store is the lowest point of the circle, with a pointer to the leaf in T that represents the arc that will disappear in the event.

lemma 7.8

Every Voronoi vertex is detected by means of a circle event(每个圆事件点)

CG-Voronoi Diagrams
We must show that just before the sweep line reaches the lowest point of C(pi, pj, pk), there are three consecutive arcs α, α and α on the beach line defined by the sites pi, pj, and pk.
Therefore, the corresponding circle event is in Q just before the event takes place, and the Voronoi vertex is detected.


CG-Voronoi Diagrams
CG-Voronoi Diagrams


The algorithm runs in O(n log n) time and it uses O(n) storage.

CG-Voronoi Diagrams

总结: 两个数据结构
优先级队列 :事件点
平衡树 :扫描线状态

7.3 Voronoi Diagrams of Line Segments

CG-Voronoi Diagrams
The Voronoi diagram can also be defined for objects other than points.
the bisector of two disjoint line segments has a more complex shape. It consists of up to seven parts, where each part is either a line segment or a parabolic arc.
可以将弧线看成分隔曲面 (由线段和抛物线组成)
上图为 两个线段的voronoi图

Assume for a moment that we allow the line segments to be non-crossing, that is, we allow them to share endpoints.
CG-Voronoi Diagrams
Then a whole region of the plane can be equally close to two line segments via their common endpoint, and bisectors are not even curves anymore. (不再是曲线)

所以:assume here that all line segments are strictly disjoint.(线段不想交)

The sweep line algorithm for points can be adapted to the case of line segment sites. Let S = {s1,…,sn} be a set of n disjoint line segments. We call the segments of S sites as before, and use the terms site endpoint and site interior in the following description.
CG-Voronoi Diagrams
