




For the second year in a row, my reading trended down. In fact, this year marks the fewest books I’ve read since 2012! There are several reasons for that, I suppose. Partly, my brain felt pretty overloaded and distracted much of the year for various reasons and I found it harder to enjoy what I was reading.

连续第二年,我的阅读量呈下降趋势。 实际上,今年是我自2012年以来读过最少的书! 我想这有几个原因。 部分原因是,由于各种原因,一年中的大部分时间我的大脑都感到非常负担和分心,我发现很难享受自己正在阅读的内容。

I took a look and I started and put down 13 books this year. I don’t keep track of that, but it’s gotta be close to a record. My guess is that if I were to pick up those books sometime in the future, when I’ve got my mojo back a bit, I’d likely enjoy most of them.

我看了看,今年开始放下13本书。 我不跟踪它,但它必须接近记录。 我的猜测是,如果我将来某个时候拿起那些书,当我的心情得到恢复时,我可能会喜欢其中的大多数。

I also got behind on writing reviews, again. I’m gonna cut myself a little slack there, but I’m still aimin to do a better job of it this year.

我也再次落后于撰写评论。 我会在那儿给自己一点儿懈怠,但我仍然希望今年能做得更好。

As always, there were some stand-outs.


For fiction, I loved The Winter of the Witch, Katherine Arden’s conclusion to her fantastic Winternight Trilogy. I’ll miss that world—those books have been some of my absolute favorites in recent years. I could also pick all of the Fredrik Backman books I read this year, but I’ll choose just one: And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer. It’s a beautiful little novella and with every book of his I read, he further cements himself as my favorite author currently writing. Rounding out my top three fiction books would be The Book of M by Peng Shepherd. Like And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer, The Book of M revolves a lot around memories, but in more of a science-fiction way.

对于小说,我喜欢凯瑟琳·雅顿(Katherine Arden)的《冬夜三部曲》的结局,《巫婆的冬天 》。 我会想念这个世界-近年来,这些书成为我绝对的最爱。 我还可以挑选今年阅读的所有Fredrik Backman书籍,但我只会选择其中一本: 《每天早晨,回家的路越来越长》 。 这是一本美丽的小中篇小说,我读过他的每一本书后,他就进一步巩固了自己作为我最喜欢的作家的地位。 排在我前三位小说书中的将是彭·谢泼德的《 M之书》 。 就像《每天早晨回家的路越来越长》一样《 M之书》围绕着记忆旋转了很多,但更多的是科幻小说。

For non-fiction, Switch, Mismatch and Range stand out from the rest of the group. It wasn’t a particularly strong year for me in non-fiction reads, and I tended to lean on fiction as the year progressed because, again, I was having a hard time getting into many of the books I was picking up.

对于非虚构类, SwitchMismatchRange较其他组别更突出。 在非小说类阅读方面,对我来说这不是特别强劲的一年,随着这一年的发展,我倾向于依靠小说,因为我又很难读到很多我正在挑选的书。

Not all of the books below have reviews written, which I feel bad for. But the ones that do are linked up.

以下并不是所有的书都写有评论,对此我感到不好受。 但是,确实有联系。

  1. Head on by John Scalzi 45


    I wrote a full review for Head On.

    为Head On撰写了完整评论

  2. Educated by Tara Westover 55


    I wrote a full review for Educated.


  3. The Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden 55


    I wrote a full review for The Winter of the Witch.


  4. Mismatch by Kat Holmes 55


    I wrote a full review for Mismatch.


  5. The Business of Expertise by David C. Baker 45

    专业的业务由David C.贝克五分之四

    I wrote a full review for The Business of Expertise.


  6. And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer by Fredrik Backman 55


    I wrote a full review for And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer.


  7. The Fall of Io by Wesley Chu 45


  8. Good to Go by Christie Aschwanden 45

    好去佳士得Aschwanden 五分之四

    I wrote a full review for Good to Go.

    为Good to Go撰写了完整评论

  9. Switch by Chip and Dan Heath 55

    交换机的芯片和希思丹/ 5

    I saw Lara Hogan recommend this to someone, so I grabbed a copy. It didn’t disappoint. Chip and Dan have a very engaging writing style, and I’ve taken a lot of the stuff I read here and incorporated it into the work I do.

    我看到拉拉·霍根(Lara Hogan)向某人推荐了此书,所以我抓了一份。 它并没有令人失望。 Chip和Dan的写作风格非常吸引人,我在这里阅读了很多东西,并将其结合到我的作品中。

  10. Us Against You by Fredrik Backman 55


    This is a sequel to the exceptionally good Beartown. I think I still like Beartown a bit more, but it was interesting to follow-up with the characters and town as they continued to struggle with the aftermath of the events of the first book. There’s a lot more focus on Benji this time around as well, and once again Backman tells a story that is deep, meaningful, emotional and raw.

    这是非常出色的Beartown的续集。 我想我仍然更喜欢Beartown ,但是跟着角色和城镇的跟进很有趣,因为他们继续为第一本书的事件而苦苦挣扎。 这次也将更多的注意力放在Benji上,Backman再一次讲述了一个深刻,有意义,情感和原始的故事。

  11. Deep Work by Cal Newport 45


    I’ll be honest. When I finished reading this, I wrote “4 stars” down in my notebook, but in retrospect, I can’t remember much about this book. I went back and looked and I see I have plenty of highlights, but I don’t know that anything in there is necessarily revolutionary. It is, however, well put. I suspect this was a case of a familar topic resonating with me because of the way it was presented.

    老实说 当我读完本书后,在笔记本上写下了“ 4星”,但回想起来,我对这本书记不清了。 我回头看了看,看到很多亮点,但我不知道里面有什么一定是革命性的。 但是,它放置得很好。 我怀疑这是一个熟悉的话题,因为它的呈现方式引起了我的共鸣。

  12. The Trusted Advisor by David H. Maister, Charles H. Green and Robert M. Galford 45


    This book has been recommended to me so many times. The authors do a good job of detailing not just why trust is a foundational aspect of being a good advisor/consultant (which, you know, of course it is) but also providing actionable insight into how little behaviors of ours (typically fostered by some level of fear) can make that trust harder to come by.

    这本书向我推荐了很多次。 作者不仅出色地阐述了为什么信任是成为好的顾问/顾问的基础(当然,您知道的确如此),而且还提供了对我们的行为举止有实际意义的见解(通常由某些人助长)恐惧程度)会使这种信任更难获得。

  13. True Grit by Charles Portis 45


    I’ll be honest: after how much I loved Lonesome Dove, I was hoping another western classic would provide the same level of enjoyment. But while True Grit never got me hooked the same way, it was still an enjoyable (and short) story.

    我会说老实话:在我对《 孤独的鸽子》有多爱之后,我希望另一个西方经典能够提供同样的享受。 但是,尽管True Grit从来没有让我迷上同样的方式,但这仍然是一个令人愉快的(而且简短的)故事。

  14. The Real Town Murders by Adam Roberts 35


    There was a lot I wanted to like about this book, but it never really clicked. The storytelling just seemed…disjointed. I never really felt like I connected with any of the characters and it felt like a narrative thread would start only to be dropped unceremoniously pages later. That, and the fact that Roberts reminded us of Alma’s bed-ridden friend’s “enormous” size so many times without any sort of rationale for why that mattered to us in any way.

    关于这本书,我有很多喜欢的东西,但从未真正点击过。 讲故事似乎……脱节了。 我从没有真正感到自己与任何角色都联系在一起,而且感觉就像一个叙事线程只会在以后不经意间被丢弃。 也就是说,事实上,罗伯茨提醒我们阿尔玛的卧床朋友“巨大的”大小的这么多次没有任何类型的理由为什么事关对我们的任何方式。

  15. Quit Like a Millionaire by Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung 35


    As with any “money” related book, I can’t say I enjoyed a ton of it. Actually, most of my favorite parts of this book came from hearing about Kristy’s background and upbringing and how that influenced how she approached her money.

    就像任何与“金钱”相关的书一样,我不能说我喜欢其中的一堆。 实际上,本书中我最喜欢的部分是来自于对克里斯蒂(Kristy)的背景和成长的了解,以及这如何影响她的收入方式。

  16. My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell you She’s Sorry by Fredrik Backman 55


    More Backman brilliance. This one has some definite similarities to A Man Called Ove, from the grandmother’s character through to the story being used as a way to explore a small community of people. But telling the story from the perspective of a seven year old child provides a fresh point of view, and allows for some hints of magic realism that help to elevate the story.

    更多Backman的光彩。 从祖母的性格到故事被用作探索一个小人群的方式,这与《 一个叫奥夫的男人》有一定的相似之处。 但是,从一个7岁大的孩子的角度讲这个故事提供了一种崭新的观点,并提供了一些魔幻现实主义的暗示,有助于提升故事的趣味性。

  17. Recursion by Blake Crouch 45


    Crouch’s novels don’t push a ton of new ground, but he’s pretty good at spinning an fun tale. They’re popcorn-movie novels, which is not meant to be an insult in anyway. Personally, sometimes I need a good popcorn novel: a story that is light, entertaining and fast-paced. If you have enjoyed Crouch’s other books, you’ll like this too. If you haven’t, you probably won’t.

    克劳奇的小说并没有推动新的发展,但他擅长讲述一个有趣的故事。 他们是爆米花电影小说,无论如何都不是侮辱。 就个人而言,有时我需要一本好听的爆米花小说:一个轻松,有趣且节奏快的故事。 如果您喜欢克劳奇(Crouch)的其他书籍,您也将喜欢上它。 如果没有,您可能不会。

  18. In An Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire 45


    I don’t know what it is about this Wayward Children series, but each of these little books has been a lot of fun to read. The first book, Every Heart a Doorway, felt like a fairly self-contained story. You met a lot of characters, all kids who have been to various different “worlds” and come back, but the story lived well enough on its own. In reality, it was a jumping point for so many other interesting little fairy tales. Each subsequent book has taken characters from that original story and provided us with their own stories, with their own unique worlds. It’s been a great series and I hope McGuire never runs out of stories to tell here.

    我不知道这个“任性的孩子”系列的内容是什么,但是这些小书中的每本都很有趣。 第一本书《 门口的心》感觉像是一个相当完备的故事。 您遇到了很多角色,所有去过不同“世界”的孩子都回来了,但是故事本身活得很好。 实际上,这是许多其他有趣的小童话故事的起点。 随后的每一本书都从原始故事中选取了人物,并为我们提供了自己的故事和独特的世界。 这是一个很棒的系列,我希望麦奎尔(McGuire)不会在这里讲故事。

  19. Small Spaces by Katherine Arden 45


    With as much as I loved her Winternight Trilogy there was no way I was going to pass on reading anything else Arden has written. This is a much simpler tale, and it’s labeled as a book for “middle graders”. Though as many a wise author has said, there’s no such thing as stories for kids or adults—there are just stories and they are either good stories or they’re not. This is a good story. It’s eerie and spooky, but it’s not just an empty ghost-story. The main characters all have good depth, and they each have things they’re struggling with. This is apparently the start of a series and while I won’t be dropping everything to read them like I did with the Winternight Trilogy, I’ll definitely be picking up the next one.

    尽管我非常喜欢她的《 冬夜三部曲》,但我无法继续阅读Arden所写的其他任何东西。 这是一个简单得多的故事,它被标记为“中级生”的书。 尽管有许多明智的作者说过,但没有关于儿童或成人的故事的东西-只是故事,它们要么是好故事,要么不是。 这是一个好故事。 这是令人毛骨悚然和怪异的,但不仅仅是空虚的故事。 主要角色都具有很高的深度,并且每个角色都在努力挣扎。 显然,这是系列的开始,尽管我不会像在《 寒夜三部曲》中那样放下所有内容来阅读它们,但我肯定会选出下一个。

  20. Circe by Madeline Miller 45


    This was a fun re-telling of the story of Circe, from her perspective. It repaints many of the events and assumptions from these myths in a totally different light. I can’t say I loved it quite as much as the friends who recommended it, but I still thought it was great storytelling.

    从她的角度来看,这是对Circe故事的有趣重述。 它以完全不同的方式重绘了这些神话中的许多事件和假设。 我不能说我喜欢它是完全一样谁推荐它的朋友,但我仍然认为这是伟大的故事。

  21. Summer Frost by Blake Crouch 35


    Similar to my review of Recursion, this was fun without really presenting any sort of mind-blowingly new ideas. Being a shorter read (75 pages) it didn’t have as much time to pull me in as his other books.

    与我对Recursion的评论类似,这很有趣,而没有真正提出任何令人难以置信的新想法。 短读(75页)并没有吸引我的时间,他没有其他书。

  22. Ark by Veronica Roth 45


    This, like Summer Frost, is a short story from the Forward Series. It’s a bit on the nose perhaps, but it was still an enjoyable short read.

    就像Summer Frost一样 ,这是Forward系列的短篇小说。 也许有点鼻子,但这仍然是一个令人愉快的简短阅读。

  23. Redemption in Indigo by Karen Lord 35


    This fable is written to feel like someone telling you a story, and it does that for better or worse. I’ve read that style before and enjoyed it, but it’s tricky to pull off. You have to feel in some way connected to the narrator, but they also have to disappear enough for you to focus on the main tale. This time, it just didn’t quite work for me. The story was fine and interesting enough, but it felt like it dragged on a bit too long.

    写这个寓言的感觉就像是有人在告诉你一个故事,不管是好是坏。 我以前已经读过这种风格并且很喜欢它,但是要实现它是很棘手的。 您必须以某种方式感觉与叙述者的联系,但它们也必须消失得足以让您专注于主要故事。 这次,它对我来说还不太有效。 这个故事很好,很有趣,但是感觉拖了太久。

  24. Range by David Epstein 45


  25. The Book of M by Peng Shepherd 55


    Gosh I loved the way Peng played with memories in this story! The pace is just right: fast enough to keep things moving, slow enough for you to get settled in with the characters and world. People are losing their shadows (for reasons we never learn entirely, but appear to be more magical than scientific) and as they lose their shadows, they start to lose their memories. As they forget things, they end up changing the reality and world around them. I really wish I could dive into how much I love the ending, and how it almost seems to invert some of the core arguments around memory earlier the story, but that would give too much away. Great stuff!

    天哪,我喜欢彭在这个故事中扮演回忆的方式! 节奏是正确的:足够快以使事物前进,足够慢以使您适应角色和世界。 人们正在失去阴影(由于我们永远不会完全学习的原因,但是看起来比科学更具魔力),并且当他们失去阴影时,他们开始失去记忆。 当他们忘记事物时,最终会改变周围的现实和世界。 我真的希望我能深入研究我对结局的热爱,以及看起来似乎如何扭转故事初期记忆中的一些核心论点,但这会给我们带来太多的收获。 好东西!

  26. Fast 5K by Pete Magill 45


历年 (Past years)

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/remembers/2020-01-10-what-i-read-in-2019/
