【Paper Note】DCN——Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Prediction论文翻译(中英文对照)(更新中)

【Paper Note】DCN——Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Prediction论文翻译(中英文对照)(更新中)


Feature engineering has been the key to the success of many prediction models. However, the process is nontrivial and o en requires manual feature engineering or exhaustive searching. DNNs are able to automatically learn feature interactions; however, they generate all the interactions implicitly, and are not necessarily efficient in learning all types of cross features. In this paper, we propose the Deep & Cross Network (DCN) which keeps the benefits of a DNN model, and beyond that, it introduces a novel cross network that is more efficient in learning certain bounded-degree feature interactions. In particular, DCN explicitly applies feature crossing at each layer, requires no manual feature engineering, and adds negligible extra complexity to the DNN model. Our experimental results have demonstrated its superiority over the state-of-art algorithms on the CTR prediction dataset and dense classification dataset, in terms of both model accuracy and memory usage.




Click-through rate (CTR) prediction is a large-scale problem that is essential to multi-billion dollar online advertising industry. In the advertising industry, advertisers pay publishers to display their ads on publishers’ sites. One popular payment model is the cost-per-click (CPC) model, where advertisers are charged only when a click occurs. As a consequence, a publisher’s revenue relies heavily on the ability to predict CTR accurately.
Identifying frequently predictive features and at the same time exploring unseen or rare cross features is the key to making good predictions. However, data for Web-scale recommender systems is mostly discrete and categorical, leading to a large and sparse feature space that is challenging for feature exploration. This has limited most large-scale systems to linear models such as logistic regression.
Linear models [3] are simple, interpretable and easy to scale; however, they are limited in their expressive power. Cross features, on the other hand, have been shown to be significant in improving the models’ expressiveness. Unfortunately, it o en requires manual feature engineering or exhaustive search to identify such features; moreover, generalizing to unseen feature interactions is difficult.
In this paper, we aim to avoid task-specific feature engineering by introducing a novel neural network structure – a cross network – that explicitly applies feature crossing in an automatic fashion.
The cross network consists of multiple layers, where the highest- degree of interactions are provably determined by layer depth. Each layer produces higher-order interactions based on existing ones, and keeps the interactions from previous layers. We train the cross network jointly with a deep neural network (DNN) [10, 14]. DNN has the promise to capture very complex interactions across features; however, compared to our cross network it requires nearly an order of magnitude more parameters, is unable to form cross features explicitly, and may fail to efficiently learn some types of feature interactions. Jointly training the cross and DNN components together, however, efficiently captures predictive feature interactions, and delivers state-of-the-art performance on the Criteo CTR dataset.

1 介绍

在本文中,我们的目标是通过引入一种新的神经网络结构(跨网络)来避免特定于任务的特征工程,它以自动方式显式地应用特征交叉。交叉网络由多个层组成,其中层的深度可以证明交互作用的最高程度,每个层基于现有的层产生高阶交互,并保持与先前层的交互,我们跨网联合深层神经网络(DNN)进行训练[ 10, 14 ],DNN已经捕捉到非常复杂的相互作用的有限元分析,然而,相比我们的跨网络需要近一个数量级以上的参数,无法形成明确的交叉特征,可能无法有效地学习特征相互作用的类别。联合训练的交叉网络和DNN的组分能够有效地捕获预测特征的关系,并在Criteo CTR数据集上获得优越性能。

1.1 Related Work

Due to the dramatic increase in size and dimensionality of datasets, a number of methods have been proposed to avoid extensive task-specific feature engineering, mostly based on embedding techniques and neural networks.
Factorization machines (FMs) [11, 12] project sparse features onto low-dimensional dense vectors and learn feature interactions from vector inner products. Field-aware factorization machines (FFMs) [7, 8] further allow each feature to learn several vectors where each vector is associated with a field. Regrettably, the shallow structures of FMs and FFMs limit their representative power. There have been work extending FMs to higher orders [1, 18], but one downside lies in their large number of parameters which yields undesirable computational cost. Deep neural networks (DNN) are able to learn non-trivial high-degree feature interactions due to embedding vectors and nonlinear activation functions. The recent success of the Residual Network [5] has enabled training of very deep networks. Deep Crossing [15] extends residual networks and achieves automatic feature learning by stacking all types of inputs.
The remarkable success of deep learning has elicited theoretical analyses on its representative power. There has been research [16, 17] showing that DNNs are able to approximate an arbitrary function under certain smoothness assumptions to an arbitrary accuracy, given sufficiently many hidden units or hidden layers. Moreover, in practice, it has been found that DNNs work well with a feasible number of parameters. One key reason is that most functions of practical interest are not arbitrary.
Yet one remaining question is whether DNNs are indeed the most efficient ones in representing such functions of practical interest. In the Kaggle1 competition, the manually craed features in many winning solutions are low-degree, in an explicit format and effective. e features learned by DNNs, on the other hand, are implicit and highly nonlinear. is has shed light on designing a model that is able to learn bounded-degree feature interactions more efficiently and explicitly than a universal DNN.
The wide-and-deep [4] is a model in this spirit. It takes cross features as inputs to a linear model, and jointly trains the linear model with a DNN model. However, the success of wide-and-deep hinges on a proper choice of cross features, an exponential problem for which there is yet no clear efficient method.

1.1 相关工作

因子机(FMs)[ 11, 12 ]将稀疏特征投射到低维稠密向量上,学习向量内积的特征相互作用,场意识的分解机(FFMs)[ 7, 8 ]进一步允许每个特征向量,每个向量学习的几个与字段关联,遗憾地是,浅层低结构的FMS和FMMs限制他们的表达能力,已经有工作扩展FMS到更高的等级[ 1, 18 ],但缺点在于他们大量的参数会产生更大的计算成本。深度神经网络(DNN)能够学习不平凡的高程度特征相互作用由于嵌入载体和非线性**函数,最近非常成功的残差网络[5]使非常深网络的训练成为可能,DCN[ 15 ]扩展了残差网络,通过叠加所有类型的输入实现自动的特征学习。
深度学习的显著成功,引发了对其表达能力上的理论分析,已经有研究[ 16, 17 ]表明DNN能够逼近任意函数的某些平滑假设下的任意的精度,给出了足够多的隐藏单元或隐藏层,此外,在实践中,已发现DNNs工作以及可行的参数个数。其中一个关键原因在于实际兴趣的大部分功能并不是任意的。
W&D网络[ 4 ]是这种精神的典范。它以交叉特征作为一个线性模型的输入,与一个DNN模型一起训练线性模型,然而,W&D网络的成功取决于正确的交叉特征的选择,这是一个至今还没有明确有效的方法解决的指数问题。

1.2 Main Contributions

In this paper, we propose the Deep & Cross Network (DCN) model that enables Web-scale automatic feature learning with both sparse and dense inputs. DCN efficiently captures effective feature interactions of bounded degrees, learns highly nonlinear interactions, requires no manual feature engineering or exhaustive searching, and has low computational cost.
The main contributions of the paper include:
• We propose a novel cross network that explicitly applies feature crossing at each layer, efficiently learns predictive cross features of bounded degrees, and requires no manual feature engineering or exhaustive searching.
• The cross network is simple yet effective. By design, the highest polynomial degree increases at each layer and is determined by layer depth. The network consists of all the cross terms of degree up to the highest, with their coefficients all different.
• The cross network is memory efficient, and easy to implement.
• Our experimental results have demonstrated that with a cross network, DCN has lower logloss than a DNN with nearly an order of magnitude fewer number of parameters.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the architecture of the Deep & Cross Network. Section 3 analyzes the cross network in detail. Section 4 shows the experimental results.

1.2 主要贡献


  • 我们提出了一种新的交叉网络,在每个层上明确地应用特征交叉,有效地学习有界度的预测交叉特征,并且不需要手工特征工程或穷举搜索。
  • 跨网络简单而有效。通过设计,各层的多项式级数最高,并由层深度决定。网络由所有的交叉项组成,它们的系数各不相同。
  • 跨网络内存高效,易于实现。
  • 我们的实验结果表明,交叉网络(DCN)在LogLoss上与DNN相比少了近一个量级的参数量。



In this section we describe the architecture of Deep & Cross Network (DCN) models. A DCN model starts with an embedding and stacking layer, followed by a cross network and a deep network in parallel. These in turn are followed by a final combination layer which combines the outputs from the two networks. The complete DCN model is depicted in Figure 1.

2 深度交叉网络(DCN)


2.1 Embedding and Stacking Layer

We consider input data with sparse and dense features. In Web-scale recommender systems such as CTR prediction, the inputs are mostly categorical features, e.g. “country=usa”. Such features are often encoded as one-hot vectors e.g. “[0,1,0]”; however, this often leads to excessively high-dimensional feature spaces for large vocabularies.
【Paper Note】DCN——Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Prediction论文翻译(中英文对照)(更新中)
To reduce the dimensionality, we employ an embedding proce- dure to transform these binary features into dense vectors of real values (commonly called embedding vectors):xembed,i=Wembed,ixi        (1)x_{embed,i} =W_{embed,i}x_i\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (1) where xembed,ix_{embed,i} is the embedding vector, xix_i is the binary input in the i-th category, and Wembed,iW_{embed,i}Rne × nvR^{n_e \ ×\ n_v} is the corresponding embedding matrix that will be optimized together with other parameters in the network, and nen_e , nvn_v are the embedding size and vocabulary size, respectively.
In the end, we stack the embedding vectors, along with the normalized dense features xdensex_{dense} , into one vector: x0=[xembed,1T, ,xembed,kT,xdenseT]      (2)x_0 = [x^T_{embed,1},\cdots,x^T_{embed,k},x^T_{dense}] \ \ \ \ \ \ (2) and feed x0x_0 to the network.

2.1 嵌入和堆叠层

我们考虑具有稀疏和密集特征的输入数据。在网络规模推荐系统中,如CTR预测,输入主要是分类特征,如“country=usa”。这些特征通常是编码为独热向量如“[ 0,1,0 ]”;然而,这往往导致过度的高维特征空间大的词汇。
【Paper Note】DCN——Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Prediction论文翻译(中英文对照)(更新中)
为了减少维数,我们采用嵌入过程将这些二进制特征转换成实数值的稠密向量(通常称为嵌入向量):xembed,i=Wembed,ixi        (1)x_{embed,i} =W_{embed,i}x_i\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (1) 其中,xembed,ix_{embed,i} 是嵌入向量, xix_i 是第i层的二元输入,Wembed,iW_{embed,i}Rne × nvR^{n_e \ ×\ n_v} 是与网络中的其他参数一起优化的相应的嵌入矩阵, nen_e , nvn_v 分别是嵌入大小和词汇大小,最后,我们将嵌入向量与归一化稠密特征xdensex_{dense}叠加起来形成一个向量:x0=[xembed,1T, ,xembed,kT,xdenseT]      (2)x_0 = [x^T_{embed,1},\cdots,x^T_{embed,k},x^T_{dense}] \ \ \ \ \ \ (2) x0x_0 就是网络的输入。

2.2 Cross Network

The key idea of our novel cross network is to apply explicit feature crossing in an efficient way. The cross network is composed of cross layers, with each layer having the following formula:xl+1=x0 xlTwl+bl+xl=f(xl,wl,bl)+xl     (3) x_{l + 1} = x_0\ x^T_l w_l + b_l + x_l = f ( x_l , w_l , b_l ) + x_l \ \ \ \ \ ( 3 ) where xl,xl+1Rdx_l , x_{l +1} ∈ R^d are column vectors denoting the outputs from the ll-th and (l+1)(l + 1)-th cross layers, respectively; wl,blRdw_l , b_l ∈ R^d are the weight and bias parameters of the ll-th layer. Each cross layer adds back its input after a feature crossing  f\ f , and the mapping function  f:RdRd\ f : R^d → R^d fits the residual of xl+1xlx_{l +1} − x_l . A visualization of one cross layer is shown in Figure 2.
High-degree Interaction Across Features. The special structure of the cross network causes the degree of cross features to grow with layer depth. The highest polynomial degree (in terms of input x0x_0 ) for an ll -layer cross network is l+1l + 1. In fact, the cross network comprises all the cross terms x1α1x2α2xdαdx^{α_1}_1 x^{α_2}_2 \cdots x^{α_d}_d of degree from 1 to l+1l + 1. Detailed analysis is in Section 3.
【Paper Note】DCN——Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Prediction论文翻译(中英文对照)(更新中)
Complexity Analysis. Let LcL_c denote the number of cross layers, and dd denote the input dimension. en, the number of parameters involved in the cross network isd×Lc×2 d × L_c × 2 The time and space complexity of a cross network are linear in input dimension. Therefore, a cross network introduces negligible complexity compared to its deep counterpart, keeping the overall complexity for DCN at the same level as that of a traditional DNN. This efficiency benefits from the rank-one property of x0xlTx_0x^T_l ,which enables us to generate all cross terms without computing or storing the entire matrix.
The small number of parameters of the cross network has limited the model capacity. To capture highly nonlinear interactions, we introduce a deep network in parallel.

2.2 交叉网络

我们的交叉网络的核心思想是以有效的方式应用显式特征交叉。交叉网络由交叉层组成,每个层具有以下公式:xl+1=x0 xlTwl+bl+xl=f(xl,wl,bl)+xl     (3) x_{l + 1} = x_0\ x^T_l w_l + b_l + x_l = f ( x_l , w_l , b_l ) + x_l \ \ \ \ \ ( 3 ) 其中,xl,xl+1Rdx_l , x_{l +1} ∈ R^d表示$\ l\ 层和\ l+1\ F层输出的列向量。每个交叉层在特征越过F之后添加其输入,而映射函数\ f\ 为: R^d → R^d$ ,残差符合 xl+1xlx_{l +1} − x_l ,一个交叉层的可视化如图2所示。
【Paper Note】DCN——Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Prediction论文翻译(中英文对照)(更新中)
交叉特征高度交互。交叉网络的特殊结构使交叉特征的程度随着层深度的增加而增大。多项式的最高程度(就输入X0而言)为L层交叉网络L + 1。事实上,交叉网络包含了从1到L1的所有交叉项。详细分析见第3节。
复杂度分析LcL_c表示交叉层数,dd表示输入维度。然后,参数的数量参与跨网络参数为:d×Lc×2 d × L_c × 2 交叉网络的时间和空间复杂度在输入维度上是线性的。因此,一个跨网络引入了可以忽略不计的复杂性相比,其深刻的对应,DCN的整体复杂性保持在相同的水平,一个传统的DNN。这种效率得益于x0xlTx_0x^T_l的rank-one性质,它使我们能够在不计算或存储整个矩阵的情况下生成所有交叉项。

2.3 Deep Network

The deep network is a fully-connected feed-forward neural network, with each deep layer having the following formula:hl+1=f(Wlhl+bl)       (4)h_{l+1} = f(W_lh_l +b_l)\ \ \ \ \ \ \ (4)where hlRln,hl+1Rl+1nh_l ∈ R^n_l ,h_{l+1} ∈ R^n_{l+1} are the ll-th and (l+1)(l + 1)-th hidden layer, respectively; WlRl+1n×nl,blRl+1nW_l ∈ R^n_{l+1}×n_l ,b_l ∈ R^n_{l+1} are parameters for the ll-th deep layer; and f()f (·) is the ReLU function.
Complexity Analysis. For simplicity, we assume all the deep layers are of equal size. Let LdL_d denote the number of deep layers and mm denote the deep layer size. Then, the number of parameters in the deep network is d×m+m+(m2+m)×(Ld1)d×m+m+(m^2 +m)×(L_d−1)


深度网络就是一个全连接的前馈神经网络,每个深度层具有如下公式:hl+1=f(Wlhl+bl)       (4)h_{l+1} = f(W_lh_l +b_l)\ \ \ \ \ \ \ (4) 其中, hlRln,hl+1Rl+1nh_l ∈ R^n_l ,h_{l+1} ∈ R^n_{l+1} 是第$\ l\ $ 层和第 l+1\ l+1 层的隐藏层,WlRl+1n×nl,blRl+1nW_l ∈ R^n_{l+1}×n_l ,b_l ∈ R^n_{l+1}是第$\ l\ $ 层的参数, f()f (·) 是ReLU**函数。
复杂度分析。简单起见,我们假设所有的深层都是一样大小的。 LdL_d 表示层的深度,mm 表示深层尺寸。在深度网络中,参数量为:d×m+m+(m2+m)×(Ld1)d×m+m+(m^2 +m)×(L_d−1)
##2.4 Combination Layer
The combination layer concatenates the outputs from two networks and feed the concatenated vector into a standard logits layer.
The following is the formula for a two-class classification problem:
(5)p=σ([xL1T,hL2T]wlogits) p=\sigma([x^T_{L_1},h^T_{L_2}]w_{logits}) \tag{5}
where xL1Rd,hL2Rmx_{L_1} ∈R^d,h_{L_2} ∈R^m are the outputs from the cross network and deep network, respectively, wR(d+m)w ∈ R^{(d+m)} is the weight
vector for the combination layer, and σ(x)=1/(1+exp(x))\sigma(x) = 1/(1 + exp(−x)).
The loss function is the log loss along with a regularization term,
(6)loss=1Ni=1Nyilog(pi)+(1yi)log(1pi)+λlwl2loss=− \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} y_i log(p_i)+(1−y_i)log(1−p_i)+\lambda \sum_l∥w_l∥^2 \tag{6}
where pip_i’s are the probabilities computed from Equation 5, yiy_i’s are the true labels, NN is the total number of inputs, and λ\lambda is the L2L_2 regularization parameter.
We jointly train both networks, as this allows each individual network to be aware of the others during the training.


In this section, we analyze the cross network of DCN for the purpose of understanding its effectiveness. We offer three perspectives: polynomial approximation, generalization to FMs, and efficient projection. For simplicity, we assume bi=0b_i = 0.
Notations. Let the ii-th element in wjw_j be wj(i)w^{(i)}_j. For multi-index
α=[α1,,αd]Nd\alpha = [ \alpha1,··· ,αd] ∈ N^d and x=[x1,,xd]Rdx = [x_1,··· ,x_d] ∈ Rd, we define α=di=i=1dαi|α|= d_i=\sum_{i=1}^dα_i.
Terminology. The degree of across term (monomial) x1α1x2α2xdαdx^{α_1}_1x^{α_2}_2 ···x^{α_d}_d is defined by α|α|. The degree of a polynomial is defined by the highest degree of its terms.

3.1 Polynomial Approximation

By the Weierstrass approximation theorem [13], any function under certain smoothness assumption can be approximated by a polynomial to an arbitrary accuracy. Therefore, we analyze the cross network from the perspective of polynomial approximation. In particular, the cross network approximates the polynomial class of the same degree in a way that is efficient, expressive and generalizes be er to real-world datasets.
We study in detail the approximation of a cross network to the polynomial class of the same degree. Let us denote by Pn(x)P_n(x) the multivariate polynomial class of degree nn:
(7)Pn(x)={αwαx1α1x2α2xdαd0<=α<=n,αNd}P_n(x)=\{\sum_{\alpha}w_{\alpha}x_1^{\alpha _1}x_2^{\alpha _2} \cdots x_d^{\alpha _d}|0<=|\alpha|<=n, \alpha \in N^d\} \tag{7}
Each polynomial in this class has O(dn)O(d^n) coefficients. We show that, with only O(d)O(d) parameters, the cross network contains all the cross terms occurring in the polynomial of the same degree, with each term’s coefficient distinct from each other.
Theorem3.1. Consider an l-layer cross network with the i+1-th layer defined as xi+1=x0xTiwi+xixi+1 = x0xTi wi + xi . Let the input to the network be x0=[x1,x2, ,xd]Tx_0 = [x_1,x_2,\cdots ,x_d]T, the output be gl(x0)=xlTwlg_l(x0) = x^T_l w_l, and the parameters be wi,bi ∈Rd. Then, the multivariate polynomial дl(x0) reproduces polynomials in the following class:



In this section, we evaluate the performance of DCN on some popular classification datasets.

4 实验结果


4.1 Criteo Display Ads Data

The Criteo Display Ads dataset is for the purpose of predicting ads click-through rate. It has 13 integer features and 26 categorical features where each category has a high cardinality. For this dataset, an improvement of 0.001 in logloss is considered as practically significant. When considering a large user base, a small improvement in prediction accuracy can potentially lead to a large increase in a company’s revenue. The data contains 11 GB user logs from a period of 7 days (∼41 million records). We used the data of the first 6 days for training, and randomly split day 7 data into validation and test sets of equal size.


Criteo展示广告的数据集是为了预测广告点击率,它有13个整数特征和26个分类特征,每个类别都有很高的基数。在这个数据集上,logloss具有0.001的提升都具有实际意义,当考虑到大量的用户群时,预测精度的微小提高可能会导致公司收入的大幅度增加。数据包含7天11 GB的用户日志(约4100万记录)。我们使用前6天的数据进行培训,并将第7天的数据随机分成相等大小的验证和测试集

4.2 Implementation Details

DCN is implemented on TensorFlow, we briefly discuss some implementation details for training with DCN.
Data processing and embedding.Data\ processing\ and\ embedding. Real-valued features are normalized by applying a log transform. For categorical features, we embed the features in dense vectors of dimension 6×(category cardinality)146×(category\ cardinality)^{\frac{1}{4}}. Concatenating all embeddings results in a vector of dimension 1026.
$Optimization. $ We applied mini-batch stochastic optimization with Adam optimizer [9]. The batch size is set at 512. Batch normalization [6] was applied to the deep network and gradient clip norm was set at 100.
Regularization. We used early stopping, as we did not find L2L_2 regularization or dropout to be effective.
Hyperparameters.Hyperparameters. We report results based on a grid search over the number of hidden layers, hidden layer size, initial learning rate and number of cross layers. The number of hidden layers ranged from 2 to 5, with hidden layer sizes from 32 to 1024. For DCN, the number of cross layers is from 1 to 6. e initial learning rate4 was tuned from 0.0001 to 0.001 with increments of 0.0001. All experiments applied early stopping at training step 150,000, beyond which overfitting started to occur.


优化。我们使用Adam优化器进行小批量随机优化,batch size设置为512,在深度网络中设置批标准化,梯度剪切标准化设置为100。
正则化。使用早停止,因为我们发现 L2\ L_2 正则或使用dropout并没有效果。

4.3 Models for Comparisons

We compare DCN with five models: the DCN model with no cross network (DNN), logistic regression (LR), Factorization Machines (FMs), Wide and Deep Model (W&D), and Deep Crossing (DC).
DNN.DNN. The embedding layer, the output layer, and the hyperparameter tuning process are the same as DCN. The only change from the DCN model was that there are no cross layers.
LR.LR. We used Sibyl [2]—a large-scale machine-learning system for distributed logistic regression. The integer features were discretized on a log scale. The cross features were selected by a sophisticated feature selection tool. All of the single features were used.
FM.FM. We used an FM-based model with proprietary details.
WW&D.D. Different than DCN, its wide component takes as input raw sparse features, and relies on exhaustive searching and domain knowledge to select predictive cross features. We skipped the com- parison as no good method is known to select cross features.
DC.DC. Compared to DCN, DC does not form explicit cross features. It mainly relies on stacking and residual units to create implicit crossings. We applied the same embedding (stacking) layer as DCN, followed by another ReLu layer to generate input to a sequence of residual units. The number of residual units was tuned form 1 to 5, with input dimension and cross dimension from 100 to 1026.

4.3 模型比较

逻辑回归。我们用Sybil[ 2 ] ——一种大规模机器学习系统实现的分布式逻辑回归。在对数刻度上离散整数特征。交叉特征是由一个复杂的特征选择工具选择的,所有的单一功能都被使用了。

4.4 Model Performance

In this section, we first list the best performance of different models in logloss, then we compare DCN with DNN in detail, that is, we investigate further into the effects introduced by the cross network.

4.4 模型表现

在这一部分中,我们首先列出不同模型的最佳性能LogLoss,然后比较DCN DNN的细节,这是我们进一步研究的交叉网络引入的影响。
Performance of different models. Th e best test logloss of different models are listed in Table 1. The optimal hyperparameter settings were 2 deep layers of size 1024 and 6 cross layers for the DCN model, 5 deep layers of size 1024 for the DNN, 5 residual units with input dimension 424 and cross dimension 537 for the DC, and 42 cross features for the LR model. That the best performance was found with the deepest cross architecture suggests that the higher-order feature interactions from the cross network are valuable. As we can see, DCN outperforms all the other models by a large amount. In particular, it outperforms the state-of-art DNN model but uses only 40% of the memory consumed in DNN.
【Paper Note】DCN——Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Prediction论文翻译(中英文对照)(更新中)
For the optimal hyperparameter setting of each model, we also report the mean and standard deviation of the test logloss out of 10 independent runs: DCN: 0.4422 ± 9 × 10−5, DNN: 0.4430 ± 3.7 × 10−4, DC: 0.4430 ± 4.3 × 10−4. As can be seen, DCN consistently outperforms other models by a large amount.
对于每个模型的最优参数设置:10个独立运行测试log损失的标准差:DCN:0.4422±9×1050.4422 ± 9 × 10^{−5},DNN:0.4430±3.7×1040.4430 ± 3.7 × 10^{−4},DC: 0.4430±4.3×1040.4430 ± 4.3 × 10^{−4},可以看出,DCN大幅优于其他模型。
Comparisons Between DCN and DNN. Considering that the cross network only introduces O(d)O(d) extra parameters, we compare DCN to its deep network—a traditional DNN, and present the experimental results while varying memory budget and loss tolerance.
DCN和DNN间的比较。考虑到DCN仅仅介绍O(d)O(d) 以外的其他参数,对比DCN中的深度网络,——一个普通的深度神经网络,给出了不同记忆预算和损失容忍度下的实验结果。
In the following, the loss for a certain number of parameters is reported as the best validation loss among all the learning rates and model structures. The number of parameters in the embedding layer was omitted in our calculation as it is identical to both models.
Table 2 reports the minimal number of parameters needed to achieve a desired logloss threshold. From Table 2, we see that DCN is nearly an order of magnitude more memory efficient than a single DNN, thanks to the cross network which is able to learn bounded-degree feature interactions more efficiently.
【Paper Note】DCN——Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Prediction论文翻译(中英文对照)(更新中)

Table 3 compares performance of the neural models subject to fixed memory budgets. As we can see, DCN consistently outperforms DNN. In the small-parameter regime, the number of parameters in the cross network is comparable to that in the deep net- work, and the clear improvement indicates that the cross network is more efficient in learning effective feature interactions. In the large-parameter regime, the DNN closes some of the gap; however, DCN still outperforms DNN by a large amount, suggesting that it can efficiently learn some types of meaningful feature interactions that even a huge DNN model cannot.
【Paper Note】DCN——Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Prediction论文翻译(中英文对照)(更新中)
We analyze DCN in finer detail by illustrating the effect from introducing a cross network to a given DNN model. We first compare the best performance of DNN with that of DCN under the same number of layers and layer size, and then for each setting, we show how the validation logloss changes as more cross layers are added. Table 4 shows the differences between the DCN and DNN model in logloss. Under the same experimental se ing, the best logloss from the DCN model consistently outperforms that from a single DNN model of the same structure. That the improvement is consistent for all the hyperparameters has mitigated the randomness effect from the initialization and stochastic optimization.
【Paper Note】DCN——Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Prediction论文翻译(中英文对照)(更新中)
Figure 3 shows the improvement as we increase the number of cross layers on randomly selected settings. For the deep networks in Figure 3, there is a clear improvement when 1 cross layer is added to the model. As more cross layers are introduced, for some settings the logloss continues to decrease, indicating the introduced cross terms are effective in the prediction; whereas for others the logloss starts to fluctuate and even slightly increase, which indicates the higher-degree feature interactions introduced are not helpful.
【Paper Note】DCN——Deep & Cross Network for Ad Click Prediction论文翻译(中英文对照)(更新中)

4.5 Non-CTR datasets

We show that DCN performs well on non-CTR prediction problems. We used the forest covertype (581012 samples and 54 features) and Higgs (11M samples and 28 features) datasets from the UCI repository. The datasets were randomly split into training (90%) and testing (10%) set. A grid search over the hyperparameters was performed. The number of deep layers ranged from 1 to 10 with layer size from 50 to 300. The number of cross layers ranged from 4 to 10. The number of residual units ranged from 1 to 5 with their input dimension and cross dimension from 50 to 300. For DCN, the input vector was fed to the cross network directly.
For the forest covertype data, DCN achieved the best test accuracy 0.9740 with the least memory consumption. Both DNN and DC achieved 0.9737. The optimal hyperparameter settings were 8 cross layers of size 54 and 6 deep layers of size 292 for DCN, 7 deep layers of size 292 for DNN, and 4 residual units with input dimension 271 and cross dimension 287 for DC.
For the Higgs data, DCN achieved the best test logloss 0.4494, whereas DNN achieved 0.4506. The optimal hyperparameter set- tings were 4 cross layers of size 28 and 4 deep layers of size 209 for DCN, and 10 deep layers of size 196 for DNN. DCN outperforms DNN with half of the memory used in DNN.


Identifying effective feature interactions has been the key to the success of many prediction models. Regrettably, the process often requires manual feature crating and exhaustive searching. DNNs are popular for automatic feature learning; however, the features learned are implicit and highly nonlinear, and the network could be unnecessarily large and inefficient in learning certain features. The Deep & Cross Network proposed in this paper can handle a large set of sparse and dense features, and learns explicit cross features of bounded degree jointly with traditional deep representations. The degree of cross features increases by one at each cross layer. Our experimental results have demonstrated its superiority over the state-of-art algorithms on both sparse and dense datasets, in terms of both model accuracy and memory usage.
We would like to further explore using cross layers as building blocks in other models, enable effective training for deeper cross networks, investigate the efficiency of the cross network in polynomial approximation, and better understand its interaction with deep networks during optimization.