



Amazon can notify you about purchases, shipments, and delivery delays by email, text message, or push notifications from the Amazon app. It’s even possible to enable all three types of notifications, and you’ll be bombarded with duplicate notifications whenever you order something.

Amazon可以通过电子邮件,短信或来自Amazon应用的推送通知来通知您有关购买,运输和交付延迟的信息。 甚至可以启用所有三种类型的通知,并且每当您订购某物时,都会被重复的通知轰炸。

But while these can be useful, you probably don’t want all three of them at once. Maybe you’ve decided you don’t want notifications at all—the package will get there when it gets there. In that case, here’s how to disable each of those notifications.

但是尽管这些功能很有用,但您可能不希望一次全部使用这三个功能。 也许您已经决定根本不希望收到通知-程序包到达目的地后就会到达目的地。 在这种情况下,以下是禁用每个通知的方法。

如何禁用亚马逊的营销电子邮件 (How to Disable Amazon’s Marketing Emails)

It’s not possible to disable all emails from Amazon. You’ll always get an email when you place an order on Amazon, and when Amazon ships the package to you.

无法禁用来自亚马逊的所有电子邮件。 当您在亚马逊上下订单以及亚马逊将包裹运送给您时,您总是会收到一封电子邮件。

If you’d like to disable other types of email notifications, you can sign into the Amazon website and head to this page—which you can find from Account & Lists > Message Center > E-mail Preferences & Notification.


Disable any promotional emails you don’t want to receive under “Promotional Emails”. To no longer receive any promotional marketing emails, check the “Do not send me any marketing email for now” box and click “Update”.

在“促销电子邮件”下禁用您不想接收的任何促销电子邮件。 要不再接收任何促销营销电子邮件,请选中“暂时不向我发送任何营销电子邮件”框,然后单击“更新”。


如何停止亚马逊的发送短信 (How to Stop Amazon’s Delivery Text Messages)

Amazon can send SMS messages to your mobile phone number with updates on your orders and deliveries. If you’d like to avoid these because you’re already receiving emails anyway, you can disable them.

亚马逊可以将SMS消息发送到您的手机号码,其中包含订单和交货的最新信息。 如果您由于已经在接收电子邮件而希望避免这些情况,则可以禁用它们。

To unsubscribe from your phone, reply to one of Amazon’s notifications with “STOP” or text “STOP” to 262966.

要退订手机,请使用“ STOP”回复亚马逊的通知之一,或在“ 262966”中输入“ STOP”。


If you want to do it from your PC, sign into Amazon’s web site and head to this page. Alternatively, you can click the “Account & Lists” option, then scroll down to the Settings section and click “Manage ‘Shipment Updates via Text'” link under Account Settings. From there, click the “Unsubscribe” button to stop receiving SMS messages about shipments.

如果要通过PC进行操作,请登录Amazon网站并转到此页面。 或者,您可以单击“帐户和列表”选项,然后向下滚动到“设置”部分,然后单击“帐户设置”下的“管理“通过文本进行的商品更新””链接。 从那里,单击“取消订阅”按钮以停止接收有关货运的SMS消息。


如何使您的手机或平板电脑上的亚马逊推送通知静音 (How to Silence Amazon’s Push Notifications on Your Phone or Tablet)

If you use the Amazon app on your iPhone or Android phone, you probably also get push notifications whenever something is shipped or delivered. To stop these, open the Amazon app on your phone, open the menu, and tap “Settings”. Tap the “Notifications” option in the list.

如果您在iPhone或Android手机上使用Amazon应用程序,则无论何时装运或交付物品,您也可能会收到推送通知。 要停止这些操作,请在手机上打开Amazon应用程序,打开菜单,然后点击“设置”。 点击列表中的“通知”选项。

Disable the types of notifications you don’t want to receive. For example, if you disable “Shipment Notifications”, you won’t get a notification when Amazon ships you a package. If you disable all the options here, you won’t get any notifications.

禁用不想接收的通知类型。 例如,如果您禁用“运输通知”,那么当亚马逊向您运送包裹时,您将不会收到通知。 如果您禁用此处的所有选项,则不会收到任何通知。


如何过滤亚马逊电子邮件通知 (How to Filter Amazon Email Notifications)

Amazon always sends you order confirmation and shipping confirmation emails. These are useful. After all, if someone accessed your account and fraudulently ordered items with your payment methods, you’d want to know that there was a problem.

亚马逊始终向您发送订单确认和运输确认电子邮件。 这些很有用。 毕竟,如果有人访问了您的帐户并以您的付款方式欺诈性地订购了商品,您可能想知道问题所在。

But you may want to prevent these emails from arriving. If you’re already seeing a notification in the Amazon app each time Amazon mails you a package, you may not want to see the same information in your inbox.

但是您可能想阻止这些电子邮件到达。 如果您每次在Amazon向您寄送包裹时都已在Amazon应用程序中看到通知,则您可能不想在收件箱中看到相同的信息。

Email services offer filters that can prevent emails from reaching your inbox. sends order confirmation emails from [email protected] when you order an item and shipping confirmation emails from [email protected] when it ships an item to you. With this information, it’s easy to create a filter (through your email service, like Gmail or Outlook), that sorts the messages for you.

电子邮件服务提供的过滤器可以防止电子邮件到达您的收件箱。 Amazon.com在您订购商品时发送来自[email protected]订单确认电子邮件, [email protected]在将商品运送给您时从[email protected]发送货运确认电子邮件。 有了这些信息,就可以轻松地创建一个过滤器(通过您的电子邮件服务,例如GmailOutlook ),以为您排序邮件。

To hide only shipping confirmation emails, just create a filter that tells emails from [email protected] to skip your inbox. For example, in Gmail, click the down arrow at the right side of the search field. Type [email protected] into the “From” box and click “Create filter with this search”.

要仅隐藏运送确认电子邮件,只需创建一个过滤器,该过滤器将告知[email protected]电子邮件跳过收件箱。 例如,在Gmail中,单击搜索字段右侧的向下箭头。 在“发件人”框中键入[email protected] ,然后单击“使用此搜索创建过滤器”。


Select “Skip the inbox (Archive it)” and click “Create filter”. Gmail will automatically archive shipping confirmation emails when you receive them, so you won’t see them in your inbox.

选择“跳过收件箱(存档)”,然后单击“创建过滤器”。 Gmail会在收到确认邮件后自动将其存档,因此您不会在收件箱中看到它们。


Other email services allow you create automatic filters or rules that work in a similar way. Check the settings or Google your respective email client for more information on how.

其他电子邮件服务使您可以创建以类似方式工作的自动过滤器或规则。 检查设置或在Google各自的电子邮件客户端中搜索有关如何操作的更多信息。

