iphone 通知声音_如何在iPhone上更改短信和其他通知声音

iphone 通知声音_如何在iPhone上更改短信和其他通知声音

iphone 通知声音

iphone 通知声音_如何在iPhone上更改短信和其他通知声音

One of the worst things about modern smartphones being dominated by Apple and Samsung is that almost everyone’s phone sounds the same. Any time I’m out in public and I hear Apple’s default text tone I instantly reach for my pocket. If you’re in a similar situation, here’s how to change the tone so you aren’t quite as confused.

对于现代智能手机来说,由苹果和三星主导的最糟糕的事情之一就是几乎每个人的手机听起来都一样。 每当我在公共场所外露时,我都会听到Apple的默认文字提示音,立即掏出口袋。 如果您处于类似情况,请按照以下方法更改音调,以免感到困惑。

While you can’t change the notification sounds of most third-party apps on iOS, you can change a lot of the default system sounds, such as the noise your iPhone makes when it rings, you get a new text message, voicemail, or email, you get a calendar event or reminder alert, or you send an email or file through AirDrop.


Go to Settings > Sounds & Haptics on an iPhone 7 or later. It’s Settings > Sounds on any device older than a 6S.

在iPhone 7或更高版本上,转到设置>声音和触觉。 在任何6S之前的设备上,都是“设置”>“声音”。

iphone 通知声音_如何在iPhone上更改短信和其他通知声音

Select the sound you want to change. I’m going with Text Tone for this example.

选择要更改的声音。 在本示例中,我将使用“文本色调”。

iphone 通知声音_如何在iPhone上更改短信和其他通知声音
iphone 通知声音_如何在iPhone上更改短信和其他通知声音

iOS comes with lots of alert tones built in, and you can also add your own custom ones. Tap on any tone to select it and hear how it sounds. I like Synth, so I’m going to use it.

iOS内置了许多警报音,您也可以添加自己的自定义声音。 点击任意一种声音以将其选中,然后听其声音。 我喜欢Synth,因此我将使用它。

iphone 通知声音_如何在iPhone上更改短信和其他通知声音

Repeat the process for any of the other default sounds you want to change. Now whenever you hear one of the default “dings” in public, you can safely ignore it.

对您要更改的其他任何默认声音重复该过程。 现在,每当您在公共场合听到默认的“铃声”之一时,您都可以放心地忽略它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/330619/how-to-change-the-text-message-and-other-notification-tones-on-your-iphone/

iphone 通知声音