【系统监控之 SysUsage 】

What is SysUsage ?

SysUsage continuously monitor your systems informations and generate periodical graph reports using rrdtool or javascript jqplot library. All reports are shown throught a web interface.

【系统监控之 SysUsage 】

SysUsage grabs all system activities using Sar and system commands allowing you to keep tracks of your computer or server activity during his life. It is a great help for performance analysis and resources management. The threshold notification can alarm you when the system capabilities are reached by sending SMTP messages or throught Nagios reports.


By default it will monitor all you need to know on your server activity (See Features), it is written in Perl and should works on all Unix like plateforms. It doesn't require a Database system like MySQL or PostgreSQL but lie on rrdtool. In addition you can embeded your own plugins written in any programing language.

【系统监控之 SysUsage 】

Since release 5.0 SysUsage can be run from a centralized place where collected statistics will be stored and where graphics will be rendered. Unless other monitoring tools with lot of administration work, SysUsage is design to have the lesspossible things to configure and a high level of admin system knowledge. Each server can also be self monitored and you just have to connect your browser to the web interface to know his health level.


SysUsage is design with simplicity in mind. I want all relevant statistics from my servers within an intuitive web interface and without spending too much time to configure it, if you know Nagios, you know what I mean. You will especially like SysUsage for that.





SysUsage generate graphical reports on all system activity information. His periodical reports allow you to keep track of the machine activity during his life and will be a great help for performance analysis and resources management.

SysUsage can be run periodically from 10 seconds cycle in daemon mode to 1 minute or more using crond.



- CPUs distribution usage (user, nice, system).
- CPUs global usage (total cpu used, iowait).
- CPUs virtualized usage (steal, guest).


- Memory usage (with and without cache).
- Swap usage (with and without cache).
- Amount of memory need for current workload.
- Posix share memory.
- Hugepages utilisation
- Active versus inactive memory
- Dirty memory that need to be written to disk


- Context switches per second.
- Interrupts per second.
- Page swapping.
- Page I/O stats.
- I/O request stats.
- I/O block stats.


- TCP connections per second.
- TCP segments per second.
- Number of socket in use (Total, TCP and UDP).
- Number of socket in TIME_WAIT state.
- Active network interface usage.
- Active network interface bad packet, dropping, collision.


- CPU time for I/O on device.
- Read/Write sectors on device.
- Disk throughput on device.
- I/O workload on device.
- Times for I/O requests issued to device.
- Hard drive temperature if your hardward support it (with hddtemp).
- MotherBoard/CPU/Remote temperature reported by sensors.
- Fan RPM reported by sensors.


- Number of open file.
- Number of file in a queue directory.
- Disk space used on mounted partition.


- Load average.
- Process created per second.
- Number of running process (ex: sendmail, httpd, oracle, etc.).
- Number of running thread (ex: mysqld, amarok, etc.).
- Number of task blocked waiting for I/O


You can have mail or Nagios notification when some monitored values are outside max/min threshold values for all type of monitoring.


Since version 3.0 you can create your own monitoring plugins. Any script or program can be embeded in SysUsage provided that it return up to 3 numeric values. The graphic title and labels are defined in the configuration file.

Remote call

Since release 5.0 SysUsage can be installed onto a central server that will be used to store statistics data and periodically call sysusage on remote host using SSH. This central place will also be in charge to renderer HTML plages and graphics for all hosts. This will allow to simplify the SysUsage installation on remote host that will only require sysstat and rsysusage.